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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 21 hours ago, Clarine said:

    If you are to have a Fire Emblem class, just what might it be?

    thief, i'll steal your heart in the middle of the night

    what unique robot abilities do you possess that your terminator brethren do not (this question was for arcanite)

    edit: opinions on everyone's favourite magical girl, dark magician grill (this question is for grarl)

  2. 3 minutes ago, Gemma said:

    Song you've had really stuck in your head recently?

    the song of my opening set for this new dance club i founded (we don't talk about dance club,) and something a friend linked to me in the past. zelda.

    they said i couldn't reference games and movies in the same sentence. they were wrong

    @Clarine since you mentioned it, show me your preferred form of attire for royalty, your knights, handmaidens, servants, butlers etc. bonus points if the sexamples also include your house colours

  3. 25 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

    She looks alright at first sight.

    Which fictional man would you like to meet first if you could?

    there's only a few good men in fiction worth mentioning. sherlock holmes, bruce wayne, count dracula

    25 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    @buttmuncher.opsHow does one get into listening K-pop?

    i wouldn't know. k-pop isn't my go to genre of music

    have you seen the movie jingle all the way, and if so, did you enjoy it

  4. 22 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    I say, and just why might you be asking this? Perchance, are you one to entertain the notion of pursuing me in which a way?

    thanks for making me laugh again

    5 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

    Which things can annoy you?

    ignorance is the primary culprit. people that are not receptive to new ideas or adaptation

    opinions on everyone's favourite magical girl, megumin?

  5. 24 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    I must risk offense and say, I actually find that mildly difficult to believe.

    And just what sort of question is this? Why might I ever desire to see a film without colour by my own volition? As such, my answer would be the former.

    Are you one to partake in the practice of "flirting" frequently?

    don't worry, i like offensive little princesses. it's the sort of question that tells of the lens with which one views the world

    there's no need for me to practice :^)

    how do you determine if someone is attractive

  6. 11 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    Do you believe an individual such as yourself is primarily controlled be your own emotions or perchance quite the contrary—in which your mind is in control?

    it's not an either or answer for me. 80% logic & 20% emotion, roughly; it's possible for them to mix together into a decision

    would you prefer to see a movie at the theatre in colour or in black & white

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