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Everything posted by Benice

  2. No worries! But Dad, you still haven't played LAD...
  3. NOOO Also, man was Sekiro ever a good game. I hope they make another gane in its vein someday. (Also, sorry to be that guy, but could we keep Engage plot talk in spoilers? I'm not very good at avoidibg spoilers, so any help with resisting temptation is appreciated)
  4. Banned for not playing with all Blue Shells in MK8.
  5. I love Byleth's face in the thumbnail. He looks like my teachers when they see I'm in their class. 'Morning! It's a real cold one out here; we don't usually get to -25 for another couple months!
  6. I dunno, I don't think anything can match the frog's cursedness. This is pretty unnerving too, though.
  7. This is the greatest thing I have ever seen.
  8. Oh bruh that's two days after Ishin releases. Why not both? By the way, regarding Heavy Rain and Cage's genius...
  9. ...Considering that I'm, like, 60 hours in, I feel like I prolly should've learned by myself at this point, though... Plus, I watched the Chugga video and I still didn't entirely get it, I just equipped the arts boosting thing he told me to.
  10. I am stronger than that foolish Spongerobert!
  11. Aye, I will! Wait, no, I mean I'll only eat once you start Yakuz-
  12. I mean, I think the characters are fine. I'm sure I'll enjoy it well enough, I just need to get back to playing it. Speaking of flesh, I just remembered that I forgot to eat today. Whoops.
  13. I'm excited to be the second host nation to lose the opening match!
  14. Oof, the poor lads having to deal with last year's winter... Hey, Vancouver's one of the host cities for FIFA 2026, right? I might actually be able to watch one of the games! ... I'm listening...
  15. Oooh, I see. Ahh. ...We must have bribed the other teams with maple syrup, that's the only way. What I did omit is that gameplay is unique, I think. It's not all bad, it's just not my jam. It isn't even my marmalade... But where's Altina's femdom cave? That moment when both the League of Nations and the Nations League aren't very good.
  16. ...Wait, why was Canada at FIFA if we're not in the top 40?
  17. Yay! I hope you enjoy it if you do get around to it. I love him. I feel called out.
  18. Laura, on the strength of that one event. Slay. Better than nothing, I suppose! Truly the best boy. Well, my biggest things about it that have been holding it back for me are: The gameplay as a whole The plot Me(?) For the first one, I've held for a while that while XB2 is a really, really good experience, it's not the best as a game. There's a lot of little things that I don't like about it, from the field skills sometimes being painfully difficult to unlock, to some areas being really hard to traverse, the tutorials not explaining much, not voiding out when you fall into the clouds, etc. The biggest thing for me is the waypoints, compass, and map. The areas are generally quite vertical, with many things to explore at all levels, with this going doubly so in cities. The compass only really shows where your target is on the map in terms of location, not height, so it can be dreadfully difficult to find random NPCs, let alone navigate to them. The maps aren't much help either. It's not Bubsy 3D or anything like that, though. Secondly, though I'm not done yet and apparently I'm just about to get to the good part, I'm not really impressed by either the characters or plot so far. It's not terrible or anything, but at present, I wouldn't recommend it too heavily in that regard. Thirdly, I think I just don't quite get the combat. I ended up basically doing the same thing in every battle because from what I can tell, it doesn't really matter... Though that can't be true, because I died all the time. I don't know if this is the game's fault or mine, though. I recommend Xenoblade primarily on the basis of the environmental design, setting, exploration*, music, and creativity. To me, those are its greatest strengths so far, and I think that it merits its following on those factors alone. The world alone is so cool that experiencing it, even if it's accompanied by a meh plot and some things that grind my gears, is something I'd fairly easily recommend. Ok but seriously Yakuza 0 is a good physical game on PS4
  19. @Sooks, as someone who has never really played an MMO, JRPG or ARPG and doesn't fully understand what they are, I'd describe XB2's combat as a timing-based JRPG with an emphasis on making combos and not being explained properly. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of Xenoblade 2 (though I still want to finish it), I would recommend it simply on the basis of the visual design of the worlds and the music. I'm of the opinion that, as an experience, it's nearly incomparable. The environmental music stood out the most to me for being probably the best in any game I've played, but there are some good battle themes too. I admit I didn't really hear most of the battle music because the battles themselves are really loud, though. tl;dr the game is cool and so is the music.
  20. Cripes, it'd be really creepy if I liked that stuff while I'm that old, wouldn't it? That's the band nerd, right? 3rd best waifusbando. Oof. He jumps up to 2nd best waifusbando if he plays The Lick. Us artists are always misunderstood...
  21. btw @Edelguardiansing, a propos of nothing, might I recommend the play/film A Raisin in the Sun to you? Considering how much you enjoyed what PoR has had to say about racism so far, I've a feeling you might really, really enjoy this one. It was the first Broadway play written by a black woman, (that being Lorraine Hansberry, perhaps the most slay person ever to walk the earth), and the first directed by a black man as well, and I must advocate for it. The characters are outstanding, the emotional roller coaster it takes you on is remarkable, and what it has to say is top-notch on many levels. EDIT: It does have slurs in it, though, so do be aware of that. Apparently both the 1961 and 2008 film are quite good: I've never seen either, though. The 1961 version had the screenplay written by Hansberry herself, so I'd sooner recommend it on the basis of being most faithful to the original vision. You could also just read the play; unlike reading Shakespeare's plays, I found that I actually understood what was going on in the play while I was reading it, and it translates quite well into a text. Either way, sorry to bother you! Just a random late-night thought I had while I was supposed to be writing my essay on the play. Or sleeping, since I'm on vacation.
  22. Okay, not on Switch, but... I require the sire.
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