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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Hey, wouldn't second-hand smoke be bad for somebody with asthma?
  2. Since Nintendo probably won't make backstories for the characters anytime soon, why don't we make backstories for them? A great start would be Oguma, mainly because he has scars to work with. Let's bounce some ideas around. Maybe he used to be a con-artist, and a mark got mad at him?
  3. Hey, didn't Ike touch Lucia's ass in that cutscene in at the end of part 2?
  4. Did anyone even bother to read my post? The one at the beginning of the thread that talks about ingame evidence? That post?
  5. Even if it didn't kill you, smoking still smells fucking horrible.
  6. Agreed. The mugger could be a homo, he might want your car, maybe your whole wallet, etc.
  7. Patamon digivolved to Angemon! Oh crap, I misread.
  8. That's all well and good until you realize that the mugger with the gun doesn't care if you want to get involved or not.
  9. If you quote someone, the quotes they have in their post are stripped out. Go ahead, try quoting this post and see.
  10. They could also wind up on the ground on their stomach with your knee digging into their neck or something. However, this fails if they were a wresteler in high school :( A gun is only dangerous if its pointed at you.
  11. Whining. Having to deal with my seven-year old brother whining every fucking day is pretty annoying.
  12. I think its pretty annoying and serves no function at all.
  13. I hope you know throwing hook punches at the guys head is a good way to get your ass kicked.
  14. Yeah, in the country. I tried looking up skip on dictionary.com Closest thing I got was a depression in a plane of wood.
  15. You mean ship, right? I live outside of town, not in a town.
  16. Remember, this was a mental case we're talking about. I'm pretty sure he's the kind that raises the knife over his head and brings it down to stab with.
  17. Do you know (at least basic) self-defense? You know, the kind where they teach you how stop a guy with a gun and pin him to the floor before he knows WTF happened. That kind of stuff. I know self-defense. I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
  18. I doubt this nutcase knew how to use the knife very well. Any bystander who isn't impaired in some way could have stopped him with their bare hands. I could stop him with my bare hands. Its not that damn hard to stop a knife without getting hurt.
  19. Euthanasia is part of the health care system in some European countries and Orgeon. We could try it in the rest of the United States. Can't even tell people to get back on topic in my own topic...
  20. Its a damn typo. Thank you to those of you that have enough brain cells to figure out >_>
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