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Everything posted by Crysta

  1. Wow. Vote restrictive roles suck. Can you like... not vote, or do you have to every day phase?
  2. I'll vote WoMC I guess, with Fayt's reasoning more or less. Pwning Sync and getting him out of the way doesn't strike me as a bad idea, either, though.
  3. I dunno. Earth's solidness and your ability to sculpt it may be more versatile than people are giving it credit for. It's not like you can build as many things with the other elements. Are you ever gonna make a fire pyramid? Wind, on the other hand, strikes me as epically boring and is mostly used to just throw stuff around and cut through shit. A gust of wind isn't what I would call visually exciting, either.
  4. I prefer Domino's over Pizza Hut. In fact, I prefer most pizza over Pizza Hut.
  5. Voting for General Spoon 'cuz he says so and it's less wussy than a no lynch. Somehow.
  6. elves deserve to die. i'm not even getting started on those darkies. if there's any elves out there, we'll find you.
  7. "X sucks" is almost an invitation for someone to be offended. He thought wrong, apparently, but I'm not sure if I actually buy this explanation anyway. Why should one be offensive but not the other? Is it just because "nigger" is a racial slur? Because otherwise it's basically the same idea. Okay how 'bout "black people suck"? Think that'd go over well? Most people here aren't black, so they shouldn't be offended, but I figure the one black guy who MAY be offended would be listened to. If you're going to be consistent, you have to give the offended white guy an ear, too. Irrelevant. You should warn/ban people who violate the rule set they agreed to adhere by once they join this site, regardless of whether or not you actually like them or if they're a fun guy in any other situation. Popularity is not an excuse, or at least shouldn't be.
  8. I think I'm a 5. I can compete with Erk!
  9. It's probably a map to YOUR MOM'S HOUSE LAWL. i is so funnay
  10. TYPING IN CAPS TOTALLY GETS MY POINT ACROSS WAY MORE EFFICIENTLY BECAUSE I THINK YOU TOTALLY CAN'T READ. Or do you think we may miss something? Not that it's much of a point. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what's meant to be construed as offensive, and I'm not stupid enough to believe you were stupid enough to truly be oblivious to what you were doing. You're just upset that you didn't get away with it, plain and simple. It just takes one person. Seriously. Just because white people here aren't hypersensitive douches, doesn't mean it's not obvious what you were doing, and doesn't mean we should start rationing punishment severity on the number of people actually offended by it. There's a difference between being unintentionally offensive (which shouldn't be punished) and being intentionally being a douche... does anyone want to seriously argue that you weren't clearly in the latter? There are times when someone can come across as crass or rude and it doesn't fall under trolling, but this case doesn't fall into that category, as much as you'd like it to. How can someone NOT suspect that names like "White People Suck" and "Stupid Nigger" (correct me if that's not the exact name) just may violate ANY forum's rule set? I can't believe you would even want to name yourself something like that without the intention of being offensive. I don't even care if the staff apparently failed at kicking your ass immediately lol (apparently it was under discussion or something -- I would have just warned/banned you outright myself). There's no way you're that stupid. Just really, really butthurt.
  11. Spoon's concerns should probably be addressed because I'm concerned as well. >>
  12. As far as I see it, his name was a tongue-in-cheek dig at the staff more than white people. For whatever reason. This is okay in itself, but he unwisely made it about white people, the staff has to take into account that some white person may actually get offended if they want to remain consistent and not "it's okay to insult white people but not x people". I dislike Islamic extremists. If I called myself "Islam sucks", I think I would have been similarly warned at the very least in most forum communities. If you don't expect that, you're either new to forum surfing or just genuinely oblivious. And I sure as hell would be trying to be offensive, too. So yes, it's technically a troll. I doubt I'd be banned unless I continued... since I've had no history of controversial name changes. Hika does, apparently, so that more likely played a part. And it should have. Prior arrests are taken into account with some prison sentences, yes? Because normally punishments are meant to be a deterrent, and repeated offenses imply that so far it isn't working. It didn't help that the staff probably didn't like him, either. Ultimately, though, that's irrelevant because the outcome should have been the same even if it was determined by a bunch of strangers only familiar with the forum rules, with no shady records or past experiences with Hika. All the "yeah but they did this with x and didn't do anything" doesn't really matter. It may show inconsistency on behalf of the current staff that should be addressed to prevent it from persisting, but what someone else did should carry no weight in determining if this decision was justified or not. It's a dumb way to go (if it had been me I would have gone out saying something truly insulting), but it was ultimately his choice.
  13. As a moderator of another forum, I generally know how this goes. 1) Popular but problematic member gets banned for stupid reason -- mind you, a stupid reason because he decided to do be a cheeky bastard or something and didn't think he'd actually get in trouble this time 2) Supporters NERDRAEG 3) Moderators defend their decision in several raeg topics... along with every other decision they've made ever, because they usually become relevant (can't have biased mods!) 4) Nothing really changes, because it's fucking stupid I liked Hika, but I can sympathize with the mods. I've went out of my way to tell members "hey don't do this again or I'll have to ban you and I don't wanna" and because THEY'RE JUST SO FUNNAY they go ahead and do it anyway. These mods probably didn't go that far, but I don't think they're even obligated to. So I advise the staff not to sweat it. In fact, you should probably get used to it.
  14. this was fun in spite of my uselessness sorry ulki and... hika, i think. though since hika was dan quayle i don't feel too bad.
  15. Crysta

    Mafia HQ

    I wanna try my own game, so I'll request to be added before the list gets bigger. But I'll probably wait for a few more games to finish before I put up the sign-up.
  16. The character role assignment was kind of weird lol.
  17. CATS needs to start playing again. :(
  18. I lol'd. You were a pretty badass Asch, though. Vote WoMC of course.
  19. I guess Crysta can join as well. I normally make sure I don't get in too many games at once, but things are going more slowly than they once were.
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