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Everything posted by Darkdragoon324

  1. Yes! Unless they randomly decide to screw over one house or something, but that hardly seems likely.
  2. it's honestly worse than just no marketing lol. Dangling the possibility of actual new info in front of us and then just stalling and stalling and stalling.
  3. I'll be sort of disappointed if Rhea's support isn't romantic, i'd prefer an older character for FemByleth. I like Edgelord, Dorothea and Mercedes but i'd happily trade one of them for an older faculty member like Catherine or Manuela.
  4. Eh, if I haven't gotten burnt out on replaying the gba and Tellius games yet, 3H probably won't be a problem. I'll just go through at a nice slow pace. now that Trails of Cold Steel III has apparently been delayed til October I've got no other games to look forward to for the next few months anyway, so I hope to drag this one out as long as possible so I don't fall down the Skyrim hole again.
  5. Atlus just has a problem with announcing things way too early. Like SMT x Fire Emblem. They hadn't even nailed down a concrete concept yet! SMT V will come. Eventually. Hopefully much sooner than Persona 5 did after its first announcement. Also, that fantasy RPG they're working on. That's... probably still a thing. Or is it? Did I hallucinate that?
  6. lol same. But I also don't want any huge plot spoilers. I mean like, more than i've already read. I need some sort of app that will just show me the time skip designs and leave out all the other information. But probably i'll just read all the spoilers because I have no self control.
  7. I'd trade Edelgard for Catherine or Manuela with great enthusiasm.
  8. I thought Rhajat's support chain with FCorrin was far superior to MCorrin and was very upset that Treehouse was too damn lazy to localize it even though they still did with the Corrinsexuals. It's TWO more supports Treehouse, would that really have freaking killed you?
  9. I also think Nintendo is just giving them less priority in general now that the hype is mostly gone. They don't make as many new ones and they just don't seem to be promoting them very much anymore. Seem to be suffering the same swift decline as all the other toys to life lines. It just doesn't seem to be a very sustainable model Eventually people just stop caring or get sick of constantly buying new ones. Even Skylanders is slowing down.
  10. Seiros is hardcore. My favorite part is when she just goes up and decks him in the face.
  11. Maybe Jeralt and Rhea are both red herrings and that's why IS put those scenes in the trailer and they're planning to surprise us by making us believe the obvious. Just let me dream
  12. The way he described it made it seem like he just wasn't really paying attention to that particular mechanic and the one he got he just happened to naturally meet the requirements for, so it was probably harder for him than for someone who had their recruits planned out from the start.
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