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Everything posted by Klokinator

  1. Okay, now that I'm over my initial shock, here's what the package contains for those not inclined to download: Very nice looking full animations! To be honest, they are reskinned versions of The Blind Archer's animations, which makes me wonder if you had permission...? They also have map sprites that look ripped directly from SNES FE. And they have one class card. That's actually the coolest part. Have some gifs. "I punch the air to make magic appear!" "I AIN'T GONNA HEAL YOU HOMIE, JUST HAVE A DOLLA MAH NIGGA!" -
  2. Sweet merciful christ, I didn't expect them to look this good :OOOOOOOOOOOO
  3. A reminder to people browsing this topic how we should be acting in the community instead of how we always have. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=44615&page=1
  4. COULD WE BE WITNESSING THE POSSIBLE COMPLETION OF PROJECT RAINBOW? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z But seriously, not much more and there could be a whole new open source release for the fandom.
  5. I say forget the dumb STR/MAG split, and instead implement a universal POW stat. Then, add a new stat called SPI (Sprit, you can also use ENG for Energy but SPI works better for magic and physical) which is used for Skill effect calculation. Say you want to have a unit with Renewal that regains SPI% HP every turn, or you use SPI as the activation rate for a skill, or for some skills you divide SPI by 10 and the result is how many times in a row you can activate a skill, and heck you can even have like an energy bar based off SPI. STR/MAG split just makes a unit either OP because they can attack RES or DEF at will, or it makes their magic or physical attacks useless since one stat will likely lag far behind the other for 'balance' reasons. (Who cares if I have swords and anima if the magic damage is always so low due to a low MAG stat?) There's no way to balance it. I say just use the POW stat and find a way to give enemies effective counters vs a unit that can dual wield both (Of if you make that class enemy only, give the player counters for them, like mageslaying weapons, or horseslaying weapons assuming a mounted mageknight, etc.) Either way, after hearing Yeti explain it, I think a split is useless and pointless entirely. A Spirit stat would be FAR more interesting to use.
  6. Daily reminder of the greatest video of all time

  7. If you wanted to use FEXNA commercially, you'd have to agree to give some sort of royalty to Yeti and obviously make all your own art assets. The engine is technically barebones with 'placeholder' sprites. It's up to the user to replace all those sprites and no liability falls on Yeti for how you use it. I have an agreement with Yeti to allow me to make commercial games without that royalty thing but pft anyone with a working brainstem knows I do this as a hobby and I would never make a commercial game. Not because I can't or because it doesn't appeal to me, but just as a matter of principle I don't care about making money off my creative hobbies. If I treated my hobbies as a source of income, it goes from 'fun way to pass the time' to 'oh god I need to make money using this or I starve' and thus the fun/magic is lost.
  8. Holy shit, piss off, Nintendo. Self righteous fucks. You already get intellectual rights for 120 years and Disney keeps getting those laws extended so stuff it.
  9. I can't actually see the article on my internet but are you sure that isn't from like 2013? I could swear I saw that exact article in 2013. And then nintendo had all that backlash and stopped with their crap.
  10. And here I thought this topic was something about a secret Bwdyeti project. Darn. Also, hi.
  11. Changed the FEditor links in the first part of the OP to reflect new updated versions. Still working on the V2 of the OP. It's gonna be a pretty big update, every animation will have a GIF instead of the current battle scene. Mainly because consistency and also because me going through and implementing a battle scene would be MORE of a pain than doing a GIF. As another benefit, it gives this topic a bit of difference to the FEU one!
  12. It's amazing how you took an image that was quite hilarious and then by inserting dick and anal jokes and thus pandering to the lowest common denominator, you killed the humor. Not even killed it, you full on obliterated every speck of humor. I didn't think that was possible. And the ShadowOfChaos entry should have stayed. That shit was funny.
  13. I'm dying to see you play PwnageKirby's... Ash3wls also looked mad fun too.
  14. Yeah. Nothing. That's the way the randomizer is currently set up.
  15. Nice cheap shot there, bud. I can't draw or art or sprite, but I pay others to do it for me. The implication here is that money isn't as valuable as the time spent making the art, except I work a job to earn that money. I pay for plenty of things and then immediately give those things out for free to the community. I try to serve as an example of what this community COULD be like, instead of people not sharing and just using. I'm no hypocrite on this subject. And based on my latest count, I've put $2400ish into the community as a whole in the last 4 years. That seems a pretty substantial amount, given that I work almost no hours and barely make enough for rent even now :V
  16. Very little? I'm sure they have used Nightmare, FEditor, those are tools made by the community. I'm sure they've read hacking tutorials and guides, probably written some themselves too I'd bet. I'm sure they make all their own graphics and everything else, but if everyone in the community had the idea to not give things out for free, we wouldn't have a topic like this one filled with dozens of very nice animations. We also wouldn't have multiple people working on F2U fangame engines, community sprites or sprite rips from the official games (Of which I'm sure the DoF artists used for splice practice early on) and etc. The tiny things add up, but overall it's a community, and if everyone puts a little change in the change jar, it adds up quickly. Also I have no idea what animations are in their hack. I thought the Armor Knight was from DoF? They released at least that one so it's not like they've done nothing for this topic. And anyway, my comment was a general response to all the developers in the community, not DoF specifically. Why not just share? People shared their works for you to look at, use, and/or learn from, you should do the same too. If everyone hoards, we have no community. And as someone who torrents software all the time, I know a thing or two about leeches and seeders, nobody likes a leech.
  17. If I weren't using that one great new ASM hack that allows for 4 of any weapon/tome but not more than 4, I might have considered a single potential Master Knight secret character or something. Unfortunately, the limitation of 4 weapons max makes that a no. Now, for FEXNA games of mine in the future... I'll probably be getting even bigger and bigger as time goes on. The arrow seems a tad slow but otherwise, great animation so far!
  18. I'll never understand people who don't share resources for the community that gave resources to them. That's why everything I make or pay fo others to make is always F2U, except character mugs because characters are different. Also, lord animations for a specific game. But generic stuff... just share it. The community gives you tutorials and guides and the community makes you into a great developer, the least you can do is give back whenever possible.
  19. Spoke to my father for the first time in my life. Took 23 years but it finally happened. Feels good.

    1. Kirie


      Glad it worked out well for you. :3 Still haven't spoken to mine; don't ever expect to.

    2. Klokinator


      Well shit, that sucks.

  20. Yeah, the screen shake REALLY makes the punch have some whump.
  21. The part where she has the power-up aura at her feet is a prime spot for the screen shake, just imo.
  22. You could also do a big time screen shake, Ereshkigal style, when the punch connects. It's a simple eventing command apparently :O
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