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Posts posted by SpiceMan

  1. 3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    Miasma will fall from the heavens!

    (I have s-rank in flying and magics for all of the girls who are even remotely good at it, just for this class)

    I am ready. 

    Have fun finding enough battalions for them, let alone magic flying battalions. I wonder how many of those will be added.

    Just discussing the skills of Dark flier in the spoiler, nothing too bad.


    Also they don't have miasma as a class skill, and only have black tomefaire so they technically aren't dark fliers, and dark mages actually have a disadvantage in the class.


  2. 1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Given that in CF, the Ferdinand and Lysithea paralogue doesn't happen, it's likely that with the help of others, they were able to prevent the forceful conscription of others. 

    This more because Hyrm is in allied territory in CF, it's also under stable leadership and is not under attack by the alliance so the revolt doesn't happen. Whereas in other routes Hyrm is still part of the empire but has much weaker leadership as by the point the paralogue unlocks Byleth's group has already pushed into Empire territory, so there is a need to maintain order in the area. While it is true that Edelgard does not agree with Conscription (she gives the black eagle students multiple chances to flee) I don't think you can use this paralogue as evidence that there was no conscription in the empire.

    And even if it only happens on non-CF routes, those routes still exist and you need to acknowledge the events that happen there as well, not just on your preferred route. 

  3. As many have said before, i've got to go for seteth and Flayn in CF. It's heartbreaking, not just their death quotes and seteth's grief, but also Rhea's reaction afterwards.



    This probably my favourite line of dialogue in the game, Cherami Leigh puts so much power and emotion into it i'm stunned every time I hear it.

    However unlike others who vouched for Seteth and Flayn I make sure to kill them and not spare them whenever i'm forced to go through Crimson Flower. Not because I hate them because I don't, Seteth in particular is top 3 three houses characters for me, but just because their deaths are so emotional I want to experience it everytime. I always tend to think tragic stories in general are better and so in addition to not recruiting more students than I have to for supports, I make sure not to spare optional characters.

  4. 14 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    To her credit, Bernadetta gets a debatably better Faith list (Physic), and a firmly better Reason list (Thoron).

    I always forget about the non mages who learn physic. That is honestly a decent point in her favour. Though Flayn has 4 fortifys that will probably have about the same range as Bernie's physics due to their magic differences (20% and 55%) and will certainly heal a lot more. And while 10 heals is better than 4 if you are using either of these two as your only healer your team is in trouble. 

    Why does Flayn (and Annette) have to have such bad spell lists. was thoron really too much to ask for these two.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

    In my finished CF run Marianne's paralogue was the only one I was not able to beat because I had no chance to give underleveled Marianne a safespot.

    Even if the terrain can be used as advantage, there are also enemy mages and snipers on the map which make things just worse.

    Did you know about the fort you can put her in, just north of her starting location. No Monsters can reach her there and I don't remember there being human enemies nearby either, though I might be remembering incorrectly. With that you can take as much time as you want with the map.


    EDIT: Oops sorry for double posting I forgot.

  6. 1 hour ago, Etheus said:

    Problem is, you also have paralogues that flat out are not possible without warp/dance abuse. Caspar/Mercedes' one in part two is supremely poorly designed for that reason. Unless Caspar/Mercedes are strong enough to take on the enemies that make a beeline for them, you have to double warp (or even triple warp if memory serves) a highly mobile unit capable of independently taking on these enemies to free them. 

    I just played that one recently and I don't remember any enemies making a beeline for them. I just drew the wolf, killed it and then they were safe for 5 turns which gave me plenty of time to reach them of both paths with no warps involved. I can understand it being hard if you didn't train either of them but the intention behind a paralogue is that you are meant to have been using the required characters which is why they are forced for the chapter.

    Regardless I found to be one of the easier paralogues I've played, and I was doing this Maddening NG Silver Snow with no dlc and I think most people agree that silver snow is by far the hardest route. So it's a surprise to hear that many have struggled with it. Though I suppose both times I've played this (Azure Moon maddening too) I used at least one of them(I didn't use Caspar in AM) so maybe it's a lot harder otherwise idk.

  7. 2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    If you spare Claude, Seteth, and Flayn, as well as defeating Dedue before he transforms, they can all join you in the battle. 

    I'm sorry what? There is no way in hell that Seteth Flayn and Dedue would side with Edelgard in any stretch of the imagination. I know you seem to think Edelgard is the best thing since sliced bread and so think that all characters should be down to fight for her no matter how their motives contradict, but these 3 would never join the empire. Seteth and Flayn are a part of the church and literally tell you at every occasion to stop the senseless conflict you are making. I'm assuming you are basing this of Seteth's chapter 15 dialogue where he says he cannot follow rhea on her current course. But one line earlier he also says he cannot follow you on your path either. Also they are Children of the goddess and I don't know if you ever played the game but part of Edelgard's entire mission to is to destroy the children of the goddess. She would never allow them to fight on her side, not that they would ever consider doing so in the first place.

    And saying Dedue would join is just the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Edelgard brutally cuts down Dimitri, the man dedue has devoted his whole life to protecting and you expect Dedue to put that aside and join her? Hell no! It's more likely you would do the exact same thing as in Verdant wind and try to kill her himself. even putting aside obvious loyalties what reason does Dedue have to side with Edelgard. What motives does he share with her that would make him fight the church and the rest of the kingdom instead of killing her for Dimitri - his entire reason to live.

