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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. And you still haven't changed it <_< And aren't these a bit broad? Middle eastern is lumping Isralies and Arabs together
  2. Apperently some people haven't heard of Shiningpikablu.
  3. On elite mode, you are gaining levels faster, which means less level-ups with the good scrolls when you get them.
  4. Skillname: Whore Usuable by: Young women Effect: On the enemy phase, there is 10% chance that an enemy next to the user will do nothing during its turn, and give you 1,000 gold.
  5. They don't need to be afraid of the lava or anything. But the ash might decide to cause problems.
  6. What kind of stupid question is this? Of course I use dancers.
  7. I think I'm gonna like Sleuf. I also like how Seram looks (is his one eye red, or does it just look like that because his hair is in the way?), so I'll use him.
  8. And there's Novela in FE8. And there's that one Gorgon boss in FE8 too.
  9. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/outposts/2...-a-ticking.html Thoughts?
  10. Oh, and there's that Shamen boss in Lyn mode too. Heinzt, I think he is. I know his name is similar to Heinz (as in, the ketchup)
  11. I fail to see the humor in this. Unless you forgot some part about the guy getting mauled by a dog later.
  12. You have to read a zombie book for english? Why?
  13. I'm sure most everyone forgot about that one. The guy's the boss of a gaiden chapter of a gaiden chapter that you have to jump through hoops in Lyn mode to get to.
  14. And there's that one boss in FE7 Hector mode Chapter 19xx.
  15. I plan on using her, since I want to use that theif staff well. Of course, she's got an E in staves. But she has five movement stars. About how many staff users should I train? And is it even practical to get Tina to an A in staves? I can see Seram getting there, but not Tina. Not sure about Nanna. Saphy is already at A staves. So, yeah. Also, if I get Olwen captured, will I be able to recruit Eyrios?
  16. Staves can miss. So far, this has helped me more than not (enemy bishops can't use psyhic very well it seems).
  17. I just warped Lara to Pahn and recruited him, and had him steal Tina's thief staff. The thieves just ran away on their turn without bothering to get treasure. And Othin captured Trewd.
  18. So far, I don't see why this is supposed to be so bad. What's going to happen?
  19. They have the same boss too. And you recruit a troubador each time. And I think that the boss uses a Silver Lance each time.
  20. Where do the dancer reinforements come from?
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