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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 14 hours ago, Claudius I said:

    14. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?
    15. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?
    16. Forgiveness or retribution?
    17. Thoroughness or efficiency?
    18. Have you enjoyed your interview?
    19. Is there any question you would have liked to be asked, but haven't been asked? If so, what is it and what is the answer to it?

    Wait, really? In my memory, you only came in later. Or do you mean that you were present from the beginning, but only thought of the 5 most generally awkward questions later?

    14. active. when goals are achieved, would switch gears to passive. having said this, i much prefer assisting or being a "hand to the king" instead of ruling outright

    15. legal naturalism

    16. this one is applied situationally; depending on the person and the offence

    17. efficient thoroughness. if it takes an hour to complete a task thoroughly, i expect it to be done in half an hour after two weeks of practice

    18. yeah it was fun. i had the schedule differently in my head actually lol

    19. nah. these types of questions are always a little weird to me lol. people are going to ask what they want to ask, and if i ever want someone to know something about me, they'll know that i let them know. you know?

    yeah memory's hazy from that time. i specifically remember reacting to tango's~ opt out like "bitch, please." you're probably right in that i didn't actually start participating in the game until much later; i want to say general horace or jedi's interview but it's a pain to search (can't search by username ;/)

    9 hours ago, Natalie said:

    I actually worked as a child carer a couple of years ago part time and it wasn't government employment, it was more nanny work. But I think both kinds of childcare are really great and important. I was offered something more full time recently, but I turned it down because I love my current job so much and I didn't want to move cities.

    55. What job would you have guessed/what do you think I do now?

    56. Favourite holiday?

    57. Do you prefer time with friends or family?

    58. Have you ever listened to any music composed by Shostakovich?

    59. What was your favourite question in this interview?

    60. If there was one thing you could change about the world, what would it be?

    same, there are few cities i'd be willing to move to for twerk

    55. my original guess is that you were still in school for art / fashion design and the like. if that wasn't the case, i was thinking medical or paralegal. having gotten to know you better now, my top three guesses would be:

    1. education field, as a TA or playground supervisor

    2. veterinarian's office in any capacity or paid work at an animal shelter

    3. retail women's fashion, possibly custom design & alterations or simply shoes

    56. it's tied between the 4th of july and halloween

    57. with lachesis friends

    58. looking over the composition list, i've never played any of these while in band; the closest i would have come to hearing his music would be films like king lear, hamlet etc. (which i haven't seen)

    59. hard to say. there were two instances i recall that i laughed at the irony: default quoting my own 5 questions back at me, and clarine turning the tables by putting me in a fantasy adventure (i put her in a fantasy text adventure in the forum game where we ask questions)

    60. i would eliminate currency, and the idea of it

    6 hours ago, Gemma said:

    Yes, definitely try shrimp and grits some time. 

    23. An aspiration you had that you no longer hold?

    24. If you jad a stall at a renaissance fair, what would you sell?

    25. Favorite bird of prey?

    26. Have an older console/handheld you’ve never played that you would like to try?

    27. What beverage/food would you have too cool down on a hot day?

    yee, i don't know any southern style restaurants in LA that might serve it though (maybe roscoes)

    23. fighter pilot

    24. alcohol most likely. i'm a pretty good bartender at house parties

    25. the hawk

    26. it's not old, but i would want to play on a 3DS if i was a kid at this time lol

    27. arnold palmer, or if day drinking add a little wodka to make it a jon daly

    1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    You should be more afraid of me tbh


    i was busy so I didn't have time to come back and ask more questions... sorry @buttmuncher.ops ;/

    also @DefaultBeep pretty much expressed my opinion on the whole disciplining your children topic with his well done wall of text

    i approve!

    According to the OP you don't have to use the whole red text thing

    As long as you make it obvious somehow who you're nominating, it doesn't matter~ I'm pretty sure Hatt-Man is competent enough to understand who we mean 


    i want to save DefaultMeap for a time I'm not busy, (to also kill them with questions) so I'll go with TAAV


    i nominate @Infinite Dreams and @IEatLasers

  2. alright im black after a night out. gonna stay in today and sunday so hopefully the responses aren't late like they were during the twerkweek ;/

    sorry for being a buttmunch :^)

    On 10/13/2017 at 2:27 AM, Natalie said:

    Yes! GameBoy and SNES Zelda! 

    Actually I only have the port to GBA for the SNES game, but I still play Oracle of Seasons and Link's Awakening on my GBC.

    Woah no! I would never call buttmuncher a mole! I was talking to that mr mole who's conveniently changed his avatar.

    If it makes you feel any better I pulled your favourite butt-to-munch guuuurl on Heroes last night.


    I mean she's totally useless to me, but I thought you'd appreciate her~

    42. I'm planning to play FE4 next after some persuasion from a certain Hatt. Tell me what you think are the best things about it.

    43. Aren't cats in boxes just the CUTEST things on the planet?


    44. Don't you think my cat is the greatest for having an actual lion mane?

    45. Ever seen the Indiana Jones movies?

    46. Do you have any pets, or are there any you'd like?

    47. Sweet or savoury?

    48. Favourite fruit?

    link's awakening is a great game. it's one of the few games where i actually enjoyed the music

    cute is never useless~

    42. i tried to make this as spoiler free as possible, so please excuse the vagueness

    back then it was groundbreaking in terms of all the things they introduced. skills, canto, weapon triangle, marriage => second generation etc. the best thing overall now is the novelty. there are also a few twists on "classic" FE story tropes, like dangerous man + damsel escaping dandits and brother (in arms) vs brother

    the (re)playability is still great even if you're used to newer emblems, and the best thing that stuck out to me from the story was the brotherhood. the lord attends the same academy as two other characters, and they end up fighting in the same war; not to mention all your characters know each other in some way or are in fact blood related

    43. yes, but not as cute as baby kitties in teacups

    44. that's a real cool cat :3

    45. a few of them growing up. i never got into the series unfortunately ;/

    46. nah i don't. there are 3 neighbor kittens i play with in my backyard tho: a calico / bengal, black tabby and tuxedo. i do really think it would be cool to be friends with a white lion though. otherwise as an actual pet i would get a (80%) kitten or (20%) puppy..

    47. depends on the time of day really. savoury almost all the time, sweet when i really want it

    48. strawberry

    On 10/13/2017 at 2:30 AM, DefaultBeep said:

    Nah, pretty sure that was directed toward me before I miraculously grew a ponytail that solved all of my vision problems.

    If it was called Battlestar Galactica and came out after the 1970s-1980s, then it was probably the reboot. And yeah, the Battlestar Galactica prequel "Paprika" was pretty stellar.

    I haven't actually seen that nor the real prequel series but don't tell anyone.

    26. Would you believe that I was bluffing this whole time, and really know nothing about my own species?

    27. Opinions on what you've seen of Battlestar Galactica?

    28. Opinions on my new avatar, courtesy of the recent Fire Emblem Heroes news?

    29. Did Arcanite deserve to hold that phone book for so long?

    30. Do you agree with the Magic School Bus series, which claims that "You are what you eat"?

    you're not really missing anything by not watching the prequel. i think it got cancelled anyway

    26. it's okay. i know next to nothing about my own kind, martians, either

    27. great series, although i wish they didnt stretch it for as long as they did. i understand they wanted us to feel as if we were drifting just like the characters were, but telling a story like that makes everything rushed in the latter seasons. the whole "oh hey im a cylon ! you're a cylon too?!" was cool the first few times, but i think it ended up overused

    more amazingly choreographed space battles would have been great too, although i realize it would be "unrealistic" due to story constraints as well as budget. adama warping in, deploying fighters, and then warping out was quite possibly one of the most insane battle scenes i've ever seen in a (live actor) movie or tv show; i loved it

    28. it's alright, but the original from FE4 is the cutest :x

    29. wouldn't know, wasn't there. holding a phone book is infinitely better than being interrogated with one. the street kings scene isn't available on youtube ;/

    30. yes, and magic school bus was a great show

    On 10/13/2017 at 3:27 AM, Clarine said:

    30. Should I be concerned?

    Please, you are perfectly aware that I do not laugh like that. After all, there is nothing interesting in this world to warrant such an act.

    Before I commence questioning you, I shall contribute my own sentiments regarding the aforementioned "parenting" subject. For all my life, I have always known such parenting methods of "spanking" to be truly disgraceful, if not immoral. Needless to say, I was never subjected to such treatment and if one must know, I was never actually exposed to any kind of discipline by my parents throughout my life. After all, I suppose this is stated from a wealthy lady's perspective with parents that primarily funded the events of my early school hosted.

