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Everything posted by Kngt_Of_Titania

  1. Shh...I was trying to make them think you weren't rushing through this. Fixed.
  2. You shouldn't have any cash flow problems in this draft, should you?
  3. Alright, updated the progress. I cannot update the points until Baldrick gets past C13x.
  4. Hey, it's morning here. I still have 18 more hours or so of April Fools.
  5. What's worse is he pays you with Monopoly money, but then refuses to give you more than a few singles. After all, paying rent on those purple spaces is a bitch.
  6. Same as what I heard as well, but from Wikipedia. :>
  7. Wait, Aussies hate Brits? I mean, I guess I can understand; after all, the earliest people there were essentially prisoners that the British dumped on a forsaken island to die from dehydration, disease, starvation, and exposure. Then again, America is close allies with the British despite the fact that we basically fought tooth and nail against them for independence and again in 1812, so meh. On a related note, the South still really has a huge grudge with the North over the civil war. Piece of advice; if people call you a yank south of Virginia, do not mention any term to them related to any event between the years 1850-1900. Why did I mention this? I don't know. Also, wtf is a pomegranate, other than the fruit? Fun fact: The word grenade comes from the word pomegranate, because the earliest grenades had large pellets inside and resembled the fruit as a result.
  8. Up to Chapter 13x will be ultimately posted here right now! Chapter 11: Experience: 1st: Baldrick (339 EXP) - 8 Points 2nd: Konnor97 (294 EXP) - 6 Points 3rd: HongLei (292 EXP) - 4 Points 4th: Boron (263 EXP) - 2 Points LTC: 1st: Konnor97/Baldrick/Boron (7 Turns) - 8 Points 4th: HongLei (8 Turns) - 2 Points Combined: 1st: Baldrick - 16 Points 2nd: Konnor97 - 14 Points 3rd: Boron - 10 Points 4th: HongLei - 6 Points Chapter 12: Experience: 1st: Baldrick (601 EXP) - 12 Points 2nd: Konnor97 (506 EXP) - 9 Points 3rd: HongLei (461 EXP) - 6 Points 4th: Boron (351 EXP) - 3 Points LTC: 1st: Baldrick/HongLei (5 Turns) - 12 Points 3rd: Boron (7 Turns) - 6 Points 4th: Konnor97 (8 Turns) - 3 Points Combined: 1st: Baldrick - 24 Points 2nd: HongLei - 18 Points 3rd: Konnor97 - 12 Points 4th: Boron - 9 Points Chapter 13: Experience: 1st: HongLei (530 EXP) - 12 Points 2nd: Baldrick (469 EXP) - 9 Points 3rd: Boron (352 EXP) - 6 Points 4th: Konnor97 (241 EXP) - 3 Points LTC: 1st: Baldrick (7 Turns) - 12 Points 2nd: Konnor97/HongLei (8 Turns) - 9 Points 4th: Boron (10 Turns) - 3 Points Combined: 1st: Baldrick/HongLei - 21 Points 2nd: Konnor97 - 12 Points 4th: Boron - 9 Points Chapter 13x: Experience: 1st: Baldrick (1,041 EXP) - 12 Points 2nd: HongLei (492 EXP) - 9 Points 3rd: Konnor97 (371 EXP) - 6 Points 4th: Boron (334 EXP) - 3 Points
  9. Alright, I've got everybody's information for the first few chapters except for Baldrick. I'll post all the points once he posts his.
