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Everything posted by TEKWRX

  1. OH, that's good to know. Maybe I'll try again later tonight
  2. How important is it to break both pots in the scheme of things? I just had back to back wins without losing a unit while using my newly built Kronya (Yay me! 😁) but on the second one I wasn't able to get either pot. I probably could have, but it may have been riskier so I decided to just get the guarantied clean win. Does it just give you more aether to use for more matches each day, or does it actually affect the lift you earn to raise up the tiers? Also, does anybody know when the Panic Manor (D) will be back on the bonus rotation? I need to spend some stones to get dew, and that's the only building I don't have yet. I'd rather upgrade a more useful thing while I have the stones, but I want to make sure I have enough time to get more stones before it comes back as a bonus.
  3. Darn, I scored 740 but I could have got a few points more probably because I was gonna put a dual rally+ on W!Cecilia anyway for Arena, but I just forgot to actually do it before playing Mjölnir’s Strike. Oh well, at least I can do a bit better next time 😏
  4. Yes, W!Cecilia is my Astra tank in AR. I will start using her in Arena for her high BST. She already has Aether, CC, Special Fighter, & Atk Smoke. I have 2 Quan combat manuals so I can give her a dual rally+ right away. She's +2 right now, but the merges will be slow. Grails take forever to earn, and I did just invest and build Kronya as my Vantage sweeper so depending on how she performs there will competition for grails over the next few months. EDIT: Sorry for the double posting. I was trying to add the above quote into my post, but the forum added it as a reply
  5. Thanks for the education on Arena scoring everyone. I think I have a better idea now. I think I will continue to prioritize merging Norne as she has decent BST and is a decent tanky unit who I like. Plus I have almost enough copies to +10 now (feathers permitting), although it's a bummer she comes with Repo as I' always running low on Silas, Barst, & Selena... Considering Norne's bulk, would she be a decent user of Close Counter? Although if I did that she's lose the Bracing Stance she has now so it would lower her bulk, so maybe not. Not sure what to do about Julia. It would bump up my score, but than I'd have to make sure the other units are all Earth blessed, and my better scorers might have a different blessing so that might make it a moot point. But before I do decide to merge her up, are there any units that would really benefit from Mirror Impact? Seems like a pretty rare skill.
  6. I'm realizing I need to get serious about my Arena scoring. I've been stuck in T18 for a while now, and even though I always win all my daily matches and get kills with the bonus unit (and very rarely lose a unit of my own), I never gain any ground and sometime even demote to T17. So I guess it comes down to scoring. I did start using my only +10 (Tharja), and my score average did go up about 8-12 points. So I need to concentrate on merging an Arena core, but I'm not sure who would be the smartest to start with. Below is a list of units that I have at least 6+ copies, units marked with * have enough copies to +10 immediately once I get the feathers. I'd like to merge someone who will score well and would be good for AR also if possible (offense or defense). A few units that I like and was planning on building and merging anyway are Ares, Norne, Kagero, Sothe, Lilina, and Priscilla. If any of those will score well, then great. If not, I'm open to any of the units below. I also understand that merging is only half the score, I will give them high SP skills when I can. I also have a +1 L!Julia and have two extra copies I was saving for fodder, but if a +3 Legendary unit is worth more in score than fodder, I guess could merge her and use in Arena. Marth* Ares* Caeda* Chrom Soleil* Cordelia Eliwood Gwendolyn* Effie Catria Cherche* Norne* Klein* Niles* Sothe* Kagero* Lilina* Reinhardt* Priscilla* Adult Tiki* Nowi
  7. That would be nice, but it would probably hurt orb sales? Maybe they could do it with no pity breaks only the first day of the banner? That might encourage more summoning in general. I know a lot of people just use the free summon and that's it if the new units don't interest them. People might spend more orbs if they knew what they might get that first day.
