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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. There has been a misunderstanding caused by my misinterpretation of Bizz's words. Please ignore it >_<
  3. I wonder who it could be?
  4. You can kill him during the desert chapter if you want Mercurius earlier.
  5. Actually, it'll be about 4 hours until I give that information to the Gold claims, as my class is like over now. And it wouldn't hurt to give a bit more time incase these two are faking their claim.
  6. Okay, so if I don't get contacted by somebody else claiming to be Gold within like, the next 30 minutes, I'll just go ahead and give the Gold claims I have access to the claims, since its ben long enough for any gold counterclaims to spring up.
  7. At this moment I am not prepared to offer an opinion.
  8. If it isn't clear, it is currently night phase. Send in those orders!
  9. In addition to what happens if Pride flips scum, I have two cleared gold members who will be given access to all the role claims I have, basically ensuring that they cannot be lost to a night kill.
  10. Unfortunately, I cannot allow the gold claims I have to have access to the information pertaining to the roles until after today's lynch. If Pride flips Gold, then I have two convicted scum on my hands. If Pride flips scum, I will have who I believe to be his partner shot and roleblocked tonight.
  11. And I'm unsure why Fayt was shot 2 nights ago anyways. He was pretty obviously laying a trail of breadcrubs that he's the church singer.
  12. Alright, its like this. I have two people that are claiming gold to me, and I have two people that haven't claimed at all. Those two people who haven't claimed basically blew me off when I asked for a claim (as in, not ignoring me, but saying something in a way that seems like blowing me off). Here's one of them. I also got a similar respond from the other guy. Hang Pride.
  13. Roleclaim to the leader and follow him will eventually lead to players learning how to became one of the people who the leader trusts with all the roleclaims. But it won't work so well in setups where the list of roles in known, because then everybody would know that SOMEBODY is a mafia member who appears innocent, etc. Now, if the roles in the setup are completely unknown, it is in the scum's best interest to became trusted by the leader. They may have a good role (appears innocent, etc), allowing them to do this, or they may be able to come up with a good fakeclaim etc. Or the scum could try and subtly prevent the village from getting a leader in the first place. tl;dr version: Scum will learn to either subtly prevent a Town Leader from emerging, or they'll learn how to gain access to the info.
  14. Incase you haven't noticed, I update the player list over there after every death.
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