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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Okay, you know what? I think I have a solution to this problem. Give me a minute.
  2. Not all orders are in. Take that as you will.
  3. Oh isn't this just lovely. Now there will be even less people around to not care about the ticket system. EDIT: Goodbye Tino.
  4. Here's what we're going to do tonight. Tables is going to revive Raymond. Him being hooked is not a concern. I am the Silver Jack of All Trades. As I'm sure you can guess, one of my powers was rolescan. I've 4 other powers, one of which is called "safeguard". What it does is prevent all harmful actions done to a person during the night, except for death. It would seem that this would be things like poisoning, hooking, and silencing. I am going to safeguard Tables, so that he can't be hooked tonight. I ask that the doctor be on Tables tonight so that he will not die after reviving Raymond. In addition, I ask that the bodyguard protects me tonight. Then when Raymond is alive, he can tell us who his guilty report is on.
  5. And Spike, don't think that nobody has noticed you ever so subtly (and failingly) trying to push for my lynch instead. Granted, you are new.
  6. You guys know something else? Ether's reaction is basically telling me that poisoner is indeed a mafia role.
  7. No lynch gets us nowhere, and Ether's explanation stretches credulity, especially in light of the evidence against him.
  8. It would be extremely sad if somebody was hung with one vote.
  9. I wish. As is, I can't rolefind anymore. Actual rolefinder can contact me if (s)he wishes. And I would prefer it if you didn't out yourself.
  10. What happens if you get hooked?
  11. Yeah sure. I'm the poisoner and said that you were before the update, because I'm a psychic and knew that the poisoner role would be revealed in the update. Get real.
  12. I think we can agree with an Ether lynch, correct?
  13. Oh hey guys. I don't think Ether's role of Poisoner sounds very town, does it?
  14. The night can be ended whenever assuming the orders are in. I don't particulary care.
  15. Okay, after actually reading the flavor, it seems that both the mafia and serial killer attacked the same person, who seems to have protected him/herself. If that person can protect themself every night, I suggest (s)he claims.
  16. The mafia can choose a person that the bouncer will be on. If anybody visits that person that night, they will die.
  17. Whoever the doctor is should contact whoever they saved. That person is basically clear. I think...
  18. Or I might end the day phase at 9:30 AM CST tomorrow. Actually, I think I will do that.
  19. Yes. Did I say there was a rule against it? No, I did not. So, you can do that.
  20. Not likely. If you want, you can do them.

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