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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. If there are several members of a species that are homosexual, I thinks that means that maybe that species is too damn sucsessful. Next thing you know, Fido will be having sex with other male dogs.
  2. You were talking about fried chicken and how people keep restating things already said. That's off-topic. And now we're trying to talk about European health care.
  3. No. Link doesn't really have that so that he can be you. At least according to Nintendo.
  4. I think it has something to do with being taxed less.
  5. Now I understand why my cousin's albino gerbil only runs in circles. And to think I just thought it was stupid.
  6. There's a pirate feast chasing Briggid, underleveled units will enjoy leveling up on them. Oh, and Tiltyu is underleveled, and in the vicinity of the pirate feast. RETREAT BRIGGID TOWARDS CLAUDE AND TILTYU. You should be able to find a nice spot for Briggid to wall them. I didn't find them walking on water a problem, since they do it so slow.
  7. Four Swords. Four Swords Adventures. I'm still waiting for Four Swords DS, Nintendo. Where the fuck is it?
  8. I don't really think that people outside of the US carry (or are even allowed to carry) concealed handguns.
  9. Dolphins are inteligent. They tried to warn us about the end of the world, but we interperetted it as complex attemps to jump through hoops and stuff.
  10. Selective vision? Like selective hearing, excepot with your eyes?
  11. He's that one boss that has a horseslayer and attacks you in that canyon on the way to Augusty castle. The one that has the ballistae shooting into the canyon. The one with a castle in the canyon. Yeah, that canyon.
  12. Not ringing any bells. EDIT: Oh yeah, him. So that's where the I got that horseslayer.
  13. This is one of those cases where someone with a concealed handgun could have stopped this from happening.
  14. Oh wow. I thought Corple looked bad. Sharlow looks even worse!
  15. Or maybe Hero weapons are a class of weapons that have been blessed for heros. Sounds reasonable to me.
  16. I was able to figure this out without putting her in range.
  17. Oh yeah. I should check his supports...all I remember is that he's an drunkard and something about Igrene.
  18. Stupid dumbass. I'm not saying any names, but some idiot got our hopes up. You know who you are TC. :P
  19. Astol is a drunk thief with pink hair. Matthew is a thief, and Serra has pink hair. You don't think that maybe...
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