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Everything posted by torifae

  1. It depends how it really means, if I were to say find someone who said really irritating things I would definitely reply back because it really bothers me since internet is actually a most powerful system amongst society and we really have to be careful of how we interact with.
  2. I can't tell whether or not your joking ><
  3. If only this game comes out around the day of my birthday, that would have been the best time of my life...but I can wait.
  4. So...I guess this topic should be close now because Fireman consider this topic to be confrontational eh?
  5. Thanks for contributing, but I've already gotten my answer ^^
  6. How come it's a bad thing, I see nothing wrong with it. This is after all the Fftf board...woah I really missed out a lot of actions. o.0
  7. Just wanna know how many of you are thinking of getting the game. I sure am. XD
  8. Also one question, what's a confrontational topic anyways? Just wanna know...:/
  9. Your arguably my favourite FE character of all time. :O

  10. oh...I see now...okay thanks. :P
  11. torifae

    Japanese Humor

    You guys just reminded me of something. :o You should watch MXC, it's so hilarious.
  12. I can't seem to change my title...@_@
  13. torifae


    I want to be a cat just because they're my favourite animal. :3
  14. I vote Ross just because I like him more as a Berserker :P
  15. >:o Your stupid MaSu is awesome.
  16. Place Pre-promotes and Armour units in the front fine!
  17. Wendy, Lilina, Sophia...I think that's it. :/
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