    I. What Fire Emblem archetypes are your most disliked?
    II. Throughout your life, might there be any occupations you specifically desire not to be a part of?
    III. Of all the traits a human could possess, which ones would you wish not to be attributed to you?
    IV. Which instruments might you be the least willing to play?
    V. Of the many different Fire Emblem classes, which do you deem to be the least befitting of you?
    VI. If you are to possess a signature weapon of your own, what might you name it?
    VII. If you may, just what are your sentiments regarding me as an individual?
    VIII. Gifts and presents are normally valued but what are the gifts you might specifically desire not to receive?
    IX. Selecting from all of your traits, which of them do you consider to be your most undesirable?
    X. Would one such as yourself perhaps even entertain the idea of being romantically engaged of one of your so-called "pouty princesses"?
    XI. For my amusement, just how wealthy might you guess I am?

    And of course, I shall also force you to partake in a rather brief fantasy venture.

    Oh, salutations mortal. You have been chosen—among many—to be reborn into another world. Do excuse the intrusion upon your mildly insignificant life, for this world is on the brink of calamity. ...Now let us digress no further, for I have to fill a quota after all! There, you shall face against the Omega Overlord, a foul warrior that enslaved the majority of the world's population. I shall ask of you to dethrone them and end their reign of tyranny to bring peace upon the continents! And of course, I shall also hope you die not from a most pathetic death quite akin to the several hundred other individuals. Anyhow, I shall wish you the best of luck but as generous of a goddess I am, I shall bestow you the blessing of your "Class", singular "Power" and "Object, living or not," of any kind. So tell me, what might they be, Consumer of Rears?

    30. only if you've been naughty

    I. weak lord, a "dancer" joins your army ;) ;)

    II. doctor and lawyer

    III. lazy

    IV. any woodwinds really, reed upkeep and maintenance would really dampen my interest

    V. cleric, mage, anything that utilizes magic as its primary form

    VI. skyfang

    VII. really fun to talk to. i've smiled and laughed at a few things you say and do

    VIII. gifts that have zero thought behind it. i would cherish any gift, big or small, if the person thought of me when making or buying it

    IX. lazy

    X. all i want to do is turn that frown upside down

    XI. not sure. detective conjectures if i take everything i know about you at face value:

    (if in school) you are a politician's daughter, with some wealth being inherited - 6 figure family annual

    (if in career) a freelance journalist with some spare time, connections with top papers such as the guardian etc. no blogging or low tier papers - 5 figure individual annual, investments or "gambling" here and there occasionally brings in more

    (if NEET) you or a member of your family won the lottery

    i'm prepared to accept the consequences of having missed the bullseye in this mini-game

    Q-1. thief, stealth, i choose aqua you

    On 10/13/2017 at 10:33 AM, DodgeDusk said:

    These safe answers for my first two questions are disgusting. But hey, I can understand your stance.

    4. First and current impressions of moi?

    EDIT: 5. Arcanite called me a buttmuncher because of my first question. Would this make me your protégé, superior, or equal?

    yeah, it was like having to pick between shit and shit lol; i can't do video game music

    4. i don't recall the first time we've interacted unfortunately ;/ current impression is that you might be a conversionist where it comes to the music you like

    5. none of the above. anyone can be a buttmuncher anytime they want to be. it's not a discipline or cumpetition by any means

    On 10/13/2017 at 10:44 AM, SullyMcGully said:

    Rezzy has it right, as usual. She is the Wendy in our Lost Boy world.

    44. Wouldn't it be great if Rezzy were to adopt me?

    45. Would @Clarine have turned out better or worse if she had been spanked?

    46. Why do you ask the same 5 questions to every interviewee? Are you looking for someone in particular?

    47. What do you usually get at a vending machine?

    48. Do you gamble?

    49. Do you have more friends virtually or IRL?

    50. Would you be a manly man (like me) who hits on lots of girls, or one of those... other men. EDIT: Stupid homeschooler me, I just realized that could be read a totally different way! I mean, do you hit on girls or not. Sorry!

    44. hmm..i wont lie, i've swung by rezzys parenting thread. for this adoption to occur, you have to prove 1. that you're just as cute and 2. that rezzy consents

    45. clarine's purrfect as is. no one really enjoys being spanked tbh. well actually..

    46. my memory's hazy, but i think i was here when the game first started. i thought of the 5 most generally awkward questions to ask a stranger, and am now building a pyramid dedicated to it. i'm not looking for someone, but i guess you can say that i am looking for a reaction

    47. it's been a really long time since i've used a vending machine. it had to be soda or candy

    48. used to a lot, rarely now

    49. in real life. virtually, i only have waifus

    50. nah, i don't flirt with women. they flirt with me :smug:

    On 10/13/2017 at 12:45 PM, DefaultBeep said:

    Yeah, agreed. As with any form of punishment or reward, it begins to lose its meaning if its used too often (and in the case of physical punishment, it can cause much worse problems if used too much). Although in defense of the belt method, while my parents never actually used it on me or my sister, the sound of a belt cracking is much more intimidating to hear. I'm pretty sure that sound alone had stopped me from doing something countless times as a kid, though now I realize they probably wouldn't have used it anyway.

    I think my grandma still has a wooden paddle hanging on her kitchen wall as a warning... I didn't act up much at her house.

    31. Do you prefer wooden, plastic, or stainless steel cooking utensils? (Not for spanking, but for actually cooking with.)

    32. Is stainless steel just a fad, or is here to stay forever?

    33. Do you have a favorite song, or at least a favorite album?

    34. Do you prefer to see any new movie in theaters if you can, or would you rather just wait for the DVD/digital release?

    35. Car trips, or plane rides?

    31. stainless steel for cooking, leather for spanking

    32. it's far more hygienic than the other two options in my opinion. i've never actually read the data on it

    33. can't say i have a favourite song. for album, that would have to be 2001 by dr dre simply for the memories

    34. most movies i want to watch are always seen in theatres

    35. car trips, as long as im not driving :^) drive enough these days

    21 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    Oh my, are you a Lost Boy.  Neverneverland is like the opposite of the Baby Realms from Fates.  You send your kids there, and they never grow up.

    i would prefer never never land to baby realms too. we never grow up all at once, and sometimes we need a little paws

    21 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    Also, that's where @Claudius I lives! The Netherlands!

    Wait, does that make him a lost boy too?

    +1 pun

    but we can't all be lost boys. someone has to be captain cook

    17 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Still have no idea how we got on the whole spanking conversation, but it's not actually that bad of a topic idea. I might have to make in somewhere in General discussions.

    I have to agree. While your username seems to imply you're a... certain type of person, you're actually not all that bad of a guy.

    That's a good one.

    XVI. Are you a fan of Pokemon?

    XVII. Ralphie always wanted a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle for Christmas. What's something you've always wanted (and may or may not have obtained)?

    XVIII. Hot or cold?

    XIX. Have you ever gone fishing?

    XX. Quality or quantity?

    XXI. Eastern or Western dragon?

    XXII. Katana or broadsword?

    XVI. not a full blown fan, as i stuck to the original 150. 151? 152? idk but i only played (and really enjoyed) the original generation

    XVII. if we're sticking to material things, my parents always got me what i wanted as a kid. currently, i'm looking at things like computer / car / house. can't say i have a collector mindset where i've got to have a special edition or certain model this; but i would buy a new bmw 8 if they made one. not the current design monstrosity, but the infinitely sexier old school design

    XVIII. cold drink, hot girl

    XIX. twice, and never again

    XX. quality

    XXI. eastern minus all the frills

    XXII. it's easier to teleport behind someone with dual tantos

    16 hours ago, Gemma said:

    16. Are you a light or heavy sleeper?

    17. Like the taste of pineapples?

    18. Read a lot of novels?

    19. Cutest type of penguin?

    20. Favorite southern dish?

    21. Do you feel you try your best in most things, or do you see room for trying harder?

    22. Do you generally feel you are open to others?

    16. usually light

    17. not the fruit, but the juice

    18. yes, a long long time ago. now i just read the news

    19. i confess i don't know any different types of penguin breeds. but it would probably have to be a cute baby penguin that also knows how to dance

    20. googling "southern dishes" i've had: hamburg steak, poundcake, chicken and waffles, potato salad, cornbread, fried chicken. of all these i think i enjoyed potato salad the most. i want to try shrimp and grits tho

    21. 90% of the time i try adequately. for the other 20% of things that actual matter, i always bring 110%

    22. nah. not by a long shot

    8 hours ago, Natalie said:

    Yeah that's why although I have physical age authority over him, he acts so much older and wiser than I.

    So in fact, after visiting the Nevernetherlands, I'll have the physical appearance of a 20 year old when I have my 21st Birthday and so on and so forth. That's pretty neat.

