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Posts posted by Crysta

  1. I'm sure they will not continue to behave the way they always have from this point forward, now that we have given them what they wanted by not embarrassing them further in the trial.

    Never have I wanted to jettison someone into the sun more than I do right now.

  2. I don’t really care about the math thing. They’re alternative learning strategies that most students will never have to worry about let alone know exist, but now that Fox News has gotten ahold of it I’m sure conservatives will lather themselves into a frothing frenzy over it. So thanks for doing your part in that, I guess.

    As for the impeachment trial, they really should have called witnesses and made this as painful as possible for Republicans. But I always expect Democrats to stop just short of throwing the full punch for really dumb reasons, so whatever.

  3. Bernie has undoubtedly made his "egalitarian policies" more popular and has shifted the conversation surrounding those policies in ways your standard PAC-funded retail politician hasn't and can't. Unlike many of his most fervent followers, he is capable of acknowledging reality and working with the people he's got in his corner even if they may not be as "radical" as he is, because he's aware of what's at stake.

    He's fine, and he will influence things.

  4. No, there isn't.

    Impeachment will never again be considered a meaningful check on the president.

    For funsies and since everyone I know is doing it on Twitter, my predictions re: Republican votes to convict: Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, Toomey 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Dayni said:

    Hard to be optimistic that softly softly approaches won't be taken to avoid being seen as too hard line based on prior form.

    Temptation to me would be more like being tempted to think that lessons have been learned and that there won't be a naive acquiescence or a half hearted response to people who've shown very concerning tendencies for a long time.

    I just pointed to a quote of Manchin indicating that Biden explicitly doesn't want to do the same dance Democrats did in 2009. You seem adamant in believing they will do the same 2009 dance anyway because... you don't want to believe it?

    Biden has been driving his policies pretty hard straight out of the gate. Regardless of whether or not everything he wants to accomplish will succeed, it's a much different tenor being struck than the one in 2009. Dems are on confident footing while the Republicans are trying to launder Qanon for political gain: optically, they're under no incentive to make any political overtures, so they're not.

    They're whining about unity and cancel culture but it's not working lol


    It's a small victory -- she shouldn't even be in Congress in the first place -- but sometimes good things can happen.

  6. I understand the temptation but I can't imagine feeling like we're gonna fail all the time really helps... well, anything.

    Maybe my disappointment tolerance is just much higher because I'm old af.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dayni said:

    >285 pages

    Why do I have the feeling the defendants will get off lightly?

    Also, how far do you think the Dems in Congress will go to make it clear that no, the game's not the same now? I feel like there won't be enough of a push, but I could easily be wrong.

    Credit where it's due: they're doing a lot better than I thought they would.

    The House is voting on whether or not to bar MTG from her committee assignments right now. 

    Also not sure if the defendants really will get off lightly: the mountain of evidence in the plaintiff's favor is pretty damning. And that's probably why they didn't bother cloaking it in verbose legalese lol.

  8. You could do it now, fail, and have even more incriminating evidence come out after and pretty much have it be for nothing.

    You could do it later, get the incriminating evidence, and if it fails it will at least make the Republicans look even worse because they'd be knowingly voting to let all of it slide.

    We're not really spearheading it, so our anger doesn't really matter. And that's why they'll probably just go ahead with it, fail, and we'll be left getting more angry.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

    do rudy


    20 minutes ago, Shipnoez said:

    I mean, at this point, I feel like the impeachment will go through and be successful no matter what, and he won't have a Republican Senate to try to stop it or let him off the hook, so yeah I'd probably rather wait for more charges to pile up.

    He's technically already been impeached, but I'm not so certain that he'll be convicted. The more evidence we have the better our chances, though, however marginal it may be.

    Republicans aren't sticking with Trump because they believe he's innocent, they're doing it because they've staked their careers on him and are terrified of angering his voters.

  10. Sooo speaking of the insurrection, it's been only like two days since he's left office and we've uncovered like five more fresh crimes related to it lol. Do we wanna rush forward with impeachment or sit on it for awhile and let appointed special counsel get all the rats involved?

  11. My favorite Bush era relics:


    Republicans bitch about Obama having a cult of personality but you've always been guaranteed a strong following among Republicans as long as you're Owning The Libs, no matter how incompetent you are. They consider it a patriotic trait.

    A lot of these guys became anti-anti Trumpers so they'll hop right back onboard a more civil Trump comes around.

    EDIT: And yeah a lot of the confederate statues were put in place during the Civil Rights era to intimidate black people in those areas, and a good amount of them aren't even in southern states. Get rid of them: they don't have any significant historical importance or significance.

  12. Yeah we're not getting sudden, sweeping radical reform aaaand historically we don't do well in the upcoming mid-terms.

    But for every piece of legislation they will have to water down just to get it to pass, if they can, they should make it abundantly clear what and why Republicans are opposing it.

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