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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Umm, I have a question. How can I set it so that when I receive a PM, that it pops up infront of me?
  2. General Spoon

    World War III

    So um, which city do I get? I sent you two of them incase you didn't like my first pick.
  3. Nice, we knocked out 77 of them tonight.
  4. I can help you cross check if you like, but you'll probably refuse my help since I'm playing.
  5. General Spoon

    World War III

    Do we have to fill out those log things?
  6. General Spoon

    World War III

    Wait, I will signup I think. So I just pick a city to start with, eh? This should be amusing...
  7. General Spoon

    World War III

    Idea to get around the honor code. Have somebody who's not playing take care of modding the game. No, I am not going to volunteer to do this. Find somebody else.
  8. General Spoon

    World War III

    I think I'll unsignup.
  9. General Spoon

    World War III

    I still don't get what these logs are, or why they would be posted in the game thread if they're so important. Perhaps you should have somebody who's not playing mod the game and handle these logs?
  10. Is there any reason you can't do the update?
  11. General Spoon

    World War III

    What's this log thing? And why post it in the thread if you don't want people looking at it? Seems pretty stupid to me.
  12. General Spoon

    World War III

    In that case, if we're claiming territories (which I doubt) I want Somalia, South Africa, Madagascar, and Antarctica.
  13. General Spoon

    World War III

    I doubt we're actually going to pick them. Most likely Life is going to randomize who gets what.
  14. General Spoon

    World War III

    "Never start a land war in Asia" -Vizzini
  15. Geeze, I just realized that you have a mafia member who's a double-voter AND a secret-voter. Please tell me how giving a mafia member the power to anonymously cast two votes isn't overpowered.
  16. So basically a bullshit reason.
  17. No really, please explain to me what the town is going to do with a secret voter.
  18. General Spoon

    World War III

    I'll play I guess.
  19. I found another problem. Display name history cannot be viewed by an icon under a person's avatar.
  20. Well, it wouldn't be pointless if your vision of yourself told you that you're seer. Then you would have to be the seer, as all games with you being a non-seer would be eliminated.
  21. Does seering somebody remove the games where that seer result will be untrue?
  22. I don't know whose idea it was that the skins in place now "are okay for now" but whoever thought that, you're wrong. These skins suck balls.
  23. Just take them away again. We got along just fine without them, and as a bonus getting rid of them creates more work for Joshua.
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