    Do the people of the Nevernetherlands have to go on holiday to age, Hatthatt @Claudius I? Does it happen extra fast in order to catch up with your actual age?

    Also just to finish my views on the whole spanking issue.

    In Scotland it's illegal to physically harm your child by hitting them or shaking them, and so on. If you'd been born in Scotland @SullyMcGully and @Arcanite then your parents would've been charged with assault.

    However, it is not illegal in the rest of the UK, but it is heavily frowned upon. There are now 52 countries that have banned spanking, and only four places in Europe still allow it.

    Personally, I believe there are much better and less violent ways of teaching your child that they're wrong or being disobedient. Physical punishment is not okay in my eyes as I consider any form of violence as a form of abuse (whether physically or mentally) on the child. I've worked as a child carer with a very unusual and unruly child who had a very unfortunate start in life. If her mum were to spank her for being disobedient (which she is a lot of the time) I she could cause an immense amount of damage to her mental health.

    49. Cola or Lemonade?

    50. Have you played any Kirby games?

    51. Super Smash?

    52. What's your favourite console (doesn't matter whether you own it or not)?

    53. Do you prefer older or newer FE games?

    54. Have you ever eaten British scones?

    that's really sweet that you're in the child carer (social services?) field; i would have guessed something else. i don't know how UK's system compares to the US, but you're doing great work and definitely do not get enough credit. thank you

    49. lemonaid

    50. yes, the platformer on the snes, and i do not remember the name. never got into the kirby series :(

    51. yes. my other best friend (since 9th grade) would invite the boys over for multi console battles and tourneys all the time. the trick back then was to never explain the controls, never share your strats, or even change certain settings on controllers handed out if you were hosting. there was much fun, and much betrayal

    52. sega genesis

    53. having not played the newer FE games..i guess older FE games lol

    54. i think i have, but don't remember. i was reminded of the redwall series however, because there would always be a chapter dedicated to a feast and describing all these foods i had never heard of as a kid

    37 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    That's interesting to know. Like I said earlier, it's starting to be seen as less and less okay here in the US, so I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually reach that point as well (assuming some states haven't already, I'm admittedly not caught up with that kind of information). Although I think shaking a kid (like, violently, which I assume is what you mean as well, and not just like a friendly shake on the shoulder from a friend) actually is possibly illegal, or is at least considered abusive here as well, since it can very likely cause physical and mental harm, especially to a young child.

    I'm of the opinion that, like @Arcanite said, it depends very much on both the parent and child. I was a child that didn't really need it, because verbal scolding (not yelling, but the stern "this was bad, and we will explain why you shouldn't do it" kind of scolding) was normally if not always enough to make me understand and regret what I had done, and my parents knew that and only had to resort to spanking me on the absolute rarest of occasions. My sister wasn't quite as willing to stop doing something just by verbal sternness alone, so it normally took more physical discipline before she could be calmed down enough to understand what she had done wrong. But more importantly, our parents made sure that we knew that they loved and cared about us, and they always rewarded good behavior as well, even if it was just verbally expressing their gratitude. They would take us on trips and give us things like extra gifts, not as bribing tools for us to get good grades or to work even harder, but simply to spend time with us and let us all have fun and be closer as a family. I believe that making sure that a kid knows that their parents love them and earning that child's trust is the most crucial thing when raising one, without a doubt. If a child only gets the physical discipline and none of the gratitude when they do something good, then that's very dangerous for the child in both the short term and long term, and really just poor parenting overall. But if they get only praise and rewards and no actual teaching when they do wrong, then that can potentially be almost as harmful in the long term in a lot of situations.

    (Also, to clarify exactly what I mean by "spanking": I do believe that there's a difference between spanking a child out of discipline, and hitting a child out of abuse. Spanking isn't meant to be particularly painful, but more of a quick physical response for the child to associate with what they did wrong. Most adults know to restrain themselves when spanking, since truly hurting the child isn't the goal. Actually hitting a child is done to outright hurt them, only sometimes in response to doing something wrong, and is never as helpful to the child in any sense.) 

    Of course, the same things don't apply for children with physical or mental issues. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what to do for any of those potential situations, but I know that long term harm can be caused without proper care or consideration for their specific needs.

    And I hope none of this discussion has come across as me saying that "your childhood was wrong and mine was the correct and only way." Everyone here seems to have turned out to be fine and wonderful people although I wonder about that Sully guy sometimes, and I assume that everyone's individual childhoods have played a part in that. I just want to explain my view of my own childhood, and why I think it was helpful in mine and my sister's case specifically.




    36. Ever listen to polka music?

    yeah, i'm sure we'll all turn out just fine, regardless of what did or did not happen in our childhoods. the main thing for me is to live in the present. i would live in the future if i could, but can't make my time traveling spaceship work again

    36. don't think so, unless it was in an elevator. just from a brief wiki read..it's safe to say that i wouldn't enjoy it lol

  3. 19 hours ago, Natalie said:

    25. What are some of your favourite FE characters?

    i forgot to answer this question last night, sorry natalie

    25. navarre, oguma, linde, lachesis, tiltyu (in order of games played)

    12 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    I wasn't certain if you'd be willing to state their name, but I figured that I may as well ask anyway.

    Interesting. I always felt the best way to treat kids is by acting like they're adults as well.

    VIII. Favorite season?

    IX. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

    X. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

    XI. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

    XII. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

    XIII. You often link things in your responses to topics; any specific reason why?

    XIV. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

    ya i have to make sure they're okay with it, since it happened in a PM

    VIII. i have a friend named winter that comes more than once a year

    IX. not a fan of deeply introspective personality quizzes tbh. i got defender, don't remember the exact details or code. it sounds right though

    X. a man is only as good as his word; pride is what keeps the neck stiff

    XI. urban suburban

    XII. rural with urban as a close commute

    XIII. a picture is worth a thousand words

    XIV. pegnight, mermaidion, thief; can't really put one above the others

    10 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Im not going to answer this one, for fear I may say the wrong thing

    Also who is Sean Connery? ;P

    27. Who is agent M?

    28. I noticed you'd make these little... wordplay-type things often (i.e. xexclusively)

    Is this just because of your theme? If so, will you be doing the same thing for your next theme?


    29. What do you think of Yeezy?

    30. Would you wear Yeezy's?

    31. What is your preferred shoe?

    32. Converses?

    33. Ever been in a fight?

    34. Have you any siblings?

    35. Do you like Waffles?


    37. DO YOU LIKE FRENCH TOAST!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

    38. Can you or can you not wait to get a mouthful?

    39. You say you are married to the game, but would you leave it for something better?

    40. Ever had chicken cordon bleu?

    41. Would you eat bacon fried rice?

    As my mom always said

    sean connery is the original bond, and the inventor of the long con

    27. not sure, but it would be a thrill to find out

    28. no, it's something i always do. i've been peppering "sext" and "sexting" here and there since the mid-90s until the word became acceptable to use in investigative journalism

    29. he makes good songs some of the time, but i dont think he's the best

    30. nah ;/

    31. formal: gucci, classy: lacoste, casual: vans

    32. yeah, sometimes

    33. yup

    34. an older brother

    35. yee, don't eat them enough tho

    36. love them. again, i dont get enough of them; even though there's a 24 hour ihop 2 blocks away from where i live ;/

    37. ..can't say i've ever had it :x

    38. i can't wait to get a mouthful of butt tasty breakfast

    39. romantic thoughts are nice, but i don't think i'd quit a career for a SO

    40. no, but it sounds delish

    41. i would eat bacon with anything tbh

    i'd have to disgagree with ur mum in a polite manner ;/

    10 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    Y'know, you're actually a pretty nice guy! Even your most questionable activity of munching butts makes a little sense, in context.

    22. Isn't it great that @Arcanite supports child abuse?

    23. If you were to join a religion just for kicks, which one would it be?

    24. Of all the states in the United States, which is the greatest state?

    25 What is your opinion of the American South?

    26. What is your opinion of Virginia?

    27. Isn't it unbelievable that @Arcanite doesn't know who Sean Connery is?

    28. Isn't the new Taylor Swift single the greatest of them all?

    29. Ever listen to polka?

    30. Do you like sketch comedy?

    31. Do you like sketchy comedy?

    32. How good are you at lying?

    33. What is a pet peeve you have that no one else does?

    34. Aside from his role as Bond, what are some of your other favorite Sean Connery roles?

    35. Do you like Mission Impossible?

    36. If you had to munch an FE character's butt, which one would it be?

    37. Would you munch the butt referenced here: "Your rounded thighs are like jewels,  the work of a master hand."

    38. 2D Mario or 3D Mario?

    39. 2D Zelda or 3D Zelda?

