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Posts posted by Crysta

  1. Yeah lets not just try to wait out these next two weeks and see what happens.

    When he speaks again there's a 50/50 chance he'll compliment/encourage his supporters and 100% chance he'll make things worse.

  2. Those aides who always tell us how afraid and disturbed they are have reported that they're again afraid and disturbed by the president's reaction to yesterday's insurrection. No doubt it made him feel very powerful. Trump admires big powerful destructive things; you can tell by the way he talks about hurricanes.

    As for the conservatives now crying "we're not ALL like this these are just some fringe actors!", which is a great look when there was literally a televised swarm of MAGATs parading in the State Capitol, you're either not paying attention to the people around you or you're in the swamp too and can't recognize just how mainstream this is. Do you also believe the election was stolen?

  3. Trump, the Republican party, and multiple news networks have aligned together to entrap a significant portion of our population in an alternate reality to nab votes and turn themselves a profit and it will likely take something akin to all that -- or greater -- to reverse it.

    Trump is definitely an accelerant but two of those three things were there well before he arrived.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

    Yeah, if they don't have people on hand to keep track of the situation, than they've fucked up. Hopefully, none of the bigwigs will get injured by this...But I won't be surprised if these people resort to arson.

    i know it sounds like we're exaggerating but we're really, really not

  5. 1 minute ago, Armchair General said:

    But shouldn't they have gotten a head's up from the local police? Like,"There's a riot going on and it's getting out of hand."

    i'm guessing they were busy being overrun by unarmed white "protestors"

  6. 1 minute ago, Armchair General said:

    I meant like going into lockdown as soon as someone gets past the fences.

    considering how quickly everyone had to evacuate the chambers i don't think they even had the time to consider it -- they were also kind of in the middle of something pretty important

  7. we're in that weird zone again where the repubs have pulled ahead but all the smart people who are watching the numbers are sounding more and more confident of a dem victory

    was kind of hoping we'd just stay barely ahead the whole way through but i guess should know better by now

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