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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 4 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Hmm... I'm uncertain, as I am presently content with questions. So, I care not. Though, I do like my knowledge of space, history, mythology, etc. to be put to the test...

    Fair enough.

    Hmm, well, I suppose I don't know enough about each of these classes. If the black mage can use ice magic, probably that. But if the time mage can see into the future, then it would be close. In any case, I'd rather not be a summoner. I don't like making others do my work.

    @Mackc2 Favorite child unit in Awakening?

    @buttmuncher.ops How many languages do you know?

    i know three languages

    would you rather be a dragon, a firebird, a tiger or a turtle

  2. On 10/1/2017 at 11:43 PM, Clarine said:

    My word, and just how can your Charisma possibly be that high? Surely, you must be mendacious towards the questions—I for one can clearly see your true charisma is simply among the lowest. With your statistics, it is abundantly clear just what type of individual you are.

    don't be jelly of my stats, princess ;/

    being a modern prince charming is very tough indeed. i have to know exactly when and where to use my very high Charisma stat, as it would obviously be a waste on some people

    you are what you drink, as they say, so it's time to find out What Drink You Are

    i was expecting to be the best drink in the world, the Godfather, instead of this drink i quit in my formative years

  3. 1 hour ago, Captain Karnage said:

    did you learn a lesson

    i never learned anything in class because i was always sexting instead of paying attention

    25 minutes ago, IEatLasers said:

    No it wasn’t. You accused me of sexting and I just wanted to know who the avi was.

    today's lesson is on the proper way to handle multiple choice questions

    3 hours ago, IEatLasers said:

    No I didn’t mean to imply you own her was just asking if she’s a singer or dancer or something 

    in the above example, a multiple choice question is presented with a total of three choices:

    A. singer

    B. dancer

    C. something

    3 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

    oh she's something, alrite

    although this is only a sample question and answer, please note that this is how triple AAA+++ rated students approach multiple choice questions


  4. 6 hours ago, Slade said:

    What is one place in the world you want to travel to?

    I don't contemplate that any state is held on such a status, there really isn't a "superior" state in my eyes. Each state has it's pros and cons, for example NY is perfect for sight seeing, shopping, food, tourist spot but people in NY may be assholes, bad drivers, crowded... you catch my drift

    rio de janeiro

    what would you name the deep strike division of your military

  5. you are a total nerd for trying in PE. i ran 4 minute miles without trying

    jokes aside, your teacher is human too. it's rude to sext in class, and his response was ruder still. he shouldn't have responded / outed your condition the way he did if he wanted to set a good sexample

    senioritis is a thing, but being a senior you don't want anything to rwuin your last year; so it's probably best to just not text in that teachers class

    you can get back at him with a senior prank later on in the year :^)

  6. 17 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I did ask this before but I think the question needs to be make clear.


    Which is your favourite gimmick in a Fire Emblem game?

    i'm not sure how gimmick is defined regarding fire emblem, so if you'd like to give examples that would help. if you mean what i think you mean though, i would say

    (mechanical play) : canto / warp stave (2 turning chapters where possibru)

    (tropes) : lethal edgy myrmidon / pouty princess

    ever been to an ugly sweater christmas party? if not, have you ever knitted an ugly christmas sweater

    11 hours ago, Clarine said:

    I would expect an individual such as yourself to call maids "sexy" rather than cute...

    silly chuunibear, sexy and cute aren't mutually sexclusive

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