    40. Christian Bale Batman, Ben Affleck Batman, or Lego Batman?

    41. Favorite Christmas movie?

    42. Ever listen to this:


    22. they were just quoting their mum

    23. none

    24. new york

    25. i've only been to the south once, so i can't form an opinion on it

    26. it houses the CIA and that's all i know of it

    27. we need to upgrade their hard drive

    28. don't think i've heard it ;/

    29. nope, unless it was in an elevator

    30. yeah; curb your enthusiasm, SNL, 30 rock etc

    31. pranks are fun until someone gets hurt

    32. 11/10, but i don't anymore

    33. can't say. pet peeves aren't really a subject of discussion with the people i know

    34. the rock / entrapment; and i need to watch hunt for red october

    35. yeah. i'm more of a fan of the first movie + john woos as opposed to the later installments

    36. lachesis, not because i have to, but because i want to

    37. if i lived in the middle ages, sure why not

    38. 2d

    39. 2d waifu only

    40. lego

    41. A Christmas Story

    42. first time hearing it

    9 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Beating your children isn't child abuse lol

    There's a line that is drawn. There's a difference between my mom whipping me with a belt and my mom punching me in the face!

    I know who he is, I was just going along with the joke :P


    42. From one muncher friend to another, can you tell Sully to get off my back?

    43. Ever smoke w33d?

    42. aye sully, ur gonna break the computer if u sit on it

    43. all the time. only rarely now ;/

    9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    I know, I know. There's no way your mom spanked you as hard as mine spanked me!

    9 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    I doubt it

    Actually im not sure

    But I think ill take your word for it

    i'm not ur father, but i'll spank u like ur daddy :^)

    9 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    Bare bottom, man. All the way until I was 12. But as for buttmuncher...

    43. About how many layers of clothing did your mom make you take off before whipping you?

    43. none

    9 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Bare bottom

    Yeah your mom wins LOL

    44. Did your mom prefer by hand or with a belt?

    44. neither actually

    9 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Man, you guys must have been bad kids. My mom never beat/disciplined me. My sister, on the other hand...

    XV. Thoughts on people derailing threads?

    XV. in FFTF anything goes

    8 hours ago, Natalie said:

    @Arcanite @SullyMcGully


    I can say for certain that I've never been whipped or spanked or whatever.


    Next thing @Claudius I will be saying he was spanked too, and then we'll know the only safe place to grow up is in England.


    27. Aren't Sully and Arcanite terribly abused children?

    28. Have you played any Zelda games?

    29. Opinion of Ests and Jagens in FE?

    30. Aren't British girls just the best butts to munch on?

    27. can't comment without knowing more tbh

    28. yes, on the gameboy and snes only though :x

    29. its difficult to reconcile adding them to your team from a pure gameplay purrspective. i understand why those archetypes are there though

    30. yes, and the best to spank too a buttmuncher does not discriminate :^)

    8 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

    1. Do you prefer this track or this track? Your answer will influence Arcanite and Natalie's life together as wife and robot.

    2. Same question, but beteen this track and this track.

    3. You were gone for a pretty big length of time. Or, at the very least, I didn't see you around for a while. What made you come back?

    1. neither. i rarely listen to original video game music outside of the game if i can help it. i think their marriage will be just fine without my help :3:

    2. same answer ;/

    3. as detailed in my answer to natalie, i came back when a friend mentioned that googling my name showed SF in the search results. going through a stage where i'm spending less time playing games, so FE is perfect at this time

    one turn a night, come back the next night and pick up where i left off

    7 hours ago, Claudius I said:

    8. Have you ever read anything Tolkien (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?
    9. Got any favorite Roman Emperor(s)?
    10. Do you ever bike?
    11. Opinions on FE3?
    12. Books or movies?
    13. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

    Why is your imagination always so biased against me?

    8. if im not mistaken, i've read all of the middle earth novels, as well as the movies. i'm sad they never continued the hobbit movies (unless they did and i missed it)

    9. i only know of one, and my birth month is named after him

    10. i used to a lot, but these days i walk, drive, rideshare or bus where i need to go

    11. it's not bad. opening scenes of both books were really good. i kept restarting until i realized i couldn't stop that thief from destroying the village; jagen being frank af about, and with lang

    12. when i was yung, i stayed up late to read books. these days i drink and watch movies

    13. le midi

    7 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    @SullyMcGully @Arcanite My goodness, you two must have been quite the troublemakers. I'm with Rex here; as my parents told it, I was only spanked once before I learned my lesson and became a good, obedient child. My sister, on the other hand, seems to have had a similar experience as you, Sully.

    11. Is disciplining a child okay? And where should the line be drawn?

    12. Is spanking a form of discipline, abuse, or a bit of naughty fun with a close friend or two? (important clarification: not all of these options refer to children.)

    13. Do you care for pop, soda, or anything in between?

    14. I can see that you have very good taste in FE4 characters even if Altena is still objectively the best. Do you have a favorite of the substitute characters in Gen 2?

    15. On a related note, have you ever played through FE4 with the substitute characters? Or just the standard children, or even possibly a combination? If not, do you ever plan on doing a substitute run?

    11. i don't have kids so i can't say. but i do believe that true discipline comes from within, as opposed to someone else telling you that "this is the correct way to behave." any parent who's been parenting for a long time can probably share their strategies on what works best to get their kids to want to behave

    12. i've been exposed to so many ddlg jokes that i can't think of spanking in any other way :x

    13. i do drink soda, but only when i eat out or order pizza

    14. no ;/

    15. as inferred from the answer above, everyone gets married. i would only do a sub run if i wanted to do a LTC run for a draft or something..and that's never going to happen

    6 hours ago, VY2V3 said:

    wtf, were some of you not spanked as children??? i always thought it was just part of being a kid

    some people grow up differently than others. i met a couple once that had different childhoods; she has never, and will never drink soda. he loves anything that tastes sweet. she's okay with him drinking soda though, and he's okay with her not drinking soda. he ends up drinking two glasses whenever they go somewhere they have to drink soda

    6 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    It was definitely a normal thing when I was growing up, but the public opinion on spanking children seems to have changed over the years, and it appears to be less common nowadays because of it. I'm still of the opinion that spanking/disciplining and actual abusing are two very different things, but a lot of people don't agree anymore, at least from what I've seen and heard.

    indeed, times, and opinions change

    6 hours ago, Natalie said:

    But you haven't said you weren't beaten. This leads me to believe that naughty Dutch boys are spanked too.

    Let me add this to the list of why wonky UK > Netherlands.


    I was never spanked even though I was unruly and disobedient. My parents never felt the need for abuse but maybe it helped that I threatened them with calling social services whenever they told me off.


    31. Do you think children like Arcanite and Sully need specialist therapy for overcoming their abusive childhoods?

    32. Tea, coffee or other?

    33. Favourite Star Wars movie?

    34. Least favourite Star Wars movie?

    35. Favourite Star Wars character?

    not just dutch boys, but all naughty boys deserve to be punished :^)

    31. hmm..i believe therapy should be a voluntary choice

    32. half and half iced tea and lemonaid. i did drink coffee today, but only because i had to

    33. force awakens

    34. don't think there is one

    35. han solo

    5 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Interestingly, I have a friend who wasn't spanked as a kid, and she also used the classic Social Services strat quite often. She was an unruly and disobedient kid too; I wonder if there's a connection here... I can't find that one dumb thinking emoji, so pretend I used it here in a sarcastic way. I can't think of any other way to express that I'm joking.

    16. Is this anything like how you expected your interview to go?

    17. Just to counter what the above asked you Have you ever seen Battlestar Galactica? Either/a combination of the original, the reboot, or... *shudder* 1980?

    18. Are you a book fan?

    19. Is our society becoming too focused on technology?

    20. Favorite color?

    16. i sexpected it to be fun, and it has been so far

    17. if the sci-fi series a few years ago is the reboot, then yes. i've also watched the prequel (spin-off?) paprika

    18. books are important fur sure

    19. can't comment. we definitely aren't at the jetsons level of technology yet though

    20. blue

    5 hours ago, Natalie said:

    Well excuse me! How can moles see anything if they're blind, anyway?

    I've been told Battlestar Galactica is good although I haven't yet seen it myself, so you're staying in my good books. For now.


    36. Least favourite animal and why is it a mole?

    37. Favourite animal?

    38. Do you think I ought to stop picking fights with innocent SF members on the interview thread?

    did you just call me a mole and blind in the same sentence

    36. bats probably. i keep thinking of morocco mole, and that was actually a really funny character

    37. baby white lions

    38. fight anyone you want; no one is innocent. except for maybe baby white lions who don't know any better

    5 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    I would take offense to that, but I actually am legally blind without my glasses, so your comment is less of a joke and more of just a fact. There are a surprising amount of real similarities between myself and moles.

