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Everything posted by IzzyFresh

  1. Once you upgrade classes at level 10 that should fix your speed issues. Use training/iron weapons for now to lower the speed penality.
  2. Class bonuses usually keep them competitive. If they really fall behind just set them as an adjutant.
  3. Yeah I just tested it, you do not get renown for eating. Probably confusing for Prof Exp
  4. Just beat Claude's and Marianne's Paralogue, there are some interesting lore implications. Macuil is transformed into a Monster/Dragon and calls Claude's family his enemies, and says that Byleth has the "stench of sothis" on him. I originally thought maybe he meant Almyran, but it's clear he meant Riegan since he drops a Riegan crest weapon. Maurice, the original holder of the Beast Crest, and originally one of the 10 elites, calls Byleth "the holder of the sword of the king" and asks for liberation from his current Beast form. What does this mean? Did Macuil and Maurice turn against Sothis/Seiros, which is why they are stuck in Monstrous Forms? Flayn calls him her uncle, so why is Flayn/Seteth not stuck as monsters, just Macuil? There is 0 doubt in my mind Maurice was definitely on Nemesis's side. But were all of the elites on his side too?
  5. Yeah they do. Its mostly the learned combat arts that don't transfer.
  6. Most skills do transfer. Those 2 skills are likely exclusive to balance out the classes vs Mortal Savant/Bow Knight
  7. Well yeah, the two you mentioned are the ones that are straight upgrades in stats and skills. This is more about Paladins, Heroes, Swordmasters, Assassins and others that are not straight upgrades in stats
  8. Hey guys, So I got far enough in the game to confirm what a lot of have been thinking all along, and that is that Master Classes are not strict upgrades (mostly). Example: Marianne as a Bishop vs a Holy Knight : You can see she gains speed, Magic, and Res if she stays as a Bishop, while sacrificing those to get Canto. Same BST. Its pretty clear from the class abilities that Bishop is a more specialized healer, so Holy Knight is not a strict upgrade. Same here with Felix: Its the same idea here, there are the same BSTs, but you gain a more balanced unit unlike the advanced class. In addition, Swordmasters get Astra once you master the class. It does not transfer to Mortal Savant (was a bit annoyed by that). Same idea with Snipers. They get Hunters Volley, a 2 hit Combat art that does not transfer to Bow Knight. Assassin's combat art Assassinate does not transfer. So it does seem like the characters who seemed to get shafted by the Master Classes are not really shafted at all (Petra, Dedue to name a few). The advanced classes are just as good, if not better than the master classes. Paladins, Snipers, Assassins and Heroes and all the other classes that don't really have a Master class equivalent are still very valid. The only strict upgrades seem to be Wyvern Lord, Falcoknight, Gremory, and War Master. Everything else is a side grade.
  9. If you think Felix is busted now, just wait till you unlock his Holy Relic...it's a Shield that is a free Aegis and Pavise. Essentially he will never die.
  10. My Fortress Knight Hilda has been wrecking everything. They get -8 weight, which essentially means +8 speed, so they aren't nearly as slow as you would think. High Damage, takes no damage, and fast. They really did armor knights right in this game. The Stride Gambit is honestly just broken too, so it enables a low move unit like Armor Knights to still be viable.
  11. You essentially spam gambits. Every Gambit's main target will break the barrier, and the aoe hits will crack the barrier. A cracked barrier will break after any hit. Once you get the hang of it beasts are pretty easy. I don't think I have ever had a beast unleash a strong move yet and I'm playing on hard.
  12. They are definitely worth it for all classes. They are relatively easy to get (Approximately 3 - 4 tutoring sessions) and they give skills that help out a lot early in the game. Good chance by end game you will get better skills, so its a good idea to just unlock these early to make the best use of them.
  13. For the Holy and Dark, I'd say to keep em in the class they are most useful in (Sylvain keep as a cavalier, while Lynhardt should probably stay as a Bishop.) For Bow Knights, I can see once you get the appropriate bow rank, swapping over would be beneficial to raise your Riding and Lance ranks. Essentially a Bow Knight in all but name.
  14. Cyril is strong in Axes, Lance, Bow, Flying and Riding.
  15. Repair costs about half the weapon cost. So it's not worth it to repair until you use up at least half the uses.
  16. There are reinforcements, but so far no ambush. They generally spawn at end of player phase, but do not move/attack till next enemy phase.
  17. Skills gained through Mastery become equippable skills (. Class skills are seperate. Example HP +5 is a master skill.
  18. Its not that hard, there are ample opportunities to grind if you feel the need. There are supposedly 2 more difficulty levels once you beat the game on Hard.
  19. Do we lose all the professors and neutrals if we side with a Lord?
  20. Thing there is supposedly a branch even with Claude from that reviewer on reddit. Its possible that 4th route is universal?
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