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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Please try and convince me to keep doing this. I'm not going to do this if nobody will read it.
  2. He wasn't added yet. They had been trying to rank each child with each possible father against itself, and then try and add those in.
  3. They wern't added in yet. Would somebody else do something about the list, because I'm not going to be editing it. Maybe somebody should edit it into their post, and all posts before that one should be deleted.
  4. Top: Shanan Sety!Levin (Shanan gets two chapters on him and is nearly as invincible) Aless High: Julia Sety!Claude Laylea Oifaye Upper Mid: Celice Nanna!Finn Sety!Azel Altenna Lana!Finn Lana!Azel Nanna!Lex Nanna!Azel Nanna!Midir Nanna!Alec Nanna!Levin Setys equal to or better than Hawk Hawk Setys worse than Hawk (Beowulf, Ardan?) Every Faval ever? Lana!Lex Nanna!Claude Nanna!Jamka Nanna!Noishe Nanna!Dew Nanna!Ardan Nanna!Holyn Janne Johan Finn Leaf Lana!Midir Lana!Beowolf Lana!Alec Lana!Levin Lower Mid: Lana!Jamka Lana!Noishe Lana!Claude Lana!Dew Lana!Ardan Lana!Holyn Mana Johalva Linda Femina Low: Rodolban Radnay Sharlow Dimna Amid Tristan Hannibal Asaello Daisy This is as far as Gamefaqs has gotten with the second gen tier list. Here's the topic http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage....;topic=44461428 You can read about the process in there somewhere. Now, why not pick it up and try and finish it?
  5. I have a better idea. How about we use Aira AND Holyn?
  6. Chapter 2 The Fog of War Objective: Eliminate all enemies Jorel Level 2 AP 18 HP 16 Morale 26 Assualt Rifle Assualt Rifle Ammo --Skills-- Close Combat 1 The Fog of War sets in. Now, I can only see enemies within my character's sight range. A character sight range extends to the spaces infront of him equal to his perception stat. Example: We'll say Jorel's perception is 3. M=Jorel, O=seeable, X=unseeable. Jorel is facing north/up. XXXXXXXXX XOOOOOOOX XXOOOOOXX XXXOOOXXX XXXXMXXXX Of course, you cannot see through walls and stuff like that. Turn 1: Advance through a door, see a bot, kill it with a snap burst. Tdvance down the corridor to the left a bit. Turn 2: Turn Jorel right, and see a bot. Snap burst it, all three shots miss. Enemy: Bot hits me with a shot. They still have training rifles this early. Turn 3: Aimed burst and snap burst the bot. One shot hits, the bot lives. Enemy: The bot hits me with another shot. Turn 4: Move closer to bot, snap burst and kill it, move back into the main corridor and turn the corner going left. Turn 5: Move down the corridor some more, and see a bot around the corner. Snap burst it, killing it. Jorel levels up, skill point goes to rifle weapons. Turn 6: Turn right around the corner, advance through the corridor. Turn 7: Reload, move down corridor. Enemy: I see a bot moving during its turn. Turn 8: Move down the corridor and right around the corner. See a bot around another corner, not enough AP left to shoot it. Enemy: The bot I just saw moves past me. Turn 9: I follow the bot, and fire a snap burst at it. One shot hits, and I fire a snapshot. It misses. Enemy: The bot shoots and hits me twice. Turn 10: Move real close to the bot, and snapshot it. It dies, I backpedal a bit. Enemy: I see a bot moving during its turn. Turn 11: I fire an aimed burst and a snapshot through the window at the bot. One shot hits. Enemy: The bot hides. Turn 12: I wait for the bot to pop back out. Enemy: The bot pops back out. Turn 13: I fire an aimed burst and a snap burst at the bot. None of the shots hit. Enemy: The bot moves some. Turn 14: Shoot at the bot with an aimed burst, kill it. Speed: 90% Health: 84% Overall: 87% Ranking: Advanced ~I have come to realize that the best way for anyone wishing to view the maps would be to get a rom for this game, and choose the skirmish option. All of the game's maps are available from the start in skirmish play, and anyone can be selected. If people do this, I can point out the starting locations for them~
  7. After you die, we will shove your body into a cerebrate. Then, we will inject your body with nanites to cure the infestation.
  8. It better than advertising in ye'olden days. When oil was some miracle thing able to cure everything.
  9. Chapter 1 Bootcamp Objective: Eliminate all enemies Jorel Level 1 AP 18 (these are used to do everything, and refill at the start of my turn) HP 16 (when these run out, my character is ko'd) Morale 25 (when these run out, my character panics and wastes all of its APs trying to run away, you lose these when your character gets hurt or an ally is ko'd) Assualt Rifle Assualt Rifle Ammo The training bots here all have training rifles. These do one damage. Turn 1: Moved to where game told me to, into doorway of my building. Turn 2: Moved outside behind some sandbags, shot and killed a training bot with a snap (quick) burst (three rounds) Enemy Turn: A bot shoots and hits me Turn 3: Killed that bot that shot me with an aimed burst, moved behind some boxes. Enemy Turn: Bot shoots me from behind a window, hits me. Turn 4: Moved closer to that bot, killed it with aimed burst. Turn 5: Moved closer to last bot. Enemy: Bot moves behind some sandbags, shoots and misses me. Turn 6: Move closer to the bot, kill with an aimed burst. Jorel leveled up. Skill point goes to close combat. Speed: 100% Health: 92% Overall: 96& Ranking: Elite
  10. Gfaqs started one, and its actually looking pretty decent from where they're at. I don't know if they're still at it, but here's an idea to use as a launching point, like they did. Start with someone who doesn't really change a whole lot with who his/her father is, and rank that character against the him/her with all the other fathers. They started with Favel, because about the only thing his father changes is how badly he rapes the bosses.
  11. Somewhere, right now, Lugh, Ray, Hugh, Saul, and Yodel are crying.
  12. Or how about a rural school? Like the one I go to? The one where the teacher of my Accounting class has her daughter in it, who also happens to be my second cousin? That works, doesn't it? That's because you're adopted
  13. Well, I decided I can throw in the maps later when I have time. And I decided that after the training missions, I won't be doing a move by move play by play. I should post the first few missions tomorrow morning.
  14. Unless a bunch of people start posting dead babies in it or something, I don't see it dying anytime soon.
  15. Ha, you're gonna run out of ammo like that one loser marine!
  16. I saw it. I already read the book. My copy of it is upstairs, sitting on my bookshelf.
  17. He was a mod before he did something stupid I can't remember. It was stupid though.
  18. Nice, I ate three brains. As for how to stop zombies, try reading The Zombie Survival Guide. It has scenarios for lots of things. For example, in a zombie outbreak, stay away from hospitals, churchs, and police stations. If at home, go upstairs, start filling the bathtub, bring what you absolutly need upstairs (ladder included), then axe your stairs.
  19. Lol. The puzzles have plenty of variety, and the music is only bad if you're deaf.
  20. There is an arena in chapter 1 you know. She could kill stuff, and then use it, or something. Or use it, then kill stuff.
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