    The reboot is outstanding and I would highly recommend it, while the first one is cheesy but good for a few laughs (and some potential nightmare fuel at a few points). 1980 is... well, it's nine episodes of mind-numbingly boring attempts at being educational while destroying anything good from the original, and then one final episode that's shockingly good and arguably better than most of the original series. If you only watch one, definitely make it the reboot (and then maybe grab some friends to watch and make fun of the others. That's what I did, anyway). It does lean more on the serious side tonally, though not devoid of humor for sure, but it may not be your thing if you prefer more lighthearted TV shows.

    21. Do you know of all the wonderful and helpful things that moles have done throughout history?

    22. Aren't people with glasses objectively cooler and more attractive than those without?

    23. Are you a fan of sweets?

    24. Do I deserve to have Natalie get her revenge on me if/when I get interviewed?

    25. Are you praying for your interview to be over yet?

    21. no, but i have a feeling i'm about to find out through a series of informative follow up questions

    22. beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    23. yeah, i am actually

    24. revenge is a dish best served hot

    25. nah. it's friday ! although i might skip a day of answering if i go out this weekend

    44 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    11: Opinion on the name Rachel?

    12: Opinion on petticoats?

    13: Opinion on kilts?

    14: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

    15: Opinion on the Est archetype?

    16: Favorite FE archetype?

    17: Favorite FE character from each game you've played?

    18: Least favorite character?

    19: Favorite class in FE?

    20: Least favorite class?

    21: Do you go bust if you go over 21?

    EDIT: It's cool that my art style looks like a web comic to you.  I wish I was that creative.

    11. i had a crush in middle school named rachel, and later on i met a different rachel that kept me cumpany through a dark time. it's a good name

    12. i google image searched and i think i've seen these before. it looks like it's a lot of fun to wear (i dont know much about women's fashion)

    13. wouldn't wear one. but there is a great bar called tilted kilt that i thought of

    14. thief; high strength, skill, defense and resilience - medium speed and luck - low magic

    yeah, i have a pretty high opinion of myself

    15. don't have one really. i recruit based on arbitrary reasoning

    16. edgy mermaidion / pouty princess

    17. FE3/11/12 = navarre, FE4 = lachesis, FE5 = tina

    18. in fire emblem? hardin

    the brother i bled with betrayed me

    19. pegnight / mermaidion / thief

    20. none really

    21. if you were aboard my casino airship, yes, you would bust

    but nah, it's only 21 questions per post..so you can still ask as many questions as you want :^)

    i used to read webcomics as a kid where they would take sprites from games, and fill in with drawings where they could (8-bit theatre, bob & george, some really clowny stuff.) the way the characters are written are what makes a good webcomic imo; and your characters look like they have stories to tell

    3 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

    Awww, you seem like a really sweet person, mister Buttmuncher.  I like the way you think!  :):

    Yeah, I thought it was normal too... I definitely got my fair share of spankings when I was a  kid...  :unsure:

    thanks. i'm actually a sour patch kid irl :^)

    2 hours ago, Motendra said:

    Why are you always eatin' ass?

    Aight, you sad it seven times but we had a problem with it for the -- the first time was cool, right; it was funny, aight? It got us on but I dunno what the FUCK you doin now, YOU REALLY EAT THAT SHIT?! DO you forreal?!

    Who taught you that yo daddy?


    that was a good vine tho

    2 hours ago, Clarine said:

    Oh my, your interview is now? Very well, before I commence bestowing you your question, I must ask:

    What types of questions might you be interested in me asking?

    well, well, well. if it isn't clarine ohohojousama herself

    if you need a theme to start off, take questions you would normally ask, and then ask the opposite of them

    but i'd rather you ask what you want to ask / think would be the most fun. no subject is off-limits :^)

    1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    My mom would've beaten you just because you said that

    We got what you should've had :p



    I can ask you the same question


    45. Do you think Natalie could've used a few taps on the head?


    This has nothing to do with us being "bad kids" (I mean it does but just listen)

    It's more what parent prefers what type of discipline, and my mom just liked corporal punishment. Same way she was raised!

    45. i think natalie's purrfect as is. no one really enjoys being tapped / patted on the head, unless it's by senpai~

    53 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with that. My parents raised me and my sister the same way. I was just a weak and easily-scared child who only needed to be spanked once, and then (according to what my parents tell me) I hardly ever acted up again. My sister was more unruly than I was and was disciplined more because of it, but we both turned out fine in the end. If anything, I surprised to find so many people here who agree/were raised the same way, since most people I talk to outside of SF don't think it's "acceptable" anymore.

    I'm more confused by how we even got on this topic...


    actually, i do know, since i've read every post

    44 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Acceptable LOL

    L O L






    Every parent has their method. Whether it be timeouts, grabbing the belt, or holding a phone book in your hands for 5 minutes (yes, that's what I said)


    It's fine until Hatt-Man or the muncher himself says something

    algorithms unacceptable. submit hard drive for defragmentation

    i would have linked to the debriefing scene from bladefunner 2049 here, but it's nowhere to be found on youtube ;/

    5 minutes ago, Natalie said:

    As far as I was aware it's not socially acceptable to beat your children anymore.

    And here I was thinking you were a forward thinking American robot. 


    Nah, Rezzy your art is seriously cool and creative. Just the other day my brother happened to see it on my screen and he was telling me how neat it was.

    We should have a SF artists webcomic though. That would be totally amazing.


    39. Isn't a non-abusive childhood better than one where your parents beat you?

    40. Do you play any instruments?

    41. Are there any instruments you'd like to learn?

    39. a happy childhood without any forms of abuse is preferable tbh

    40. trombone

    i was the tallest kid in 6th grade and told the band teacher i wanted to play the flute; but he made an on the spot decision to talk me out of it "buddy, you have the longest arms and biggest hands i've ever seen. i need a guy like you to play trombone"

    41. not really, but if i had to learn a new instrument: drums, keyboard / piano, sexaphone (ordered by preference.) it's not considered an instrument, but i would really enjoy getting my hands on an ableton or two

  4. 21 hours ago, Claudius I said:

    2. Wait, how come FE3 was your first FE game? Unless you live in Japan, that's highly unusual.
    3. Does this mean you're now playing through FE games in chronological order?

    4. What makes FE4 your favorite FE game?
    5. Is Lachesis actually your favorite FE girl?
    6. Do you speak any languages other than English?
    7. Do you have any interest in history?

    2. i went for an snes emulator during downtime. it made sense to start with FE3 since it was a remake of the nes version

    3. chronological order of release now, yes. for the snes era i did a lot of flipping around to try and stay within timeline but it didn't make much of a difference in the end. FE3 Book 1 => FE11 => FE3 Book 2 => FE12 => FE4 First Gen => FE5 => FE4 Second Gen. i realize i skipped FE2, but if i keep playing in this new order i'll get to it's story eventually

    4. the characters are actually unique in terms of gameplay. it's not quite the same where you have to choose between a bunch of the same class. there's only one prince / princess into master knight per generation etc. instead the focus is on choosing the character, who they'll support, weapon & tactical decisions; more time is devoted in playing the game as opposed to assembling a perfect team

    it also has the best opening scene, unless recent translations did away with some of alec's lines

    5. yeah, i really love the attitude she puts on display, and she can fight too. she's not dangerous by any means unless you count her tongue, but she isn't quite a blackliner either. a princess fighting her own battles, imagine that

    6. yes, two

    7. history and language arts were two of my favourite subjects in school. i can't say i go out of my way to learn more history unless i'm on a wikipedia binge

    20 hours ago, Hitori said:

    wow i always thought you were kinda scary but actually ur not

    good..very good..all according to keikaku


    20 hours ago, Hitori said:

    i don't have any questions right now and may not have any by the end of the week but i am reading all your answers and oops

    it's k. i would stalk me too tbh

    17 hours ago, Arcanite said:


    i meant to write that i erased her memory

    forget you ever read that


    17 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    I.... prefer to listen to the cops

    I mean, doing 120 mph is a lot more than doing 55 in 54 ;^) (You had better get this one)

    they used the megaphone of their car to talk to me when i was 5 feet away from their patrol car. i have a hard time listening to lazy cops, but that just might be me

    i got 99 problems, but a reference ain't one

    17 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    9. What do the letters in C.R.E.A.M. mean?

    10. Also, I'm not really sure what kind of cream you mean. Ice cream or whipped cream?


    11. Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig?

    12. Adele or Beyonce?


    13. In 3 words you describe yourself as tall dark and handsome me likey

    Describe the "perfect" woman for you in 3 words?

