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Everything posted by SorrowOfAcheron

  1. Bizarre choices for M!Byleth in comparison to F!Byleth.
  2. The customization and the characterization post-timeskip. I'm going Golden Deer but I really wanna see what the Blue Lions are like, especially since we got a look at Dimitri; do they all back him or do some have second thoughts?
  3. I want each House to have its own ending. What I would like though, is an alternate path that has you join the Night Crawlers or something, then you fight against the 3 Lords. I think that would be pretty cool. Also agreed with the mentioned roster problems; I hated how many units you get in Revelations in relation to when you get them. Some of them didn't have the stats for when they joined. It was annoying.
  4. I hope that if there's a 4th path, it isn't tied to choosing the Black Eagles. The whole point of having 3 different Lords to choose from is that they all provide a different experience; flat-out giving Edelgard more content than the other two undervalues the choice. Anyone who prefers the Blue Lions or the Golden Deer is now going to have to decide if playing with the characters you want trumps getting a whole new side of the story. And every time you want to replay the game, and you want to experience the '4th' path, you're going to have to choose Edelgard. Why not have all three Lords have an extra ending? I know it isn't confirmed and I'm ranting, but man, I hate it when games present 'equal characters' and then they turn around and say, "Actually X is more important." Though I should have seen this coming with how much screen time/narration Edelgard got in comparison to the other two.
  5. Getting physical copy; still not sure if I should get the SE.
  6. Golden Deer, still. I feel they have the largest pool of different personalities. My favorites right now are Leonie, Claude and Ignatz. Can't wait to see how those two end up after the timeskip. And Claude has become (mostly) what I wanted out of his type of character; laid back, joker type but also the whole 'trust' thing and making heavy decisions. Maybe he'll even become a snake.
  7. I'm getting Hollow Knight on the 12th, and also received some books I ordered, so gonna read some of those too. I will try to avoid looking too much info from now on but I think I'll still browse the webs. The thing I'm most worried about is YT thumbnails.
  8. Nah, still going Golden Deer. Claude's my favorite house leader by far and really excited to see Leonie post time-skip, though I might get off FE internet for it to be a surprise.
  9. The gender lock for classes sucks; that's disappointing. As for Crests, I was think that if we don't get the children system, then the support system could be a way of spreading their effects around. So like if you S rank two units (or whatever the equivalent is, if there is) then the partner gets the effects of the Crest the original bearer has. So you could choose to partner two Crest bearers for two stronger units, or have a bearer and a normal unit to spread the effects more.
  10. Yeah, there probably has to be some sort of limit to how much you can train a student between battles. I could see that bar being tied to how much experience you gain in a chapter, or something like that.
  11. This is really interesting stuff! I would love the idea of each house having it's own challenge to overcome; would be interesting to see how the other to houses play a role. If you think about it with the theories you have presented, the fourth mystery country could be responsible for each of the other countries' problem in each route Adrestian Empire - 4th country wants revenge for being taken over in the past. Faerghus - 4th country causing the spread of disease Leicester - 4th country is the invading enemy the alliance is formed to battle (or already battled in the past)
  12. I could see him coming back after supposedly dying, unless we bury him or something. Maybe like how Basilio and Flavia worked; you knew them almost the whole game, they were with you in everything but gameplay for part of the first arc and most of the second arc and then they joined near the conclusion. Basilio even had the whole 'Not really dead' thing going.
  13. That could be a possibility. It actually makes sense, if the Church is on the more sketchy side, and use Crests for unsavoury things like it's being discussed in another topic. Recruiting someone with a weird skill would be good for them. I'm also wondering if the Church hires Byleth because his father apparently won't make it to that stage (maybe trigger his 'mysterious power') or because his father recommends him (and stays alive).
  14. He has to be some kind of bigshot, otherwise I don't see why the Church would hire a bunch of mercs for teaching purposes. Maybe they're looking for rougher, more practical approach to teaching, to prepare the students for war; I wonder why they wouldn't just gather the top commanders from the respective territories to oversee the learning of the nations' future leaders. Also has there been any info on how long the school has been a thing? I might have missed it, but if it's a recent thing and Jeralt/Byleth are meant to be newer instructors (along with those already present; old man in brown coat, glamorous-looking lady) then it might be a case for preparing for some conflict that only the higher-ups know about.
  15. One thing I am liking about Edelgard is that she thinks the Crests are the source of some sort of conflict we don't know about (since apparently everyone's in relative harmony in the present day?). And since the Crests are connected to the Goddess and the Church, I'm sensing a bit of a clash between Edelgard (and maybe the whole Adrestian Empire) and the Church. So I'm excited to see what they will do with that.
