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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. You're pretty good at pulling extremely ballsy moves.
  2. Its got something to do with his Wii.
  3. And the mafia can't fake a character name? I don't think its likely that a dog would be used as a character, which is exactly why it would be a safe fake claim.
  4. I mean, who gets a fucking dog?
  5. Why am I lynching him? I think he's lying about his character name.
  6. Yeah, let's lynch Lightning.
  7. I agree with basically everything there. Am I really aggressive?
  8. Fine then. We can lynch him tomorrow, as I'm certain the Dragonlord won't allow me to kill him tonight.
  9. What it means is that you know you're lying about being the hunter. The Rebels do in fact have that information.
  10. Yeah, way to try and change the subject. You've now acknowledged that the councilman gets an investigation result if he dies. 180 degree turn much? And we didn't know at that point that Cynthia would be inactive all game.
  11. If the shrink visits the granny the same night the granny is yakked, the granny will not be converted.
  12. You're pulling bullshit. The councilman still gets his result even if he dies. He kinda has a team to leave that for.
  13. Yeah sure, I should've killed Cynthia earlier, completely exposing the guy I was working with, who I didn't try and stab in the back until now. Good plan.
  14. Yeah, like that's gonna work. The Dragonlord is just going to blissfully continue on his way by swapping Tables with somebody else.
  15. Didn't I also say I don't like how Tables left me with the short end of the stick? This has taken over as my priority now.
  16. The rebels (read: Tables) aren't going to kill me because they know they can get me lynched tomorrow. Duh.
  17. Yeah, way to dodge the bullet there Tables. Everybody, notice how Tables doesn't want to hang. Its not because of numbers. Its because him hanging now ruins his whole strategy. The Rebels will be unable to bounce back if he hangs. This is because he's the guy the town trusts. Nobody would kill him. If he were to die, it'd be over for his team. He's been building this trust up all game. His strategy hinges on it.
  18. You know what? Screw it, I'm just gonna come out and say it. Unvote Champion Cynthia. On Night 2, Life rolecopped Champion Cynthia and got hunter. I confronted Tables about this after he claimed hunter, and he eventually confessed to being Rebel. We decided that we would take eachother to endgame, and see who wins then. But he obviously got the better end of the stick, seeing as he's completely trusted by the town. Of course, I am unhappy with that. Vote I Eat Tables.
  19. In fact, she might even be hunter.
  20. Champion Cynthia for not having been online the whole game. I feel there's a good chance that she is town, and that somebody claimed her role and is now considered to be town because there's no counterclaim.
  21. No need to track it down. You'll understand what I mean when he posts.
  22. Don't feel bad. I've heard that somebody got hit with a worse posting restriction than you. If he's lying to me, he rehearsed it pretty well.
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