    14. Describe the perfect butt to munch in 3 words?

    15. Here's what I look like naked (though I think you've seen it before):

      Reveal hidden contents


    Are you impressed? :smug:

    16. So when are you going to play FE8?

    17. Isn't Robert Downey Jr. objectively the most handsome thing alive?

    18. What famous female do you think is objectively the most beautiful thing alive?

    19. Guns or roses?

    20. Jeezy, Weezy, or Yeezy?

    21. Pie or cake?

    22. Say "something in French", in French

    23. Isn't French great?

    24. I think you know French, right?

    25. Is this whole `muttbunching.pos` thing permanent or are you going to switch the style up sometime?

    9. cash rules everything around me, get the money, dolla dolla bills y'all

    10. ice cream

    11. pierce brosnan in goldeneye, daniel craig in casino royale. they're not really comparable in my eyes

    12. music wise i've listened to adele more than beyonce. she's been doing vocals for trance and the like for a really, really long time

    13. does not exist

    and i accept that. helping your partner improve parts of themselves that they want to improve is one thing, but searching for a "perfect" significant other is another

    14. twerks all day

    15. the robot i know should have more pylons :smug:

    16. whenever i finish FE6 and FE7..see you in 2049

    17. brad pitt sheds tears for your blassfamy

    18. can't say fur sure. but i did once propose to jennifer aniston and all her problems

    19. guns

    20. weezy, especially when high

    21. cake

    22. https://vocaroo.com/i/s105WSfLEkOy

    23. yes, yes it is

    24. i can handle basics like reading or listening. the speaking part has really fallen out of practice

    25. nah, already have my next theme planned

    15 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

    II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

    III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

    IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

    V. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

    VI. Who was the user who originally called you a "buttmunch" in the first place?

    VII. Fight or flight?

    I. wind, because it sounds cooler than air

    II. acedia, and caritas

    III. as detailed to sully, i found myself needing to play games that were challenging to the mind but not multiplayer, reflex or hand-eye based. i searched RPG / tactical and found this gem of a series

    IV. needed a guide for FE4 as there were far too many surprises. gamefaqs guides spoiled more than helped, so SF was perfect in that the resources gave you the information you needed, without spoiling everything

    V. i don't think so. if there's a movie about one, i'll most likely spend the next (or even previous) day in wikipedia binge learning / cross-checking. i come away with snapple facts, and not actual learning though

    VI. having logged off for so long, i'm unsure if they'd be comfortable with me naming them. i'll give you a hint though: they have two m's in their username

    VII. negotiations &  hostile takeover, a.k.a. fight

    8 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

    6. Assuming that your favorite FE4 Gen 1 character is the obvious choice, who's your favorite from Gen 2?

    7. Pasta is great, I agree. What's your favorite kind of pasta noodle? 

    8. If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, which would you pick?

    9. If the robot uprising occurs, would be in support or opposition of our potential new overlords? Don't worry, I won't tell Arcanite your answer.

    10. What do you believe is the most important thing in life?

    6. patty. i team her up with leen and they make lean patties out of anyone who stands in their way

    7. penne

    8. that would be tied between dota and world of warcraft

    9. i would be the assassin the stops skynet because john cantor couldn't

    10. love

    6 hours ago, Gemma said:

    1. Did you enjoy our date?

    2. Steak or porkchops?

    3. Cake or pie?

    4. A song that represents your personality?

    5. Opinion on Camilla?

    6. Most beautiful flower in your opinion?

    7. Ever been on a cruise/ want to go on one?

    8. Enjoy going to malls?

    9. Are you excited for Mario Odyssey?

    10. What do you feel is the best thing you have to offer for others?

    11. Scariest deep sea creature?

    12. Beautiful moment that made you cry?

    13. Do you write letters to people?

    14. Fun memory from elementary school?

    15. would you step outside and relax, not thinking of or doing anything for 5 minutes, this very instant?

    1. the pleasure was mine

    2. steak

    3. cake

    4. there isn't one really, but have a song anyway

    5. can't say. haven't played the game she's in

    6. i don't know enough types of flowers to answer this properly, but the last flowers i bought were tulips

    7. i've been on a boat, but not a cruise. and yes i definitely do. i'm thinking about holyship..but at my age idk

    8. i used to, a lot. now it's in and out, buy what i need and leave

    9. can't say i am, unfortunately ;/

    10. a smile or a laugh

    11. anything with tentacles, because we all know where that's going

    12. i'm drawing a blank. don't think i've ever been overcome with so much emotion in real life that i've cried. when watching a movie or annie may though, yes. there was a moment in grimoire of zero where i came really close i think

    13. if you count corporate e-mails, yes

    14. my best friends grandmother didn't speak a word of english, but every time we'd hang out in front of the house she'd come out and lift our backpacks from the bottom (while we were wearing them.) it was really weird and we still laugh about it. we didn't find out until our 20s that was her way of checking for drugs

    15. thats sexactly what i'm gonna do. i needed a little break!

    6 hours ago, Arcanite said:


    it's too bad I missed  your interview....


    26. So do you and Gemma get it on frequently?

    26. i'm not that kinda grill on a first date :^)

    4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    6: First/Current impressions of me?

    7: Aspirations in life?

    8: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

    9: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

    10: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

    6. first impression was that you were an internet webcomic author. current impression is that when you want to be, you're almost as naughty funny as i am

    7. get money, fall in love, buy an island

    8. well mannered kids are a joy to play with, but i think i end up being too lenient with them; they end up taking my kindness for weakness. i talk to them as if they're adults and let them know that i value their opinions. in a way i try to enable them to be confident and build up their sense of self-worth, while still embracing the fact that they're kids and can play as much as they want. in the end i find myself trying to teach them too much or letting them get away with everything ;/

    while i've been told that i'd be a great daddy, i currently wouldn't be able to give my kids everything they want; so that plan is on hold for now

    9. sucker punch, and i still think it's a great movie

    10. league of legends

    1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

    1. Do you play Fire Emblem Heroes?

    2. How do you think success should be measured?

    3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

    4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

    5. What three words best describe you?

    6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

    7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

    8. What's something you've tried that you'll never try again?

    9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

    10. What are you most grateful for right now?

    11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

    12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

    13. What are your pet peeves?

    14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

    15. What's been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

    1. no, unfortunately ;/

    2. the amount of joy and happiness you bring to the people you care about in your life. it's immeasurable, but nothing feels better than hearing "i'm really happy right now"

    3. blood and gore. irrational fears are in the mind, that sometimes what i see or hear is different from what is actually happening

    4. drink, drugs, fap, listen to music, play games (in no particular order)

    5. tall, dark and handsome

    6. i'm fairly oblivious, so i'm sure i've broken all of them at some point. there aren't any i can think of that i dislike or go out of my way to break

    7. free time, all the time

    8. salvia. seriously, don't ever do it. and if you do, make sure you have at least 3 sober friends with you

    9. not an exact balance, but i like to think i'm an ambivert. i switch gears quite frequently depending on the situation

    10. family

    11. i prefer overcoming a challenge so often until it becomes easy. as for why, it feels as if i am progressing

    12. 2006, to a house party in the hills

    13. people who don't adapt, aren't open to change, aren't self-aware; constant cumplainers, self-loathers, passionate conversionists (not religion, but the people who feel that everyone else has to like what they like,) and chewing with mouth open. there's probably a lot more, but i rarely think about this subject :x

    14. besides game of thrones, currently none. i am thinking of re-picking up the league, and picking up archer / bojack horseman (based on a recommendation.) when i was younger i watched sportscenter and the daily show devoutly

    15. 2006

    33 minutes ago, Natalie said:

    Um,  you do know there's really only one right answer to this, right?

    also where is sean connery?

    i couldn't pick one :^)

    sean is busy teaching rookies how to bond, though

    1 hour ago, Natalie said:


    23. Have you seen the original movie?


    24. Do you watch anime?

    25. What are some of your favourite FE characters?

    26. Best way to spend a day off/holiday?

    22. i did, last weekend as a matter of fact. i pooled in an uber with a couple that were going to the same theatre i was, it was a fun ride

    23. i have, but i fell asleep halfway ;/

    24. yup. annie may plays with me when the other kids wont

    25. drinking, partying, buttmunching, gaming (in no particular order, and sometimes all at once)

  5. On 10/6/2017 at 8:19 AM, Vespinae said:

    My charisma is higher, let's fight you nerd.


    also SICK I got tea! My favorite drink! ;w;

    you can try, but my constitution is higher ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ur babby attacks wont work on me :^)

    On 10/7/2017 at 3:50 PM, Clarine said:

    Me, jealous? Surely you jest! And just why might I ever be jealous of you? You may possess a large number on your charisma statistic but if one would look at me, I can easily have many followers to serve me.

