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Everything posted by torifae

  1. Does anyone know exactly how long does GBA cartridges last for?
  2. Definitely Final Fantasy 7 because it's the best Final Fantasy games around.
  3. If I had a Wii I go for Mia Nephenee Jill Eddie Boyd :'(
  4. Brom has big nose though and plus he's fat <.<
  5. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  6. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  7. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  8. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  9. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  10. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  11. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  12. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  13. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  14. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  15. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  16. Just going around to ppls profile and wishing them a happy Christmas...so Merry Christmas XD

  17. Gartre since he's the only pretty looking one :P
  18. I'm too lazy to get my camera all to take a picture and post it up here, kinda pointless eh? <.<
  19. I always though Excalibur has a really cool battle animation so...*votes*
  20. torifae

    Happy Holidays

    Yay Merry Christmas. :D
  21. Neither because I go for Lowen :3
  22. I barely lay a finger on my Pearl too. But you can always trade them into Platinum no?
  23. I listen to whatever is in my IPod. Mostly things like Korean pop musics XD
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