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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Fixing the country should start with smaller, yet still effective, things. Like getting people to stop leaving their damn cigarette butts everywhere, or switching us to the metric system, or even something as simple as reducing corruption in the government.
  2. My cousin says that Bush is a raid boss here. Is he right?
  3. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echos of Time.
  4. Play FF4 man. inb4 people drool over FF4DS My first FF was FFIV DS. With broken shoulder buttons. Which means I couldn't flee from any random encounter.
  5. On the subject of voice acting, Firiron's VA was done pretty well. As was the Emperor's. His VA fits his character perfectly.
  6. http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?sku=020314&affid=9797
  7. "Hmph...Foolish"Ether mutters to himself,watching as his trusted Gyarados shrugs off the axe blow and retaliates with a crushing tail swipe,sending Crash,as well as several seedots,flying out the window. Ether calls out after him "Hey Crash,ever heard of the nullify skill?" Crash's mumbling is audible despite the height difference,several stories to be specific. Laughing at the pathetic attempts of the seedots,Ether is overcome with satisfaction. "Sometimes all it takes to make someone happy is a nice relaxing rampage..."Ether comments,as seedots are strewn around the room,doomed to never move again. Wait, wait, Hold it! I have Nihil! Doesn't that negate Nullify? I dunno,that's why my Gyarados also has a full guard equipped,just in case. *Time out ended* One more minute! *CCs into Mage Fighter, with Falaflame, then runs away, with Seedot Army in tow* "Hmph...is that how it is?"Ether ponders aloud,and with a wave of his hand,the order is given. Crash,while fleeing,lets out a horrified gasp,as a bolting spell narrowly misses his arm. "Seedot..dot..." Crash turns,hoping he heard incorrectly,however,this is not the case,as his face is blanched white. His first seedot,lay bleeding,the residue of the bolting spell clear on the charred body. A scream resounds through the area,as Crash turns around ,and to his dismay,he sees a sea of Siege magic,rapidly descending towards his troupe. Oh, crap! Get outta here! *all the Seedots successfully flee, except for the bleeding one* You! GT TO THE CHOPPA! *the injured Dot is flown off* Anyway, you might as well quit with that Magic, my Resistance is very, VERY high, and Falaflame just bumps it higher, your spells will just tink off me! "It seems you do not understand my intention..."Ether responds to Crash,recieving a puzzled look. "Look behind you."Ether answers his unspoken question,and Crash turns to view the utter devestation of his forces,his medic helicopters shot down,and his troops lying closer to death by the second. "...How..."Crash begins,when he hears Ether's voice. "We had an ambush at your extraction point.now..."Ether draws Balmunk,and advances toward Crash."...You have no hope of escape." Crash's life flashes before him as Falaflame is launched to the side by Ether's blow,and as he feels the Balmunk sink into his gut,Crash collapses onto Ether's shoulder,screaming from the pain of the digestive acids pouring onto the soft tissues of his internal organs. *is revived by a far off Valkyrie Staff* Why are you doing this? I demand you stop this, or else, THIS *holds up my Swordslayer* will meet THIS *holds up a picture of Mia* Now, let me go! Someone should have thrown in a Nuzleaf as a commander.
  8. Dissidia is only two days away, and there is no topic about it. This situation has been remidied, and we will talk talk about Dissidia, Kefka, and how much we will enjoy Dissidia. I know I'll enjoy playing as Kefka.
  9. But my brother never uses Dry Bones.
  10. September 8th is when I start school.
  11. Does Sony still support the PS and the PS2? As in, will they fix it if it breaks? Also, is there a list of PS games that can be downloaded for the PSP somewhere? Also, what are the differences between the versions of the PSP, aside from the price? I am sold on getting a PSP, thanks to the Dissidia bundle, but I'd like to know these things.
  12. Yes, let's.Roger that.All go. I believe that while the quote will show up while you're typing the post, the actual post won't display them eventually.Who knows?In about 100 posts this'll look so weird.ZzzzoooomI'm curious; I'll help.Double posting to build the pyramid. .gif" /> .gif" /> .gif" /> What if someone gets ninja'd? : OThen too fucking bad for them.I guess.Build, pyramid, BUILD! MUAHAHAHA!It's already starting to squish together! : DMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!The pyramid shall soon crumble!WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!Is anyone else noticing the pyramid is changing it's pattern each post? EDIT: It's falling apart!!!Another double post to kill the pyramid! This is making my computer move slower. I... I think we killed it...Keep going, none of the text is hidden; let's see what happens! This is made of win. I think it's broken. This looks so fun. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!Suffer,foolish inanimate object. w00t My Horizontal scroll bar is active.
  13. Does Sony still support the PS or the PS2? I might consider picking up one of those. I know I don't want a PS3.
  14. Yes, let's. Roger that. All go. :D I believe that while the quote will show up while you're typing the post, the actual post won't display them eventually.
  15. On my first missed heal, Saphy doubled. She missed both times.
  16. Don't forget that all but one of those characters originally had a different name. Titania was Tiamat, Ilyana was Elaice, Mia was Wayu, and Lucia was Luchino. Shit, Titania's name should have been left as Tiamat. Dragon>One of Uranus's moons
  17. Lex can also pull out his iron axe and smack someone with it, giving him some nice exp (due to elite) and allowing someone else to get the kill.
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