    As for your curious quiz, I was bestowed the result of Wine. Take it as you may, I know not if this is implying that I am a refined and elegant individual or perhaps simply extravagant. After all, I have never indulged in a single glass of wine as of now; I am more of a lady of tea.

      Reveal hidden contents


    Oh my, one with such charisma simply should never utter words such as sick or nerd in this manner!

    As for your result—I must confess, I was expecting to receive the result of tea but alas, I happen to be wine.

    i could think of quite a few reasons :^) i like wine as your answer, i think it fits. it's also not that bad of a drink to take the edge off

    as for the newest magical grill quiz i am sayaka miki, the survivor who does not end up surviving the series





  6. On 10/10/2017 at 2:05 AM, IEatLasers said:

    It’s pretty embarrassing but I’d say it’s a skootch closer to a southern belle 


    i gotta ask. Where’d you name come from?

    a friend of mine called me a buttmunch for taking too long to reply once. i ran with it and made it my theme, since jhene aiko's line in post to be was popular at the time

    13 hours ago, Clarine said:

    You mean "formally", yes? Very well, I merely converse like this as I have grown most accustomed to the way I speak normally. As such, I oftentimes type similarly. Simply put, one could say such is merely due to my personality or perhaps habits.

    Edit: In truth, sometimes I am slightly unsure regarding if I am truly formal!

    I believe I am familiar with the many versions of Alice in Wonderland—each with their own intensity of insanity of course. I know not of any characters I can definitively relate to but I must say, my tea party is never quite as absurd as those in Wonderland. If one must know, I have watched the live films and I do believe I am mildly familiar with a video game adaptation. But I confess, I know not if Wonderland was intended to be a strange other world or perhaps a mere delusion or dream on Alice's behalf.

    @buttmuncher.ops Now I must ask, just how might you react upon falling into the so-called Rabbit Hole?

    @IEatLasers Might you be one to be among a social circle with similar personalities as you?

    after getting over my initial surprise, and learning more about wonderland; i would make queen / princess bunny fall in hearts with me and we'd live happily ever after

    waking up from your slumber and investigating the source of the noise, you find that a squad of the emperor's soldiers are setting the village ablaze. it is quite evident that they are hunting for you; as they terrorize, interrogate and beat up any villager they believe offered you shelter. do you and your butler: defend the villagers, escape across the rooftops or save the kind innkeeper?

  7. 12 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    1: Were you born a butt muncher, or did you choose to become one?

    2: What is the dark gritty backstory behind your username?

    3: Do you enjoy munching butts?

    4: Do you limit yourself to one butt to munch or as many as you can?

    5: How much butts could a buttmunch munch if a buttmunch could munch butts?

    1. this is the life i chose, the life i lead and all i see are butts

    2. once upon a time, an innocent boy was stranded at a sorority house with no way out.. a friend i made on this forum once called me a buttmunch because i took too long to reply. jhene aiko's line in the song "post to be" was really popular at the time, so i ran with and made it my theme. unfortunately, i don't think they were able to see it, because they haven't logged on in over 2-3 years ;/

    3. yes

    4. i munch as many as i can. butt when i find a butt i really like, i'll munch it sexclusively

    5. a buttmunch would munch as much butt as a buttmunch could munch if a buttmunch could munch butt

    11 hours ago, Natalie said:

    Woo my favourite bottom muncher!

    Nothing is off limits eh?


    1. Is your favourite pastime munching butts?

    2. Do you like cats?

    3. Do you like cooking?

    4. What's a buttmunchers favourite meal apart from butts?

    5. What makes you so interested in me and my robot wife @Arcanite?

    6. Favourite pizza toppings(s)?

    7. Do you play FE Heroes?

    8. What was your first FE?

    9. What FE games have you played?

    10. Favourite video game series?

    11. Do you like Star Wars?

    12. Do you like art?

    13. Favourite genre(s) of music?

    14. Say something wild!

    15. Top 5 countries you'd like to visit?

    16. What countries have you already visited?

    17. If I turned up on your doorstep what's the most likely thing you'd say?

    18. What made you become so active on SF lately?

    19. Wine, beer or other?

    20. Favourite flower?

    21. Favourite flavour ice cream?

    my favourite natalie~

    0. that's right, ask anything you want !

    1. it's up there; definitely in my top three ways to pass the time :^)

    2. baby kitties <3 are the best

    3. i've had to cook for a previous job, and i think it's really fun. i lack the creativity to create my own dishes, so i normally follow recipes, or take a recipe and "remix" it a little. i'm not allowed to cook for my household though ;/

    4. when i want to treat myself, i go for steak and potatoes. usually skip dessert and drink a godfather instead

    5. but i have to be interested first.. i really like creative people who have confidence in themselves. your artwerk speaks for itself in that regard :) as for your wife, they're really cheerful and spread joy everywhere they go; i naturally gravitate to people who are easy going and like to have fun :D congrats on tying the knot :^)

    6. meat, mushrooms, onions, parmesean, peppers, etc. i spend more time customizing the pizza i order than i spend eating it tbh

    7. no unfortunately ;/ i will eventually, once i finish FE6 all the way up to current titles :awesome:

    8. fire emblem 3 was my first FE (around the same time i joined SF)

    9. i've played FE3, 4, 5, 11, and 12. i'm currently playing through 6 :x

    10. that would most likely be the warcraft universe. i was really young and going through a difficult time when i played through arthas' story, and it really stuck to me. i drew similarities from his story with that of michael corleone (book pov) and it didn't help that they filled the manual up with the lore either..

    11. absolutely ! thanks for reminding me to buy tickets

    12. in the general sense, where we go to museums and look at paintings from hundreds of years ago to try to figure out the artists' message, not so much (i may not have exposed myself enough to have my "art epiphany" yet.) i do have a deep appreciation for living artists that are creating original characters and fanart though, i could go through pages of that for days and i don't really know why

    13. grew up listening to rap, then a bit of a rock phase, and now (all genres of) electronic. rock's been phased out pretty much but the other two remain fairly strong influences. a friend described my music taste as eclectic, with a heavy skew towards dance and french house

    14. https://vocaroo.com/i/s0SIaCnCCBTb

    15. germany, russia, spain, holland, australia (in no particular order)

    16. america, india, bangladesh, thailand, china, japan, united kingdom, france, italy, canadia, u.a.e. (in no particular order)

    17. what took you so long

    18. googling my (real) name has SF show up as a hit. a friend asked what all that was about, so i came back to erase all traces of my existence. then i erased her

    19. vodka, rum, whisky <=> jon daly, dark n stormy, godfather. i still drink beer with the boys and wine with the lady, though

    20. i confess..i don't know much about flowers. if it exists, probably black roses

    21. any flavours combining chocolate and vanilla; cookies and cream, smores, chocolate chip, rocky road and the occasional neapolitan

    11 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Robot wife



    1. Yes or No

    Have you actually done the action stated in your namesake?

    2. What do you think of me?

    3. Ya like jazz? :smug:

    4. What's your favorite food (and dont say the obvious thing)

    5. Are you currently in a relationship?

    6. Have you heard of the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?

    7. Ever see Backstroke of the West?

    yes, like ryan goslings robot waifu in bladerunner

    1. maybe

    2. i think you'll make a great robot wife someday

    3. absolutely, in fact i was one of the founding members of my schools jazz band :smug:

    4. i answered natalie above that i treat myself to steak and potatoes, but after that it would probably have to be pasta

    5. yes. i'm married to the game

    6. no, but now i have to look it up

    7. no, but now i will have to :x

    11 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

    1. Favorite video game

    2. Did you choose the butt munching life, or did it choose you?

    3. Where's is the gif from in your profile picture?

    4. Favorite movie?

    5. How would your describe yourself in 3 words? (Other than butt muncher)

    1. DotA

    2. this is the life i chose, the life i lead and all i see are butts

    3. from a music video, but i can't recall which one at the moment

    4. that's tough. ocean's eleven / casino royale / skyfall / spectre

    5. tall, dark and handsome

    11 hours ago, Claudius I said:

    1. Obligatory witty question about your username.

    1. obligatory witty response with innuendo

    8 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:
    On 4/28/2016 at 10:40 AM, buttmuncher.ops said:

    1. are you single

    2. what's your sign

    3. would you like a drink

    4. whats your number

    5. want to take this party back to my place

    1. maybe

    2. leo

    3. godfather on the rocks

    4. 1

    5. i already let myself in

    8 hours ago, Professor Groeteschele said:

    1:  If you don't mind me asking, how's your life going?

    (I'm sev/bluemartiankitty/jetblackgunner)


    i was just talking about you in discord a few weeks ago. it's rare to see fftf without your posts ;/

    1. it's going well, started a new job recently, reconnected with a few friends. could be better, but can't complain, you know?