  8. Uggg, what am I doing? I spent the free summon, 2 tickets, the 10 compensation orbs, all the new story mode orbs, and ~20 of my own orbs sniping red on the new banner. Nothing but combat manuals. Even had 3 different sessions with 3 red orbs, so should have been decent sniping odds. I'm an idiot, I don't even need a fast sword unit, I have both Mareeta's. I just like both of the new red units, and now I feel like I wasted so many summons, I can't walk away empty handed. I did get 2 copies of Cain, so that's something I guess. I hate when I do shit like this. Congrats to everyone with better luck than me
  9. Yeah, sending home a 5* for feathers is a HUGE waste. Infantry Pulse is a rare skill, but even if you don't have a use for it now you might in the future. Or if you just don't care, it's even better to just merge. Like @XRay said, it's nice to have a strong diverse barracks for Arena Assault. I've been only playing for a few months, and I'm just now at the point where I can make it through all 7 battles without losing. I wouldn't be able to if I sent home the 5* units that I don't like and never use (and there are quite a few)
  10. I really wish there was a way to buy older accessories with some sort of in game currency. As a newish player, I get jealous of all the sunglasses and cool hats I see everywhere. It's not fair 😎
  11. Well, I guess I'm going to give Kronya CC/Special Spiral for now since that's what I have. She's going to need CC anyway, and Special Spiral is also really good on her, so I might as well give both at the same time. I hear what you're saying about Null-C, and it does sound really good for dealing with Veronica, etc.. So I will have a decision to make when the day comes that I get Null-C fodder. But that could be next week, or in 6 months, so at least in the meantime I should have an effective vantage sweeper. I know I was gonna build Sothe, and I still might, but I do like the idea of vantage working off the enemy damage and not my own
  12. Thanks @daisy jane for making my decision even harder, lol. It's true that I am building Ares to be a vantage sweeper, but it would be nice to have an effective sweeper for both seasons to maximize blessing scores. I'm just worried giving all this premium fodder to Kronya while she's at such low merges. But I guess I gotta start somewhere... I love Ophelia and was thrilled when I finally pulled her over Christmas, but unfortunately my copy is -Spd so she's probably not ideal, but maybe that doesn't matter when spamming AOE? And yeah, I do have Igrene and I agree, she's awesome. I would not fodder my only copy. I used to have her paired with Velouria to become a pseudo-Ophelia and was a lot of fun. And if I want Pulse Smoke for someone, I do have a Pent that I'm never gonna use. Been thinking about giving it to B!Ike maybe.
  13. Thanks, that's what I figured. I'm really glad I held off giving my first one any SI or dragon flowers even there were many times I wished he had Respostion while using him over the past week. I knew I was going to be trying for another. I guess I better still hold off on any SI at least until the banner goes away. Who knows, maybe I'll end up with a third with decent IVs for once 😉
  14. See, this is why I ask these questions here before doing anything. You smart guys bring up stuff I don't even think about, lol. Premium fodder is so hard to get, then you worry about doing the wrong thing with it 😟 I keep hearing about how Kronya has a low Atk problem, so I figured constant Moonbows would help alleviate that. I only have a single copy of Nailah and I don't really want to fodder her so I'd have to wait to give Null-C to Kronya. If I did decide to give Kronya CC over Sothe right now (from Takumi), what would be a good B skill in the meantime? I do have Duo Hector so would Kronya work out easier than Sothe most times? Can't I upgrade Duo's Indulgence to give Hector another blast if the first one doesn't hit all the enemies the first round? Or is that not needed once Kronya engages the first units and hits the others with Savage Blow splash? Or is Kronya a bad idea over Sothe because I can only give her a single merge right now, then I'll have to wait for more grails (plus divide them up between her and Cecelia), whereas Sothe just need feathers for merges (I have about 6 combat manuals at the moment)? So the smart move is to just give Special Spiral to Ophelia and no one else?
  15. Last night I noticed I had over 650 Google Play points, so I cashed some in for 23 free orbs with the hope in getting another Duo Alfonse for fodder. Well my 2nd session gave me 3 blue orbs (already had a pity rate of 4% from previous sessions), and I got him on the 2nd stone pulled. Now I'm not sure which IV to keep, because neither is very good. +HP -Res, and +Spd -Def. I'm leaning towards the +HP -Res version because his speed is already pretty low, and his special scales of his DEF so I don't think it's smart to have a bane there. What to do?
  16. Speaking of Cordelia's refine, for some reason I'm not able to see it in game yet. I have the 4.1 update, downloaded like 50+MB of data when I logged in, but when I go to the refinery it only shows me options for her Slaying Lance I gave her. Am I missing something? Is it not live yet?
  17. OK, I just pulled an extra Duo Alfonse. I was pulling for him with the intention of getting Special Spiral fodder, so I don't have much interest in merging, especially because neither IVs are very good. So now I need to decide who to give Special Spiral to. The obvious answer is Ophelia, but she doesn't use Close Counter very well does she? I was also thinking about Kronya since I was looking for a colorless Vantage sweeper for AR anyway, and even though yesterday I just promoted Sothe with the intention of using him for the role, I haven't really started giving him many skills yet so it's not really a waste if I change my mind. Apparently CC/S Spiral is pretty great on Kronya, but I was wondering if there was anybody else I should be thinking about? My main concern with Kronya is that she's a grail unit, so merges will be incredibility slow seeing as I'm already working on W!Cecilia & Naesala (though he's on the back burner for now). Although merging Kronya would probably be faster than Ophelia unless she comes back on a banner and I've got the spare cash to pull for her heavily (unlikely). One last unit I was thinking of is Legendary Ike. While I don't really care for the unit too much, I did read he's pretty great with Special Spiral because he can proc Radiant Aether every combat so he's always healed up. I did pull three copies of him on the last banner, so I would have a head start on merging, but like I said, I'm not really a fan of him as a unit. So what do you guys think? Also, the IVs on the two Duo Alfonse's are +HP -Res, and +Spd -Def. I was going to keep the +HP -Res version because his speed is already pretty low, and his special scales of his Def so I don't think it's smart to have a bane there. Am I on the right track?
