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Status Updates posted by xanatha

  1. I been listening to Wheeling Corby for 1 and a half hour now. You'd think I'd get tired of it, but... :D

  2. Thank you for congratulating me on my birthday :D I know I'm a bit late, but thanks anyway ;)

  3. Thank you for congratulating me on my birthday :D I know I'm a bit late, but thanks anyway ;)

  4. Hang on! I can see it was your birthday yesterday! what a coincidence! Happy birthday to you! :D

  5. Hang on! I can see it was your birthday yesterday! what a coincidence! Happy birthday to you! :D

  6. Hey! long time no see! I've been slightly Fire Emblem Inactive last year, but that's going to change now, it's a promise ;)

    So I just want to say thanks for conratulating me on my birthday and happy new year :D

  7. Hey! long time no see! I've been slightly Fire Emblem Inactive last year, but that's going to change now, it's a promise ;)

    So I just want to say thanks for conratulating me on my birthday and happy new year :D

  8. Thank you Phoenix and Proto!

    It's funny you should use that statement, Phoenix, 'cause I'm all into the Marvel movies at the moment!! XD

    vietgrl, yeah I was sort of obessed with Naesala for a year or something! he's so malicious and hot :D :D

    ooo I hope this comment ends up in the right place... I don't know how this system works XD

  9. All right. It's just you use the same name as someone else I knew here (before he changed name), but then he was banned. So I was just wondering! ;)

    Anyway, welcome here! :D

  10. Hi there! You haven't been a member here before, have you? :)

  11. Great signature! I love it!

  12. Sorry about that!XD

  13. Happy Birthday!

    I hope you've had a nice day!

  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday!

  17. Happy Birthday!

  18. Happy Birthday!

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