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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 56 minutes ago, Gemma said:

    Hmmmmm... I really can't pick one here. DK Country, F Zero, Langrisser, Ys, Persona, King of Fighters... all come to mind. If I had to choose, perhaps DKC interms of sheer art/music quality. 


    Were you ever helped spontaneously by a stranger?

    yes, plenty of times. small things, and people are generally nice where i live

    @TheSilentChloey ever been to Outback Steakhouse? and if so, do you consider it "authentic" australienne cuisine

  2. 6 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Few, yes. There is a jellyfish called Turritopsis dohrnii that is "biologically immortal," in that under certain conditions it can, after having grown up, revert back to being a "child," effectively making it immortal to aging. There is also a fish in the deep Lake Baikal that, when it it brought to the surface, the pressure difference will turn it into a pile of bones and oil. I've also heard tales of octopi (octopuses? Octopeople?) that, due to a lack of bones and general structure, have managed to escape numerous aquariums, as they are indeed very smart problem solvers.

    Huh. Most of these are about the undersea. How strange.

    Are you one to hold grudges?

    depends on the person, and how bad they fucked up

    what's the next FE you plan on playing

  3. 5 hours ago, Clarine said:

    What impertinence, I should had only expected you to boast your vanity as usual. I suppose that cannot be helped.

    Now if I am to answer your question, I would not wish to use the deer, for it would taint my crossbow with a most foul odour. Must I say anymore?

    If you are to meet a clone of yourself, just what might you do?

    i would give him a high five and pour his favourite drink. then we'd negotiate schedule for wife Lachesis duty

    do you have any factoids about animals?

  4. 10 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    To be honest as far as I know I never have.  Which is weird I guess.

    What is the last thing that anyone would suspect you like?

    the "broken heart" question was for rex actually lol. and nah, it's not weird

    but clarine did want to know something about you

    10 hours ago, Clarine said:

    Oh my, and to think you would ask such a thing. The only spell I wish to cast upon you is one to convert your lust into modesty.

    After all, I simply cannot see you as an ideal friend, servant or even accessory.

    If you could have any wishes granted for a day, what might they be?

    i would wish

    1. to learn magic to counter spells cast on me

    2. and to spend the day as a naive princess. just to know what it's like

    @Sigismund of Luxemburg when browsing wikipedia, do you stay within subject or (click related articles and) end up outside of the original subject?

  5. On 9/19/2017 at 6:07 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 9/12/2017 at 10:28 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 9/5/2017 at 6:54 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 4/28/2016 at 10:40 AM, buttmuncher.ops said:

    1. are you single

    2. what's your sign

    3. would you like a drink

    4. whats your number

    5. want to take this party back to my place


  6. 9 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    What is the most valuable piece of advice someone has ever given you? (This one is for everyone)

    when in doubt, whip it out

    3 hours ago, Nobody said:

    Do you like camping, hiking and all that sort of outdoors activity? If so, how often do you do it? If not, why?

    no; only when friends force me to; when i want peace with nature, i go to a secluded beach

    what spell(s) do you want to cast on me

  7. 19 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    Forget that I already had a shower so I went in to have another one...only to realise I'd already showered...


    Funniest moment you've ever had?

    every moment im out with friends is a good and funny time tbh. this past weekend we helped a friend move into his new apartment for 8 hours..and 6 of those hours were spent asking each other to "roast" each other in turns (while carrying up 100+ lbs of furniture)

    when's the last time you broke someone's heart

  8. 17 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I'm an animal lover in general so that would be a hard to narrow down kind of question.


    What's the silliest thing that you've ever done? (completely optional to answer of course)

    drinking so much that i've blacked out ;/

    that in itself wasn't silly, but apparently did a few silly things while blacked out that had consequences. friends remarked that i flirted with everyone at the party..and hooked up with two different people that night. i remembered none of it, of course, but it was hell to deal with the following morning / week back at school

    i really liked this question (it was hard,) so i'll repeat it to you; what's the silliest thing that you've ever done?

  9. 8 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    No I haven't unfortunately.


    Do you like animals and if so what is your favourite?

    this reminds me of a discussion about the existence of white lions that i had last night. i proved them wrong :^)

    selfies0.png?raw=1 and also baby foxies selfies1.png?raw=1

    it looks like you've been to a few zoos. which animals did you enjoy watching / petting / feeding / interacting the most with?

  10. 38 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I would rather hit the beach or go out fishing with my family.

    Which is the better a shower or a bath?

    a nice relaxing bath would be a change of pace, as these days it's always 5 minute showers and gotta go. if i'm evaluating "better" though, showers are more efficient for me, currently ;/

    while we're on the subject of things to do while in the bathroom: have you ever tried a (dry, ice, steam) sauna after a hard workout? if so, did you enjoy it

  11. i dont know everything about your situation, but you mention that you might need help and money from your parents?

    if thats the case, financial independence is really the key to getting away. slowly but surely you'll have to become accustomed to paying and doing everything on your own; your own flights, lodgings, day to day necessities, bills etc.

    up until that point you really wont be able to hard influence their decisions where you are concerned

  12. school teaches you that in life you will be presented with duties that you dont want to deal with or care about

    but doing these duties is one step closer to getting paid; and in school doing these gets you one step closer to the grade and accreditation you want

    no one's going to stop you from not making it a priority, but sometimes you just have to buckle down and get the bullshit over with. it doesn't have to be the best presentation in the world, if you're not motivated to do it. you can settle for minimal effort and not care about the consequences (since you judged it not important)

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