  16. Wow, this is interesting. There was an anime I started some time ago (haven't finished) called Grancrest Senki where nobles basically take (or are given) other nobles' crest, being able to absorb them to gain influence and power. Probably just a coincidence but the Edelgard moment reminded me of that. - We can see the 3 Houses crests on the portrait of the Goddess with Seiros and the dragons, along a big number of other crests (some scratched out). The fact that there's this many leads me to believe that this game's Fire Emblem probably isn't made up by all of them, unless this game is either super long or you get a Crest every chapter. Or maybe characters found in the game will be in possession of a number of Crests, making it easier to round them up? - On the point of Black Beasts being experiments, I would LOVE if there was something like this, especially if it's characters you get to know before-hand. Just imagine a scenario where like, you're asked to select a unit to check something out, you select one of your stronger units, they go missing for a few chapters (or the errand could just take a while) and then you get attacked by a Black Beast. Then it turns out the character you sent was turned into the Black beast and you're forced to defeat them. For a first run, that would be pretty amazing, story-wise, especially if they don't make it obvious. Now, maybe there would have to be a system that allows you to save everyone because having to sack a unit every playthrough would be too much (or maybe not? lol). - The thing the Dark Mage guy in the trailer crushes could be a Crest, maybe after it's exhausted. Pure speculation. Also agreed on space variations for the more different units.
  17. This is something I'd like to see. Hope Eddelgard isn't more important than the other two. - Would like to know more about how classes work, and how they interact with weapon training. More on the teaching aspect. - More teachers and more house members. - More info on supports - Character customization if it is there - Formations/troops Rather they keep story details for when the game releases; don't want to know what's going on before I play the game.
  18. I actually thought about the possibility of being able to recruit the students' parents (instead of getting child units), although I don't see how they would tie it to a support system between students/teachers/Byleth, so I guess it'd be more like standard unit recruitment. Maybe later into the game when the school encounters conflict, the parents from the three different regions send for their children to return and those could be Paralogues? But having the parents of the students playable is something I'd definitely like to see; great way to get a deeper look into a lot of things, namely the students themselves, the regions they come from etc. Like if student A acts like so and so, it could be because their parents are like so and so, or maybe they don't have parents; could be used to trigger mini character arcs or something. I'm excited to see how they handle it :D
  19. Worried that the story is going to be predictable after a certain point. Also worried about how they're gonna handle classes, but overall I'm excited and can't wait to learn more.
  20. Some story theories/confirmed stuff tied with wishful thinking: - Sothis, Head Priestess of Seiros/Valkyrie Lady and the Viking guy are all connected. No idea who our enemy will be (they might all be allies and the dark mage guy will be the bad guy). Also someone else pointed out the battle from the first trailer took place in the past, so Viking guy would be dead (and so would Valkyrie Lady if she's a normal human. If she's Seiros she might also be dead but there could be a possibility of reincarnation cause FE). The fact that the mark that Sothis and the Viking have doesn't appear anywhere on Church related material (not even on the High Priestess from the front view we got in the recent trailer, the Valkyrie Lady might since I haven't seen any good, front pictures of her) makes me think if the connection they have is older than the Church of Seiros, or if it's a kind of seal to keep her in that weird dimension she's in. Lots of possibilities. Also the Church and Viking guy either have twin swords, or it is a keepsake of Church which they fight over. Valkyrie Lady seen caressing the sword (possibly after the Viking guy has been beaten, indicating deep devotion to the Church, if the sword is rooted in its legacy, or a way of mourning the Viking in some way?). Byleth obtains it (or one of them) as we see from later in the trailer. Wondering if there's any requirements for wielding. - Byleth's named after a demon and only he can see Sothis (atm). I'd definitely be down for good/bad endings if they decide to go down the demon route, although we don't have any mention of demons in this game yet so we will have to see more. I really would like to see the possibility of maybe Byleth becoming a villain of sorts; kind of like letting you decide your outlook on the different factions in the game. We see students fighting Western Church Soldiers in the second trailer so we can assume the school (or at least one House) engages the Church in battle. With this in mind, I think if we get impactful decision-making it'd be amazing if instead of siding with either the Church or the Houses, you take your own path based around your origins as a demon (or whatever the reason is for having that 'mysterious power'). Though it is kinda unlikely seeing as THREE HOUSES is the name of the game; I doubt there will be a point where we turn our backs on that. I want some surprises I guess, instead of expecting 'us Vs them'. But yeah, those are my points of interest right now!
  21. I love returning characters and all that but I realized that what would be even cooler (for me) would be if the new characters in this game stand on their own, we get to like them, and then in another future game we can have them appear and think, "Wow, noice!" (especially if their ending is left ambiguous, could end up anywhere in-universe). So yeah, if we get any returning characters they might steal some of the spotlight of the new ones. I wouldn't mind Anna returning, and I hope they don't use the Outrealms to explain certain characters coming over.
  22. I really hope they don't put limitations like that in place and instead put more effort into the balance of the vast amount of options we could get; would take a bit of work but it'd be pretty deep and fun. For classes, I'd like War Clerics/Monks.
  23. I would like supports to affect the story somewhat, maybe unlocking different endings if main units are involved. I do think the stories are gonna merge which is kinda ehh to me because what's the point of three choices if they amount to mostly the same? If the routes merge then in my mind that guarantees a mostly similar story. Not sure if we'll fight the other houses; haven't seen anything that tells me they might have any reason to, yet. On the students, depends on if the story merges. I can see a few of them being in more than one route, though.
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