    And even saying Claude could join is a stretch. He may agree with her goals but he makes it explicitly in Verdant wind that he does not agree with her actions at all. Hence why he tries to fight against her. If Claude doesn't even join in Blue lions when they are allies, then saying he'd join in Crimson flower after Edelgard invaded his country is ridiculous. Crimson Flower already has enough problems with characters that don't make sense being playable, this ones are just pushing it even further.

  8. If you pay attention to the Silver Snow chapter 21 dialogue, Rhea mentions how she was expecting Sothis to replace Byleth, but instead Sothis just gave Byleth her power and disappeared which was not the plan.

    Rhea wanted Byleth to be completely replaced by Sothis but this did not happen. I believe chapter 11 when Byleth sits on the throne was when she was expecting this to happen, but she of course had no way of knowing Byleth had already gone.

    As for the scene in question, I think Seteth and Flayn aren't aware that Rhea wanted to technically kill Byleth, and think Byleth will just be a fusion of the two, which they are. However I think Rhea is still partially clinging to the fact that Sothis still might return through Byleth which is why she says the progenitor god will return to this world.  

  9. 2 hours ago, Shepherd said:

    Does fiendish blow work if you use a weapon that does magical damage, like the magic bow or Blutgang? What about combat arts that do magical damage, like frozen lance? 

    I can say for sure Fiendish blow stacks with magic weapons. Magic combat arts I haven't specifically tested but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't. It says it gives 6 magic and Frozen Lance and the like use your magic stat.

  10. 9 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Or Seteth could just not make that claim and go manakete too. I'm not sure who said it where, (maybe it was this very thread), but having Seteth able to go manakete gives more credance to Edelgard's whole the world is secretly being run by lizard people shtick.

    Thing about Seteth being able to transform is that realistically he would be the same size as The Wind caller, The Immovable and The Immaculate one. That is not a proper size for a player unit and downgrading his size just to make it realistically usable just would feel stupid when compared to the other saints so I think he should stick with the Lance Wyvern Lord class. 

    For Flayn however, you could argue that since she is a lot younger she would have a small transformation and only take up 1 tile like previous games. I think that's reasonable enough and would certainly make Flayn more interesting and viable as a unit.

  11. 6 hours ago, Modirufa6317 said:

    That would be like forgetting how to ride a bicycle. Dragon power may weaken, but an outright loss of it through lack of use seems farfetched.

    To be fair, it seems like Indech lost his wings from lack of use over the years. Unless the Goddess mural is false and is just an artist's impression - which it very well could be mind you - it seems Indech used to be able to fly which he is unable to do during his fight in Leonie/Linhardt paralogue. You could then say that it's not too farfetched for Seteth to lose his whole power simply by never using it, as Indech mentions he did still occasionally fight, but Seteth was likely too concerned for Flayn's safety to turn into a big massive dragon thing.

    I agree that it's not the most logical thing that could ever happen, but I definitely believe that Seteth still has his crest stone because it is literally their heart, and Byleth's mother died when she lost her's.

  12. 41 minutes ago, Timlugia said:

    Looks like Ferdinand's family had some illegitimate line outside, also sounds like a new student.

    Keep in mind that the saint related crests are more widespread. Bernadetta and Hanneman both have the crest of saint Indech despite them being from completely seperate noble houses (Varley and Essar respectively). This means that just because she has a minor crest of Cichol, it does not mean she is related to Ferdinand in the same way as the Nobles of the Kingdom and Aliiance.


    This is probably because the saints gave their blood to multiple warriors to help them fight back against Nemesis and the ten Elites, whereas the Elites crests' where passed on through direct bloddlines.


  13. I think Ashe could make a lot of sense. Considering his whole story arc is about finding out the truth behind Lonato's rebellion and the western churches influences it would make a lot of sense for him to carry on with the central church as he tries to discover his true feelings about the whole conflict. Plus Catherine will be there so they can have their support chain which is pretty much needed for Ashe's storyline. Plus Gameplay-wise recruiting him gets you 'Falling Short of Heaven' as Black Eagles cannot recruit Catherine while the paralogue is still available, and that paralogue gives you the only pair of boots in the game.

  14. While I do think Maddening Blue Lions chapter 13 is the hardest chapter I have played so far, I didn't hate it. In Fact it's one of my favourite chapters I've ever played in Fire Emblem.

    I just really like maps where you have to make use of what little you have, and your units being split up and coming in waves really adds to this feeling. You have to try your hardest to survive and use your brain fully every single turn. Maybe your Dimitri was screwed because mine was average - good(I went C Swords to make him a Mercenary then Paladin for Vantage) and not having the -10 speed penalty really helps,don't know if you did but never make anyone a cavalier. Paladin is fine as the growths are sort of balanced with 10 strength minus 10 speed but cavalier is garbage.

    Anyway I got sidetracked but the point is that my Dimitri was able to tank at least 3 enemies per turn, and since Blue Lions is the only house to get their main Healer (Mercedes) on the first wave I was able to keep him alive pretty easily. So although I did end up using all but one of my divine pulses I never had to restart the map.

    I'm not trying to downplay the difficulty of this map as it was incredibly challenging to perfectly plan out every turn, but I personally really enjoyed it and wouldn't necessarily call it unfair. 

    I also think that the order of difficulty for chapter 13 is easiest - Verdant Wind - Azure Moon - Silver Snow - Hardest, as Silver Snow has units problems and no main healer though Dorothea will likely at least have physic.

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