    6 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

    1. Impression of me?

    2. I think I get the first part of your name (some sort of pervert probably), but how about the .ops? Is that a file type?


    4. Do you ever plan on getting married?

    5. Do you ever plan on having children?

    6. What's your type?

    7. What are some Fire Emblem characters who qualify as your type?

    8. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

    9. We're finding a future husband for @Natalie. Got anybody in mind?

    10. What's the first word that comes to your mind when I say "duck"?

    11. How would you pronounce the word "pupi"? Notice: the answer to this question determines whether you are a good person or not.

    12. Do you like milk?

    13. Do you like beef?

    14. Do you like cows?

    15. What kind of TV shows do you watch?

    16. What kind of music do you listen to?

    17. I'm protective of my little sister. Should I let her come anywhere near you?

    18. Do you get tired of people getting their entire impression of you from your username and avatar?

    19. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?

    20. What is the most risque thing you have ever done?

    21. Do you mind if I ask you weird questions from here on out?

    1. country knight

    2. ops is short for operations

    3. no ;/

    4. i'm waiting for ms. right

    5. currently, no. in the future i might

    6. i forgot my blood type actually. i'm probably whatever blood type is most popular with bloodsucking royalty

    7. i've never actually looked up the blood type of any FE characters

    8. went through a post-rehab phase where medication interfered with my ability in hand-eye / reflex oriented games. had to settle for turn-based offline games to pass the time; found FE3 stashed away in a folder and the rest was history

    9. i think she already has a robot waifu if i'm not mistaken :^)

    10. box (as in boxing)

    11. pew-pee; and i'm already aware that i'm a naughty boy

    12. not really, but i am all about C.R.E.A.M.

    13. hell ya

    14. can't really say for sure as i've never gotten close to a cow in the personal sense. interacted with cows on a farm, and have been feet away when they've been put down; so it's most likely 50/50

    15. twitch.tv / annie may / HBO shows / sports & news. if it was the 90s / 2000s comedy central would be on 23/6

    16. all genres of electro, with a little bit of rap on the side

    17. the best way to protect your sister is to teach her how to protect herself. we say we'll always be there, but for the 1% when fate intervenes, you can rest easy knowing she can take care of herself

    18. i never get tired because i stole arcanite's spare batteries

    19. told two police officers they were a joke and could go fuck themselves / 120 mph on a freeway with sparse traffic

    20. i don't munch and tell (i don't view anything as risque, really)

    21. go for it, everything's fair game

    4 hours ago, KeA said:

    1. Opinions of the following:

      Reveal hidden contents


    a. ee06c1c24e.gif

    b. e67647148a.gif

    c. 5e7683bee6.jpg


    2. Do you think you have rigid, porous, or healthy boundaries with people? If you wanna specify between acquaintances, friends, close friends, romantic partners, sure thing. For reference, here are some common traits of each:

    Rigid boundaries: 
    * Avoid intimacy and close relationships
    * Unlikely to ask for help
    * Has few close relationships
    * Very protective of personal information
    * May seem detached, even with romantic partners
    * Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

    Porous boundaries:
    * Overshares personal information
    * Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others
    * Overinvolved with other's problems
    * Dependent on the opinions of others
    * Accepting of abuse or disrespect
    * Fears rejection if they do not comply with others

    Healthy boundaries:
    * Values own opinions
    * Doesn't compromise values for others
    * Shares personal information in an appropriate way (does not over or under share)
    * Knows personal wants and needs, and can communicate them
    * Accepting when others say "no" to them

    3. Branching from the above question, which kind of boundary do you have for:
    * Physical (personal space and physical touch)
    * Intellectual (thoughts and ideas)
    * Emotional (personal feelings)
    * Sexual (emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of sexuality)
    * Material (money and possessions)
    * Time (how someone uses their time)

    4. what made you join SF?
    5. where were you before you joined SF?
    6. what consoles and handhelds do you own?
    7. favourite video game franchise
    8. favourite game company

    1a. cute

    1b. potential to become lightning emperor

    1c. i'm cuddling with strawberry flavour

    2. overall i estimate i have 70% rigid, 20% porous and 10% healthy with other people. i often change the boundary per specific person

    3. overall i estimate physical = healthy, intellectual = porous, emotional = rigid, sexual = healthy, material = rigid, time = porous. i definitely change these boundaries depending on the person

    4. i needed help with FE4, but i can't remember what. i think it had to do with reinforcements and how to plan for them

    5. i was sitting at home in front of my computer, silly. in terms of actual online communities, years before SF i was a thirsty yung shitposter on the SD3 gamefaqs boards

    6. currently, zero ;/

    7. warcraft, as detailed in my answer to natalie

    8. volvo, pls

    counter-strike and dota were popular fixtures at many lan cafes i frequented

    4 hours ago, Arcanite said:


    I am Natalie's "Robot Wife" already, so I think you should refrain from asking such blasphemous questions

    8. Don't some people just have the nerve?

    8. i agree, but sometimes you need an outsider to keep your marriage spicy :^)

  8. 4 hours ago, Clarine said:

    Very well, if I must.

    Such was during my early teenage years of education—in what I assumed was the equivalent of early "high school". Forgive me, for I am not very well-versed in the culture of educations. But I digress, one could easily deduced the "imps" and "ogres" are aggressive lowborn students I have defeated. If I may say so myself, I served as an equivalent of a local heroine, for I always intervened in the affairs of "bullies"; I simply cannot condone such uncouth and sadistic practices. Normally, I am one to negotiate and converse in my formal and civil manner but alas, these peasants normally speak only the language of violence. In fact, all of my conflicts are merely deemed as "self-defense". With each troglodyte I fall, the more they began to fear my very presence. I say, father most certainly sent me to the wrong school—he was intending on having me form friendships but of course, such was impossible. In regards to verbal "fights", I suppose that was rather frequent among many parties, for many do not appear to appreciate my lady-like demeanour and my perhaps sharp tongue—even if I do possess the curious ability to make many fond of me most easily.

    Quite—as uncanny as it might be, I do possess a rather admirable amount of strength in combat contrary to my petite form.

    Might I ask, just what are your sentiments regarding black tea?

    neutral really. when i drink tea i make it iced: half and half with lemonade (sometimes adding strawberry, peach or sweet vodka infusion.) milktea with boba and green are other "teas" i enjoy, although far less consumed. at your tea parties i would only drink john daly's ;/

    @Clarine (tea party segue) are you familiar with or a fan of the alice in wonderland franchise? (movie, live and animated / book / game etc.) if so, which character do you find the most in common with

    @IEatLasers would you say you have a southern belle accent, or a texan accent

  9. 16 hours ago, Clarine said:

    I doubt such is significant, these remarks primarily consists of trivial questions one could easily answer using logical deduction and repeating statements in an ever so boorish manner. I suppose such is only to be expected, for I lack anything in common with my family—quite akin to how I struggle to connect with regular commoners.

    No, I do not believe I have read the story but if one must know, I went through a brief summary and I must say, such is most intriguing! I do not believe my chuunibyou "ventures" would not currently form a truly entertaining story, for my life is simply far too sheltered and uneventful to feature many events. After all, the best I could possibly devise would be...
    A young maiden of the realm above was exiled and must reclaim their worth and reputation in a world dictated by an evil overlord of control. Through this quest, they rescue innocent villagers from ogres, imps and lesser commanders of the aforementioned overlord. Armed with powers akin to that of a magical girl fueled by the properties of her divine blend of black tea, they embark on a journey that includes train chases, undercover stealth missions and... exploring the cyber-world to build their magical arsenal. Even so, such is exaggerating as my tendencies are far more mild in comparison to how such is portrayed in fiction. After all, I desire not to be imprisoned in a dark general's dungeon of torture and experimentation—known as an asylum.

    In fact, the real world is unspeakably dull, if not depressing at times.

    Might I ask, have you ever encountered somebody akin to another chuunibyou in person?

    i don't believe i have, at least according to the standard set by fiction. my best friend and i did similar things when we were kids but we don't anymore (we've been friends since 3rd grade, and still are)

    tell me about a time you got into a fight (could be anyone, verbal or physical)

  10. what are these redundant remarks you speak of

    depends on the details. this question reminded me of stories such as ender's game (book) and chain chronicle (anime,) which i enjoyed quite a bit

    despairing at pressure would be a natural reaction. in true moments of bleakness, i may even give in and decide to let the world fall. but eventually i think i would rise to the occasion. all in all, it would be a coin flip; as i am merely human, and capable of mistakes

    on the subject of stories, have you read don quixote? if so, what are your opinions on the original chuunibyou, and do you think your chuunibear tendencies would make for a better story

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