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Everything posted by Ashe02

  1. If I had to make a prediction about the results, I would say that I can see Berndetta maybe taking Lysithea's spot, but I can see female Byleth or Eirika having a chance themselves as well. I think the boys side is more messy this round, which was the opposite of how it was last round I believe. The fight for the 2nd spot between Chrom, Marth, and Claude can't have been pretty, even Dimitri isn't safe. I wish the top 3 on each side would win, I feel like only two girls and two boys is too little considering how big of a cast this series has.
  2. That's a bit of a hard question to answer really as there is a lot of characters in this series. And while I like some characters more than others, I find it hard to think of a character that I outright "hate". But to name few: Kyle from FE8. In a cast so colorful and full of all kinds of personalities, I find Kyle to be very boring. And while I tend to like characters that feel like normal and real people, Kyle just doesn't work for me. I don't even dislike him, but he really stands out for being boring in such a fun cast, and not the good way. I'm also not too big on Soren from Tellius series. He's very unlikable and rude, and really lacks any traits that make up for it, and I personally think if he wasn't smart, not many characters would have tolerated him. Oh and there is also Edelgard who I'm not too big on, but let's not open that can of worms.
  3. I hope we won't have to wait too long for the results to be out. This was the first time I put all my votes on the same character, and I don't know if I can say I liked or not as I wanted to support some other characters. Hopefully next round I won't feel the need to place all my votes on the same character again.
  4. I'm surprised you find it surprising, becasue to me it's not at all. She is controversial, but as in Heroes you can't vote for the characters so they don't get in, then it doesn't really matter how many haters she has as they can't really vote to keep her out of the game. Or in this case, they can't vote to lower her spot in the CYL poll. I see someone is still as obsessed with Dimitri as ever. And it's funny you try to make it seems like Edelgard didn't do well in those Dream polls, becasue she did, but I know you're just triggered Dimitri got a higher spot than her. Oh, and believe it or not, but the Heroes poll also doesn't reflect the whole FE fan base, but something tells me you won't think about it like that as long as Edelgard is 1st on the girls side, so I'm calling you out on your hypocrisy.
  5. I also would have liked to give my votes to different characters (Bern, Ashe, Female Byleth) But I also know there will be a push for Claude and Marth here, so not voting for Dimitri and risking him falling out of the top 2 is not something I will be doing.
  6. Not to be dramatic, but I would kill for Female Byleth.
  7. Just voted for Dimitri again. I'm not taking his lead for granted, and I would hope my fellow Dimitri voters won't as well.
  8. I honestly feel like most people forget that Heather exists.
  9. Seeing Ashe in the top 10 makes me so happy. Makes me almost want to vote for him, but I also feel like there would be a push for Marth to get into the top 2, and I can't risk Dimitri falling out becasue of that.
  10. Alm and Celica are a favorite of mine, but I voted for Micaiah and Sothe. I know some people find this pairing to be gross becasue of the whole "we consider each other to be siblings" thing, but I don't think that was what's truly happening between the two? I find it more so that they cared deeply for each other, but had no idea what they were to each other if that makes sense. So calling each other siblings until they fully understood their feelings is what I think ended up happening here. As for the reason I voted for them, well, they just had a lot of screen time together, more so than any other couple on this poll I believe. Even Alm and Celica didn't have as much screen time together from what I remember. And while their interactions weren't romantic, you could still tell just how much they cared about one another. A fact you could easily prove by reading their death quotes. And as you play through the game, you start understand why they care so much, which only makes me love that pairing even more. Of course though, this is all my opinion.
  11. I've always considered Fire Emblem to be an JRPG. I don't believe it being Tactical stops it from being one. I wouldn't mind a spin-off, but I would much rather they take all that energy and make us a new game instead if I'm being honest here haha. Personally I don't see many Tactical RPGs, let alone play one. So to me, the tactical aspect is what makes Fire Emblem what it is for me. But of course, I would give a spin-off a try if IS were to make one.
  12. Well, I'm afraid I disagree there. But let's not make this thread about Alm and Celica.
  13. Voting for Dimitri. Don't want to risk him having the same fate as Marth.
  14. Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. As for me, it's always Ashe, Annette, and Dorothea who I found myself always recruiting.
  15. Yes, I do feel like recent FE games lack canon couples, but that's probably becasue avatars have became a thing. I wish we would get more romantic centric games, or at least games which has pairs such as Alm and Celica, or maybe even Sothe and Micaiah. But I would say FE16 was still a step in the right direction and I hope they will keep going with it for the games to come.
  16. I ship Byleth with Dimitri more. I felt like the growth between those two was a lot more natural than between Edelgard and Byleth. I think Hubert and Edelgard are really cute together though.
  17. Selena from FE8. There was just something about her character that I really liked when I first saw her. I guess it was the fact she was a "bad guy", and yet she didn't seem like one at all, or at least she didn't act like one. And as I played more of FE8, I only grew to like her character more. I was heart broken when I had to fight her, and I still wish there was a way you could have recruited her.
  18. Thanks for the follow! 

    And nice profile photo!

  19. I personally don't use it, and if I'm being honest....I tend to judge people who use it a lot. Now of course it all depend on the context of the the conversation, but "Ok Boomer" Is never truly used to add anything useful or meaningful to the said conversation, if anything I mostly see it get used to end them while making the person on the receiving end feel old. And that's pretty childish if you ask me.
  20. I'm so happy Byleth is going to be in smash! And it would had bugged me if one of the lords made it, while the other two didn't. So in a way, I'm glad Byleth was chosen.
  21. Elise is great, it's true. It's almost hard to believe that such a kind person could be the child of Garon.
  22. Ashe being 11th <3 I love that Japan seems to love him as well. Also the top 3 are all very great, and I'm so happy Dimitri got 1st on yet another poll. And I'm so, so glad Japan is giving Female Byleth the love she deserves in these polls from what I'm seeing.
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