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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 20 hours ago, IEatLasers said:

    What is the name of the woman in your avi?

    mrs. buttmuncher

    14 hours ago, Clarine said:

    If I am to understand you correctly, you would merely join the protagonist for their female allies, yes?

    As for my traits of an ever so rare Evil-Eye Chuunibyou, such does not mean I naturally possess evil thoughts or engage in many adventures contrary to what fiction portrays. However, I must confess—even a refined and polite lady such as myself appear to not be above possessing these "villainous thoughts". Very well, since you appear to be truly interested, I shall say my Chuunibyou tendencies manifested itself at a most early age—at the age of six years if I may estimate. As amusing as it may be, I grew overly interested in the onomatopoeia known as "kaboom" which as one ought to know, portrayed the noise of an explosion—and I just so happen to grew an interest in summoning pentagrams in addition. May I say, such shifted towards a more... perchance, villainous tone? After all, I devised posters of myself parodying those of propaganda for the denizens of my school to join my army.

    But I digress, I truly doubt my adventures are noteworthy, for I lived a most sheltered life. But regarding such villainous thoughts, some may say and I simply must confess—I contemplated regarding the practice of genocide, for the greater good of course. As of now, there are at least seven billion human beings living on this planet, in which are fated to decline as sources and supplies deplete in stock—thus forcing the entire human race into an even worse state upon their dystopia. Simply put, I do believe there are far too many useless and supply consuming humans that simply must be disposed of if the human race is to avoid a fate worse than death. I say, I do not believe I am "evil" by definition but the common majority most certainly would—for I was accused of being a demon and a curious reincarnation of the ever so infamous Adolf Hitler numerous times. But in truth, I merely desired to save this world from an inevitable crisis in the most logical way possible—I am most certainly not a villain but rather the perhaps eccentric lady one ought to see me as. Onto a lighter subject, I actually do wish to partake in a summoning ritual to bring forth a demon or so-called "abomination" not to terrorise the commoners surrounding me but rather to invite them to my tea party—even if such would be with a contract-exploiting devil or but a mere succubus.

    Oh my, might this be too long? Very well, to state this simply:
    I remain as the eccentric but refined and polite lady I am but underneath my exterior, one may deem me to be an extremist with a twisted way of claiming the role of a saviour when looking through the scope of the common majority. Even if I am of the Evil-Eye variant, I lack many adventures but I do however oftentimes find myself calling and naming my special moves and spinning pirouettes without any true reasons.

    Might I ask, just where did your username originated from?

    no, i would join the protagonist because she's cute. but if her friends are cute too..i guess the fictional work progresses to romcom then :rolleyes:

    i think everyone's contemplated those types of thoughts especially when they're feeling down or overall dissatisfied with the world. as long as you don't act on it, it's okay

    @Nobody would you rather be visited by a witch, succubus or vampiress this halloween (and why, if you feel like it :^)

  2. learning the POS system as a first job is great. depending on the type of store and how busy it is, you'll need to be quick and efficient though. i know people that start in the warehouse / stockroom, go to front end, and need to get moved back because their lines end up being longer during peak hours

    if it's retail, what's really in demand is being able to work the in house technology to do your inventory management, while comparing all the hard (and soft) data you have on hand to make the best choices for your store. if you've used a computer all your life, that's something you could look into as well

    goodluck :^)

  3. On 10/17/2017 at 4:45 AM, Clarine said:

    Oh my, I am afraid you must be mistaking me for Lady Clair... Oh, I jest. I am faring passably well but if I must truly say, I am unspeakably bored in nearly every aspect and there appears to be a most distressing lack of cure for my ever so present predicament. Otherwise, I am of an acceptable state—and what of you if I may ask?

    If one is to imagine you as a fictional villain of some sort, just what type of villain might you be?

    a second in command type that gets away with everything. you know, smarter than the actual antagonist, yet good looking enough that the protagonist would swoon over me ;/

    we'd fight and stuff, then make up as i get converted to the protagonists' side

    does being an "evil eye" chuunibear mean you have evil thoughts / adventures often? if so, what might these villainous thoughts / adventures be

  4. On 10/3/2017 at 9:19 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 9/26/2017 at 10:36 AM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 9/19/2017 at 6:07 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 9/12/2017 at 10:28 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 9/5/2017 at 6:54 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:
    On 4/28/2016 at 10:40 AM, buttmuncher.ops said:

    1. are you single

    2. what's your sign

    3. would you like a drink

    4. whats your number

    5. want to take this party back to my place


  5. 4 hours ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:


    Which was the largest lake you have visited yet?

    i can't recall tbh. it had to be any near the border of the us and canadia; so i'll say michigan

    do you believe camus made the correct choice in the war of shadows, and what would you have done, or done differently, if you were in his place

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