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Everything posted by Benice

  1. Wait, you're telling me that the twist literally relying on a lie to the player isn't good writing?
  2. Then you should play Death Stranding, the game that reminds you that vehicles are a luxury. I guess that's fair. You are my toothpaste now. If that isn't an inspirational comeback story, I don't know what is.
  3. Blues scale moment. Phew. Hotel Mario's writing really makes you think at a level most games don't expect you to. It must have been directed and written by David Cage. Wait... David Cage... Oh no, speak of the devil, I said David Cage and game devs immediately start writing poorly. (By the way, what is the problem with "cinematic experience" games? I know Heavy Rain in particular is really bad, but I don't know what's super wrong about trying to structure a game a bit like a TV show.) Yeah, everyone knew that Toothpaste-chan was gonna say "It's toothpastin' time" and toothpaste all those guys. I haven't seen the spoiler, by the way. Dude he's right, I've never seen a game that has a narrative that makes you fee- THE TEARS DON'T STOP Seriously, I have no idea what this guy is talking about. There are so many games that are narratively driven or have relatively normal people starring. ... Over there! It's Bowsuh!
  4. I believe you mean I know you posted it earlier, but there's never a reason not to McSpanky. This made me go back and rewatch all of the Hotel Mario cutscenes to see if I remembered the line correctly, and that brought me to this: This doesn't mean what I think it does, does it? I AM just a degenerate and there's nothing weird about what Mario's saying, right? ...Right? (As a side note, I apparently did forget the line; I could have sworn that Luigi says "there's water", but I was apparently off my rocker when I last watched all the cutscenes.)
  5. Yes, but CS3 has Josette in it, so it's Game of the Year by default. That is something to be so very proud of! I was supposed to work on my game through Grade 10 so that my friend who wants to be a composer could write music for it, but... Well, in spite of how many ideas I have, I always drop the ball. ...That wasn't supposed to be a mini-rant about me, but finishing a project is worthy of many felicitations!
  6. There's nothing cursed about being a sub! I mean, different people play games to get different things out of 'em. Most VNs don't have much gameplay, for example, but that doesn't inherently make them bad. I won't argue that good gameplay doesn't help a game, but a game is much more than merely the gameplay. LAD is one of my very favourite games, and... Well, even I can admit that the gameplay's kinda mid. I love it for the incredible characters and story, music, and experience, not so much for the gameplay. Great job, Ruben! I don't know if I'll get the chance to play it any time soon, but I'm certain that it'll be good.
  7. Samesies! ...No, I don't watch anime, but... Three Houses Hard Mode is balanced. Thanks! I think it's on Gamepass too, so I'd probably just get it that way. I hope and pray for your sake and mine too tbh that they don't remove The Slap QTE. 'Morning!
  8. Yeah! If you double click on the image, you can change the size and such! I don't think you can make images bigger than their original size, though. I don't remember how it works on mobile, but I think it's the same thing.
  9. (Sorry to quote twice, I missed this one the first time) I find the forum's downscaling of images to work pretty well, if you're not already doing that; for exmaple, (Spoiled for size) It's also better than the images of my playthrough of TH. (Minor spoilers for Part 1, I guess. I don't think anyone here will be affected by it, though.)
  10. Dangit, now I need an isekai series where the main character goes into cartoons with racist depictions of colored people and starts civil rights movements in those universes. And wizards.
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/02/worlds-oldest-recorded-tortoise-prepares-for-190th-birthday-party You may find this article amusing, as it kinda touches on that subject.
  12. Merry Christmas! As a retail worker, I must say that I am not particularly warm to many carols at this time. This song, however, is one of the ones that we played every Christmas when I was little; since this is likely my last Christmas living with my family, it's a bit more bittersweet than normal, though. I hope all of you have a wonderful day!
  13. I shall stick to eggnog for now! Again, no worries! We are from different countries and families with different norms, locations, and presumably financial background as well. Some people don't work because they're too engrossed in otherwise engaging in life! MERRY CHRISTMAS, TEEHEE! Sorry, I really shouldn't do this on Christmas day, but I can't resist...
  14. Banned because sued damn, I'll brat!
  15. Aye... I do think working's not bad (Like, it is just a part-time job as a cashier), but some people work a ton through the school year. Everybody goes at their own pace! It's not like this'll be my career or anything like that, so I can't exactly say I've found my lot in life. How so? No need to take a pessimistic outlook on life, especially when you're so young. It's a really big world, and from the perspective we have as youths, it can be easy to hyperfixate on the decidedly small part of the world we live in, and you never know where life will ultimately take you. One of my friends ended up in Kyrgzstan for six months, for example!
  16. ...Isn't 17 pretty normal for having a job? Almost everyone I know has a job. I think I was a bit slow to get one, actually, since I got it at the end of Grade 10, whereas most people start at the end of Gr. 9.
  17. The water pipe just burst at work. ...well, at least the sound of falling water is nice.
  18. Banned because damn cat, I'll sue!
  19. I can think of one, but I think it's a 'lil too cursed for Christmastime.
  20. Welcome to the forest! We hope you'll have a wonderful day and that you'll enjoy your stay. Je pense qu'il y a plusieures membres ici qui sont Francais, donc vous ne seriez pas tout seule! (Pardon pour ma grammaire horrible! La francais est ma deuxieme langue, et il y a longuetemps depuis la derniere temps que j'ai l'utilizé)
  21. Mood. I mean, I wasn't going to watch it anyways, but that's not a good sign. We have found the man who puts the Baka in Bakalau. ...wait, it's spelt with a 'c', the joke doesn't work...
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