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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. If you're gay, go have (butt)sex with gay people. If you're straight, go have sex with straight people. That is all.
  2. For once, the kid said something I can't argue with. Moving on... The only difference between gay people and straight people is that gay people make love with people of the same sex. I've no problem with them so long as I do not have a gay man bothering me. However, gay pride parades take it too far. Your sexuality does not entitle you do be an attention whore. In closing: Straight=Okay Gay=Okay Straight Parade=I don't think these exist Gay Parades=You're a fucking loser
  3. That is a hoax. Just ask yourself this; Zelda, steampunk, guns, and a nutcase as Link? Its shot down before you even need to check if its fake. @ Florina: Would it help if I said that Marvelous Entertainment makes Harvest Moon games? EDIT: The hand only gets almost all the way around before it resets. Keeping my fingers crossed for a Majora's Mask remake.
  4. Haar's is named String-cheese and Jill's is named Softball.
  5. What don't you get? It makes perfect sense to me.
  6. Is the FE1 theme the one that plays when you recruit units? Actually, could someone post a link to all the themes?
  7. Alright, this thread has outlasted its purpose. It can be closed now.
  8. OMG. All the units in FE1 must suck balls if they can barely scratch Ike, if at all!!11!11!1Shift+1 \/ Your sarcasm detector is broken.
  9. Clock? Holy shit! Majora's Mask! Yay! I guess we'll figure out Thrusday nightish.
  10. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=2922180
  11. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=2921975
  12. I would be an armored swordwielding mage mounted on a wyvern.
  13. Don't know if its been said yet, but in FE5 any characters that are still on the map when Leaf exits on an escape mission lost (though you can get them back in a gaiden).
  14. IIRC, she either died birthing Wolt, or was Roy's wet nurse.
  15. IIRC, it was origanlly fanart, but Nintendo liked it so much they decided it was official art.
  16. That's not really an answer...
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