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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Probably General Fire Emblem. If it doesn't belong there, it'll be moved to Far from the Forest.
  2. So you can almost spell his name from memory now?
  3. Reblestar: Tactical Command is played similar to Fire Emblem. Different types of guns/explosives/grenades/some knives (weapon level with that type of weapon determines how well you can use a weapon) Your characters gain experience and level up, improving their stats Accuracy of an attack is determined by what the weapon is, your character's weapon level with that type of weapon, and distance from the enemy There are terrain features like walls (some walls can be blown up), trees (some can be burned), sandbags, and more. These work, of course, to help cover you. Your characters have Action Points, which are used to do everything. Their action points refill at the start of your turn. When a character's HP hits 0, they are KO'd for the rest of the stage. Medi-kits can restore health if the character isn't KO'd. Also, this game was probably to...ambitious for the GBA. It lags at times >_> Still, its fun. Sigma Star Saga The overworld like an RPG overworld, with enemies, puzzles, gun-data (your ship uses a combination of three types of gun data to determine how it shoots, what it shoots, and what happens when the shots hit), etc. You gain no experience in the overworld. Random encounters and boss levels are different, however. They're space shooter. You get a random ship (could be big, small, fast, slow, balanced), and your gun data you have assigned determines what you shoot. You gain experience in these. I like this game.
  4. Yep. Yep. Don't believe you. Oh, we can block users here? Didn't know that. Though I think this will be helpful, since I don't have to see some idiot's posts in the middle of debates. Awesome, it works!
  5. Who are good candidates for the wrath manual?
  6. Damnit, I thougt for sure people would guess Link for mine. Oh well, glad to see somebody else cares about him.
  7. Come again? Is that stuff spelled right, because if its not, that's a problem. Actually, I doubt the rest of the spelling is correct, looking at "were." Are you trying to say: I keep on fighting a princess-napper and I wear a hat? Because I'll answer Mario. If that's wrong, I say Link. My turn to make one. Clothed in green dress I collect Rupees I do battle with wild creatures, I must confess At the end of the day I jump with glee I have a pet, who helps me on my quest I will defeat my greatest enemy, you wait and see At what I do, I am the best Who is me?
  8. Try using a rom instead. Its free, easier, and there are links to translation patches on the forums, somewhere (General FE Sticky Topic maybe?). @Below post: Wimps.
  9. I just fired off the torch stave at the start of Chapter 11x. I'm not sure how I feel atm.
  10. He's boycotting his impeachment trial. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/j...cott-his-trial/
  11. On the off-chance you are serious, here's a hint.
  12. Freeze Clause (and sleep clause as well) can be turned on using Shoddy to prevent more than 1 pokemon from being frozen/asleep on your team. Not so on wi-fi.
  13. In Sweden (and some other countries of Scandinavia IIRC) the goverment pays for your health care. You also get six weeks paid vacation. Of course, tax rates are higher.
  14. What if the dead topic is yours, and you have relevant information >_> Basically, use common sense. Unless of course, you don't have any. Which I wouldn't doubt in today's world.
  15. I think I'm seeing it now. Yep, I am.
  16. Pros: -Stimulates tear ducts, clearing out the eyes -Increases your fluid consumption Cons: -Hurts like a bitch
  17. Wait, they're trying to enforce a freeze clause on wi-fi?
  18. How bad? Like bad enough to sue someone bad?
  19. I really wish Namco would make some sequals to Reblestar: Tactical Command and Sigma Star Saga. Your thoughts about this/want to discuss these great games?
  20. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=11804 On-topic, I would like capturing to return.
  21. IIRC, he took second place on a gamefaqs poll for best Link. I voted Red and WW.
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