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Everything posted by Crysta

  1. I generally agree with the sentiment that all Trump had to do was look slightly competent in handling the virus — early polling even suggested his approval was going up when he was doing those laughable COVID press briefings — but he’s too dumb and incompetent to even meet the lowest of bars. And yeah, I think his latest fuck up was just that instead of trying to sabotage the incoming administration. He’s been trying really hard to take credit for that vaccine and now the botched roll-out is entirely on him lmao
  2. I see Trump resigning only if he can spin it to make him look like a winner/strong. A resignation at this point would look like a concession. He does have a history of cutting and running in his business deals. But, again, his image/ego is paramount -- not many people look into those details.
  3. Fox News betrayed them by telling them the truth, Newsmax dared to report that Biden's victory has been certified in the key states and they're gnashing their teeth at them now, next is OANN... Soon, it might be a literal Qanon-ruled party.
  4. you don't actually need to be competent or qualified to be a judge, you just need to have the right connections and politics 🙂
  5. I understand the frustration and wanting to retaliate, and I'm not at all interested in pre-negotiating with the GOP or expecting them to engage in good faith. Sadly being a craven asshole and enabling your orange god isn't illegal as far as I know, though said orange god should be charged with election fraud -- there's already far more evidence of that on his end than on the election officials or voting machines. But their willingness to undermine the legitimacy of our electoral process may, ironically enough, backfire and demoralize their voters from participating in the upcoming Georgia elections. Can't say I'm a fan of making the same mistake just because they did it first. It doesn't actually, you know, help.
  6. Sure, but I happen to like elections compared to the alternative.
  7. Yeah lets not set the republic on fire ourselves just for the sake of winning, particularly when it's entirely feasible that the other side may win again and we've helped destroy even more guardrails. 🙂 Sounds very not good.
  8. hope the good judge is prepared for the craziness coming his way
  9. If Biden had only won by a single state, I’m sure there would be an all out push to steal the election via the courts or a state legislature and it’d be a greater possibility. Good thing he didn’t, but it is something to worry about in the future.
  10. it's theater for the base and the georgia run-offs, not out of a sincere belief that they can actually overturn the election additionally
  11. this will be the dumbest slow-mo coup attempt ever
  12. Huh. You're right, I was wrong. The truth is we don't really care about any of those territories. I suspect most aren't even aware of their existence.
  13. Puerto Ricans have been citizens of the United States since 1917. So are the citizens of Guam. So are the citizens of American Samoa.
  14. i'd be okay with it if they wanna leave the union instead, tbh, but lol at that happening
  15. puerto rico has a Republican governor and resident commissioner puerto rico deserves to be represented in the us government -- with some actual weight -- and not remain just a sovereign state for eternity because the republicans are afraid of democracy
  16. I think they need a new Trump and I’m really curious which conservative is going to try to emulate him. My money is on Cruz but literally no one actually likes him so... Maybe Cotton?
  17. I think, if it weren't for the great archive of tweets and other media, the history textbook writers would be compelled to give him a better edit just so we wouldn't look so dumb in electing him. We do for most of our presidents. Even so, we'll probably still be much kinder to him than he deserves.
  18. Ooooh, I was worried there. I know McGrath was pretty weak, though. She started running pro-Trump ads lol.
  19. This is probably a better parsing of that document/decision. Which I genuinely forgot about.
  20. Well, for Trump. My bad, I forgot most of them voted against him last time. Thanks, this just makes me feel better.
  21. You can predict the fuckery but the amount of fuckery that's needed to happen is just not realistic to expect. There was a grand total of like two faithless electors last time. It's just not going to happen no matter how much you fear it. Yes, it's depressing that this wasn't a total repudiation of Trump, but it is a repudiation. An important one.
  22. Wait, how were Graham's and McConnell's opponents much worse than they were?
  23. We have no small amount of work ahead of us to make sure the progressive message sinks in like it didn't in this election. That is absolutely a failure on our part. But I'm gonna feel good, because this is genuinely good and that fact should not diminish our victory here.
  24. I do wonder if 100+ years from now if "it was socially acceptable at the time" will be used by high school students to explain why the nation accepted Trump and all the things he proceeded to do after he was elected. If they'll forget more than half of the U.S. population just like they ignore the abolitionists and slaves. There were, believe it or not, people who were at the signing of the Declaration of Independence/Constitution who did not own slaves. But the fact that we've survived having sociopaths in office should be a good sign that we can survive what is to come, too. As for the networks not calling it when the math is on the wall and even their own newscasters seem to have no clue why it's not being called, I think it may be 2016 PTSD. Or the execs are milking the coverage, and curled up under a desk and crying now that they won't get any more salacious Trump/MAGA content. I don't think you're gonna get a maelstrom of Trumper violence. I expect more of what we've seen already: protests of old white people waving flags and being obnoxious. We do have to worry about the Qanon crazies, but I think law enforcement is already on the ball with that. I am curious if Trump's rallies will peter out because his lib-owning powers have been severely lessened because there's no longer any capital in giving him the media coverage he so craves, and eventually we're going to stop caring. He's definitely going to get banned from Twitter after he leaves office.
  25. ngl I'm almost tempted to start a shitty president tier list I'm actually not very familiar with most of them, particularly the ones who got assassinated outside of Lincoln or JFK.
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