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Everything posted by torifae

  1. I already have been back <.< I've just haven't been on for a while. :(
  2. Looks like Chad win this one :D
  3. The Dark Lady of the Forsaken! lol
  4. Woah, I have been gone for a long time lol :P
  5. L'Arachel can use Dark tome? o.0
  6. Genis = MaSu Lloyd = Lyle etc... o.0...?!
  7. o.0, you guy's all been debating on Metroid all this time?
  8. torifae


    Guy is the best Swordmaster. He never lets me down, not ever.
  9. I can totally imagine that right now.
  10. I prefer Bishie guys. And really cute ones too. And I HATE people who's smartatic and sarcastic in a bad way. I can't stand for these type of people! >.<
  11. Welcome Back :D

  12. So does Eliwood or Hector, which ever modes you play. <.< I just go on feeding every enemies to himself after I got him promoted. And he's really good with his SoS
  13. If I'd be a boss, probably Marksman with Double Bow lol
  14. IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! XD And Ike, Hector, Eirika, and Roy are the best.
  15. To be honest, I have no problem with playing Archer/Sniper class. Even though they're completely stuck with Bows, I can't think of a reason why I should not dislike them :X
  16. Though I don't own this game, I did played PoR. Naesala because everyone knows hes bishie! :D
  17. I want a Wii! And RD as well. :(
  18. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 This is a good find, Navarre is even more BISHIE! :3
  19. Lugh, just because he comes first than Lilina and Hugh. :D
  20. Moulder is way too old! Natasha FTW.
  21. I also have a test on Friday ARGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *ripping my notes to shreds*
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