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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 3 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

    Who is the hardest boss in Fire Emblem? (Or the boss who gave you the most trouble?)

    can't say there are any "castle" bosses that i had trouble with. FE5 probably had the worst on average, due to the capture mechanic

    the most dangerous bosses are those that aren't afraid to leave their castle and meat you on the "field;" gharnef and eldigan come to mind. eldigan is probably my final answer because i'm dating serving his sister

    a vampire breaches your castle, subdues your guards and asks where you would like to be bitten. what to do?

  2. 2 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

    If you had the ability to turn into a dragon, what color would you be and would you breath fire or some other element?

    midnight blue, and dark lightning. thanks for reminding me of what my post colour should have been, i'd forgotten about it after being away for 2 odd years. profile aesthetic complete :newyears:

    do you own a pair of googles

  3. 57 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    If one does not mind me asking, which Fire Emblem characters have you grown attracted to?

    well, it's definitely not clarine anymore, that's for sure

    haven't played every fire emblem, but i like

    1. horseback / flying nobility (lachesis, caeda)
    2. fierce myrmidons (ayra, fir)
    3. cute magical grills (linde, tiltyu)

    there are more sexamples within these archetypes in every FE, and i'll most likely enjoy their stories if i play those games. actual attraction, however, is reserved for women i meat in real life ;/

    kill, marry, spend a night with: rutger, lance, and dieck

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