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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Good thing they don't have to do it themselves. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=CIDR+ranges
  2. Looking at the reactions of the Halo fanboys, making Master Chief lose is a great way to troll them.
  3. Likely sometime after the ticket system is fixed, since the ticket system does something other than look pretty, making it higher on a list of priorities.
  4. http://translationparty.com/ http://translationparty.com/#3962688 http://translationparty.com/tp/#3962879 http://translationparty.com/#3962965 http://translationparty.com/#3963138 http://translationparty.com/#3942612 Have fun. I know I am :) Chuck Norris=Updates http://translationparty.com/#3964864
  5. I can get behind Bub & Bob beating Master Chief.
  6. Forget Sigurd. Arum is the best lord, hands down.
  7. Aha! I have it! We'll print off several hundred (or thousand) bookmarks that say "Class of 10" along with our school's mascot, and we'll go and stick them in a bunch of books in the library. People will be finding them years later. Heck, maybe even a decade or more later.
  8. Displaying the boss's health, and for laughing your ass off at how worthless he is.
  9. you do realize that he was fighting against a computer right? He said it was also tested on humans. And in the American version. those humans must have been playing with slow characters then, because I don't remember garland ever able to do that against me Against a computer Garland or a human Garland? Because computers won't do that. Here, I'll take a section from an FAQ. Anyways, I have tried the infinite, though only on computers. It works as long as I can keep it going.
  10. Isn't that too well known by now? Maybe near the end of the school year, every senior could buy a lawn gnome and place it in the school.
  11. you do realize that he was fighting against a computer right? He said it was also tested on humans. And in the American version.
  12. In Minnesota, it is illegal to dig up ladyslippers on public land. And ideas what they should be arranged in? We could arrange them in "10" (as in class of 10), but that'd be boring. Maybe we should plant them on the football field...
  13. There's this cherry apple tree that grows in my yard, and its got fruit on it. The thing is, the cherry apples are so damn sour that they're inedible. I've been trying to eat them for years, and I know how damn sour they are, and my face still twists from just taking a bite of one. I can't imagine what will happen to someone who isn't expecting it. So, I think I'll give a few of them to faculty, and maybe give some to friends to hand out to faculty as well. It might not sound like much, but believe me, there aren't words to describe how sour they are.
  14. Care to explain how you arrived at this conclusion? My Stupid Reference. Tyrfing is OK's personal weapon. Ah.
  15. WTF Crash? Here, I think you should get to know this word. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignore
  16. Care to explain how you arrived at this conclusion?
  17. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=939394&topic=51161079
  18. On the subject of infinities, I believe that Garland has one, though this is the Japanese version. I believe that it works in the American version as well.
  19. FE8, Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors (Opening) With her bracelet recovered, Eirika sets out with renewed determination. Passing through the ancient forest Za'ha brings them close to Grado's border. As they near the town of Serafew, Eirika's fears are assuaged by the lack of troops. But never-before-seen terrors crawl in the shadows of the trees. (Chapter starts) (Screen is in a forest with Seth and Eirika) Seth: We're approaching Serafew, at the border of Renais and Grado. Once we cross, we'll be in Serafew... Renvall won't be much farther. Eirika: That is, assuming we can cross the border without mishap... Oh! Look! Over there! (Screen goes to the map, with whores spreading everywhere) Eirika: Those strange figures... What...What are they? Are they...human? I've never seen anything like it. What could they be? (Screen goes to a southern village with Artur and Lute) Artur: What have we done to deserve the trials before us? What is happening to us? How could such whores walk out lands while the Sacred Stones protect us? Lute: ...... Artur: Lute, please, it's dangerous outside the walls. Stay here in the village. Lute: Those are whores, aren't they? They were the vanguard of the Pimp King in the days of darkness. The Tome of Nazania describes them in chapter 2, section 7, paragraph 8. Artur: You know of them? Lute: Duh! I'm a prodigy. I can recall almost everything I see or hear. According to the book, whores attack using razor-sharp claws. Sounds painful, wouldn't you say? Artur: Yes, er, well... Be that as it may, I must go aid those travelers outside. You should stay here within the safety of the village. Lute: Very well. I don't mind staying here. In fact, it seems that smarter choice. (Artur leaves) Lute: Magic is far more powerful than any whore's claws. The thickest hide and the strongest armor are useless against magic's power. Yes, I supposed I could have studied swords, but only magic is worthy of me. Even if this village were to be assaulted by whores, I could defend it perfectly. (Artur runs up to Eirikas group) Artur: Travelers, you must listen to me! The ancient forest of Za'ha is dangerous. Head south and pass through this place before the whores surround you! Eirika: Who are you? Artur: My name is Artur. The temple has assigned me the task of cleansing the forest of these...things. There are so many of the whores, though. I wonder if I stand much chance alone. So if you would, please flee now while you have the chance. Eirika: Whores? You're not talking about the same whores that served the ancient Pimp King? That can't be right... They're nothing but legends and fairy tales... Artur: Yes, I felt the same say when I heard. And yet here they are. This place is filled with them. I wonder how far they're spread... Surely they're not in Renais alone. Eirika: But..why are they here? How? Seth: Beware, Your Highness! Something approaches! (A whore fly towards Artur) Artur: Please allow me to deal with this. Evil whore! May the blessed light drive you from this land! (Artur slays the whore) Seth: We ought to help. He can't fight them all alone. Do you have orders? (Battle starts) (When you start the battle) Artur: One of my companions is in that village to the south. If you can get there swiftly, I implore you to watch over her safety. (If you visit the northern village) Man: Do you see that old snag to the south of here? Bet it would make a handy bridge if you could knock it over. Take a weapon to it and give it a few good whacks. That should do it. Here, take this and give it a try. It ought to do the trick. (Got an Iron Axe) (At the beginning of turn 3, LArachel, Dozla, and Rennac appear at the top of the cliff in the northeast) LArachel: Oh, my! Those travelers are being besieged by the whores! Dozla: Ha ha ha! Right you are, Lady LArachel! LArachel: I cannot allow this to happen! Come! We must charge down these cliffs and rush to their aid! Rennac: We charge down these cliffs, and the only thing we'll be rushing to is death. How about we find us a nice, gentle path down, hm? LArachel: Ah...Yes, well...Let us hurry nonetheless. I simply cannot abide those whores running amok! (If you visit the southern village with Artur) Artur: Lute, help has arrived. Lute: ...... Artur: Lute? Lute: Your flesh shows no sign of putrefaction. It seems you're not a whore. Artur: Well, I should hope not! I wanted you to know help has arrived. Please be patient a bit longer... Lute: No, no. I insist on joining you in combat. I've been reading up on these whores. They are, quite simply, no match for me. I am superior after all. (Lute joins your team) (If you visit the southern village with someone else) Lute: ...... Person you sent: Hm? Lute: Your flesh shows no sign of putrefaction. It seems you're not a whore. I've decided to join you in battle now. My name is Lute. Im a mage of superior wisdom and rare ability. I've been reading up on these whores. They are, quite simply, no match for me. I am superior after all. (Lute joins your team) (When you win the battle) (The screen goes to outside a forest with Lute, Artur, Eirika, and Seth) Seth: We've killed all the whores. Still, we'd best burn the bones to ash to be sure they don't return. Eirika: I still can't believe what we've been fighting here... Id thought those whores nothing more than myth and legend. Seth: Those whores are said to be the least of the dark creatures. And yet, the weakest of them could outmatch any normal man. We cannot take this enemy lightly. Lute: Oh, yes. There are much worse then those whores and the hooker... Let's see, there's the sluts, tramps, harlots, working girls... Why, I'll bet you just about any creature of lore could be walking again. Yes, we're in for some trouble. Even my fabulous power may not be enough. Artur: O divine light, show me... Is this a sign of dark days to come? Eirika: By all that's holy, what is happening? Seth: Princess Eirika, perhaps it would be wise to return to Frelia and regroup. Pressing forward seems foolish in light of recent events. We cannot face both Grado's forces and more of those terrible things. Eirika: Seth, I follow your point, and nothing would please me more then running for safety. But what of my brother? He and his men are still trapped in the same situation we are. I know full well that I may be leading us into even greater danger, but... Please try to understand. Seth: I do, my princess, and I vow to see you through this safely. (LArachel and her gang rides up) LArachel: Aha! Whores, beware! I, LArachel, bestow upon you the honor at banishment at my blessed hands! Eirika: ...... LArachel: Oh...Where are the whores? Eirika: Well, we just finished... LArachel: Ah, glad tidings indeed! The heavens must be rejoicing! I am.. a tad disappointed however. After all, I did rush all the way here to show you the splendor of my might. Dozla: Gwah ha ha! It's a real shame, innit, Lady LArachel?! Rennac: What's shameful is the way you drag us around the countryside. Eirika: Pardon me, but...who are you? LArachel: Me? Since you ask, please allow me to introduce myself. It is I, the true light and glory of the sacred realm of Rausten... Dozla: Stop! Lady LArachel, you mustn't continue! You cannot reveal your true identity here! LArachel: Oh, yes, you're right. Oh, I get so careless sometimes! Now, I must ride off in anonymity. Oh, how beautifully romantic! Eirika: Uh... Right. LArachel: Fare thee well, strangers. Perhaps our paths will cross again. Come, Dozla! Rennac! We ride! Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Let's go, Rennac! Rennac: All right, all right. (They leave) Eirika: ...What was that about? (Chapter ends)
  20. Ha! Take that you bitch! Owned!
  21. If you can make a mammoth run up a tower while not being present in the world, you're badass.
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