  10. I agree with dondon here; he can make good use of the wyrmslayer, which is all too unused. His sword rank is also nice because his growths as a SM are nice -- good SPD growth while not having a bad STR growth. Anyways, on to my rating: I like Luke as a unit. Personally, I think he's the best of the three initial Altean cavs, with better bases with Rody (more of a big deal in H3 than H1, honestly) and usually equal or better growths in stats that matter, IIRC. Cecille can give him a run for his money (largely because she's a female, which gives her Lady Sword access for silver sword offense in early chapters and without needing B swords, and because she has access to the Falcoknight promotion, which lends itself well to a sword user), especially in H1 where her durability loss compared to Luke doesn't mean you're struggling to keep her out of OHKO range much more than him. Luke does decent as a cavalier but works better imo as a myrm or a merc, which allows him to reliably double; his high personal STR growth means he doesn't suffer the way some FE myrms with poor STR growth do (Guy, for example) -- it's easy enough to get him C swords for those neat early killing edges and the Wo Dao, or B swords for that amazing Master Sword you get from C11. And he always does decent going back to cav when you need higher MOV or to pad his already decent durability. He has the third best availability in the game (tied with Rody), which means plenty of opportunity to grow sword rank/level, and honestly he doesn't have any crippling weaknesses in H1, which is always nice. So I think I can justify a: 9/10
  11. Tbh, I don't see much of an issue with it. But again, if you guys decide to ban it, I'll do it.
  12. One of the drafters has given me their information for C11, so I decided to take this time to clarify what I'm looking for in PMs. I am hoping for just a turn count and the brief experience levels of drafted characters before and after the map (IDGAF about their stats for purposes of scoring). So, for example: [spoiler=Format]C11 Turn Count: 8 Hector (Before: 1.00, After: 2.50) [Repeat this for any other drafted and perma-free characters] At the bottom here, note any unapproved actions done by using non-free or non-drafted characters for the chapter. I'll tabulate the total EXP for you and record it. This format is mainly in case people accuse each other of cheating, so I can check the records and disprove them.
  13. So, since C11 is worth 8 points for both EXP and LTC: Baldrick will likely get first, getting 8 points. Second place gets 6 points; if two people exactly tie, they both get 6 points. Third place gets 4 points; if two people exactly tie, they both get 4 points. Last place gets 2 points. I've clarified Rule #9, and that should answer your other question.
  14. Alright. 1) Tactician is allowed. 2) Due to popular demand, free units for a chapter will not cost you a point per unapproved action but their EXP does NOT count towards your total, so be wary. EDIT: I'll be honest, I forgot to check to see if there were an equal number of available picks for each of you. I lucked out. XD
  15. Hmmm...you know what? To make things easier, I'll actually have them contribute for EXP (same with all free characters), so them being free actually means something. That is, unless you guys don't want that.
  16. Tbh, I might pick Serra/Priscilla around third or fourth pick or so since healer EXP is constant. Then again, this IS NM, not HM, so EXP penalties for being higher leveled aren't as harsh...
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ EDIT: That's actually a little surprising.
  18. You know what? For fun, the first time I ever complete a draft, it WILL be FE7 and I WILL draft Wil first. And I'll do it in your name. Just because of this. Totally. @Horace: I know you're reading this. I WILL do this.
  19. My Unit. There's a reason the ladies call him a 10. Single-handedly destroys the prologue turn counts, best availability in the game, access to the h4x male physical classes, the ability to optimize growths, and the opportunity to be extremely flexible with gaining weapon ranks. MU can break early-mid-game even on Lunatic -- I'm afraid what he is capable of in H1, and for how long. Draco!MU could probably trash everything up to like reclaiming Altea, or beyond. There's nobody better in FE12...or frankly, even close. 10/10