  18. Well, I do have Velouria so that's not an issue and will make things easier. Just need to get some DC fodder. I have an extra Nagi, but that's a waste because of Special Fighter, and an extra Byleth, but I really like him and just merged my other two copies so I may end up making him a 5* exclusive merge project. IDK. I'll wait and see what the upcoming Hector revival banner gives me
  19. Thanks for putting things into perspective. I will hold off for now, at least until Cordelia's refine. I'll just try and make do with what I have. And maybe concentrate on getting a new vantage team in place (Sothe or Ares or maybe Kronya too). I always get frustrated especially at the start of the season when I start out with three losses in a row. Bad enough I can't earn stones/dew fast enough to upgrade my fortress soon enough, I'm fed up facing teams with multiple +10's with an unmerged (Ike) or low merge (Cecilia +2) tank. Plus I don't think I've ever gotten a defense win yet. It's hard to earn stones/dew if I can't earn lift. I can't earn lift because I don't have stones/dew. It's a cruel cycle, lol. But if Cordelia doesn't have a decent refine that helps her galeforce, I will go with Duo Ephraim because he will give all my galeforcers the range I'm losing without Naesala. Although mine has shit IVs (+HP -Res), but at least it's not -Atk. Oh please, let me get a random Tibarn pity break sometime soon 😲
  20. Thanks. I'll stick with Sothe. Does it matter which blessing I give him? My only team type I have success with in AR is tanking (Cecilia Astra, B!Ike Light), so I guess it doesn't matter I'll just score better in one or the other. Maybe Astra is better because Altina gives +Atk? EDIT: I just read that Ares works better in Astra as a vantage sweeper due to Naga boosting his Def for Bonfire. Since I will be deploying Ares once I get some DC fodder, maybe I should just make Sothe a Light blessed unit so then I have both seasons covered?
  21. Never got L'Arachel, now I'm curious. My favorite bit of voice acting in the game might be when H!L'Arachel says "I'm a monster!" when clicking her for a move. Such a great delivery. She also has amazing art.
  22. I just promoted Sothe to 5* with the possible intention of making him a cc/vantage sweeper with Broadleaf Fan. I'm going with a dagger unit because I haven't had much success with my +10 Tharja, I guess all the panic in AR not being able to reliably keep her buffed up sometimes hurts. I was just wondering what blessing I should give Sothe so I can take advantage of the extra SP while training him. Since I don't have a lot of extra blessings to waste, I'd like to give him either Astra or Light, depending on which season he would be better at. My Thraja is light blessed, but like I said I'm probably gonna stop using her as a core component of a team so I don't mind also blessing Sothe light if it makes more sense. EDIT: I'm also open to the ideas of other Broadleaf Fan users if someone is better or as good. I don't particularly like Sothe as a unit, I much prefer Kagero, but I read Sothe uses it better so I'll deal. I'll stick Kagero with her PRF on AR-D one day I guess. So anybody else besides Sothe?
  23. I've decided to bench Naesala as one of my AR galeforcers for the time being. He has failed to even get one kill in every match I've tried to use him in. Probably due to the lack of merges and the fact that almost every match I'm at a fortress disadvantage. Mareeta on the other hand, has been pretty amazing so I'm looking for another galeforce unit that would compliment her. I was thinking about Edlegard, so she could handle any bulky blue units for Mareeta if needed. My Edlegard is +Atk -HP, but I did pull a 2nd one at +Atk -Res, so I could merge if needed if I decide not to use for fodder. The main thing I'm worried about is her low Res. Mareeta has low Res too, but she has Close Call to help mitigate the damage. Other units I'm considering are Duo Ephraim (+HP - Res) or Raven (+Spd). Ephraim is nice because he could offer the extra move that I loose by benching Naesala, but again terrible Res with the bane. I guess I could also wait and see what Cordelia's refine is and use her. It would also save me 20k feathers and losing another merge copy of her. But I'm impatient, so I don't know LOL. What do you guys think?
  24. Is there any reason to put 2x Sothis on my defense team? It didn't change the lift loss when I was building the team, but does the Res bonus stack? Would every dark blessed unit get Res +10?
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