  20. 1) I believe in honesty when I do a run; I'd rather people judge the run for what it is instead of promoting it as something it's not. I'm not bragging or anything, I want to make clear exactly what is required in a run like that. And I can think of one time (maybe two) where I could get a OHKO with a reasonable forge, and that was the C11 boss; there was also a situation where Palla/Sirius failed to double without the RP (C12), so a few killer crits were necessary. I ended up with a nearly empty convoy and broke by the end of the game, and that was with getting every Bullion(L) possible, simply because of the sheer number of base arena'ing and purchased statboosters; there weren't very many forges I could afford even if I wanted to. 2) This point was mainly a clarification on prologue, where there are no killer weapons available. It was meant to say that I don't force crits on units like Luke, Rody, and Athena because I didn't want to face the 1-2% crits; A) because it kind of reeked of RNG abuse and B) because you're essentially forced to manipulate Merc!MU's levels since way too much offense in prologue is reliant on him and forcing a level RIGHT after those 1-2% crits is stupid low odds. In fact, the vast majority of the crits I forced were with killers, the Wo Dao, and the Master Sword, and was heavily late game, where crit chances ranged from 40-50%. I can think of about 3-4 times over the entire run where I've forced sub-10% crits and about 5 times where I forced 15-20% crits (3 times with Gradivus, 2 times with rapier). As Anouleth said, basically every enemy in the main story has 0 LUK. 3) The whole point of the run was to see how fast H3 COULD be done (or well, how fast I could get it done). You have to admit that Michealis thing was kind of clever; it took me long enough to come up with, and I'm proud of the strat. 4) We disagree on some things; that doesn't mean I'm wrong. I honestly pull back any arguments I made on the Meg thread (although I still think she gets too bad of a rap as a unit because she's ugly; second worst unit in the game is a bit harsh, especially when you have some rather terrible units in FE10), and tbh that thread blew up and got stupid silly fast. No, I've said (or at the very least meant to say) that I've found a way to get faster turncounts than you, but then made sure to say that it requires X, Y, and Z to work. I'm not trying to one-up you or even give that impression; it was mostly just me being happy I managed to shave a few turn counts in my LTC run, where obviously every turn counts, rather than me going "HERP DERP IM BETTER THAN DONDON". I had to use the turn counts of you and SDS as a baseline for what to beat or at least tie; I obviously can't have a legitimate LTC run where I can't manage to tie your turn counts even while using more RNG manipulation (a good example of this in C4, where I found that 7 turn clears are about as fast you can reliably clear it, but 5 turn clears are possible with Marth dodging one of two 80% hit rates and critting with the rapier the next turn). Also, with basically every non-FE12 turn count you post, it's basically a 0% growth run versus a LTC run; they're not even comparable, and I wouldn't even try to match the turn count from one to that of another. Playing FE6 HM, I know that doing a 196 (right?) turn count clear with 0% growths is obviously very impressive, even though it looks like it is possible to shave 10-20 turns more in a LTC run. He has a complete guide to FE12, complete with proper screenshots, his posted turn counts, and what he needed to make the strat work. I think most/much of the time he did the 30 DEF pally assumption was on Lunatic', right? I can definitely see a much better case for assuming a high DEF MU in H4, considering how ridiculous it can get at times because there's no way to avoid enemy damage with strong 1-range attacks on PP. Either way, I understand why it rubs you the wrong way, but it's not like he's condoning the behavior; the guide is intended to give you a possible way to approach each chapter and to give at least a basic insight, not to preach how to play FE12 or to claim to be the expert on all things New Mystery of the Emblem. Obviously, you didn't insult his guide, and I'm not accusing you of that, but rather saying WHY I have little problem with him doing that. In other words, it was simply an act of charity on his end, and I can see why mj got offended if somebody slipped an insult unprovoked about his guide in a completely unrelated advice thread years after it was written (now, I don't know him very well, and if he constantly plays the victim, it might be different, but I don't get that impression); hell, I'm not even bothered by most things, but being insulted like I was in this thread rubbed me a bit the wrong way, not because you or Colonel M disapprove of the run (or that you dislike me), but rather that it seems like you have to mock it (or me) in a sneaky and underhanded way.
  21. Anyways, I just want to say that I found your guide extremely useful in my endeavor, particularly for the early chapters; it's basically a gigantic help for anything Maniac and beyond. It doesn't go unappreciated. As for dondon and Colonel M, they're just bashing my FE12 LTC run because...who the fuck knows why. Your name just came up as well because it looks like Colonel M hasn't given up on bad blood and thought it was safe to poke fun at you. I've met too many people who like to do that shit in my life, and they're always going to be like that; frankly, just ignore them when they do.
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