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Everything posted by Benice

  1. Ninety nine percent sure that's an in-game thing. Yep. It is. Here's their A support ending: Geoffrey's chivalrous nature and loyalty to Queen Elincia ensured that all of Crimea supported their marriage. Sorry. Illyana and Zihark have made it into the tournament!
  2. Added! Also, Congrats to Aran and Laura for being the first couple to make it into the tournament!
  3. I paste a lot of images and videos, particularly in FftF. When I first joined the forums, he max file size was about 1.25 GB, (I think?) Now, the max file size is 0.01 MB. Is there any way I could resolve this issue? Thanks in advance!
  4. Infamously, Radiant Dawn did not have a normal support system and had strange character endings. (Ike comes to mind.) Now you have a chance to vote for paired endings that were missed in the game! THE RULES: Each round will last one week, sunday to sunday. Character ships, such as Rolf and Mist, will be pitted against another one, such as Ranul and Lyre. For one week, everyone will get to vote on which they prefer. On the next week, the one with less votes will be ELIMINATED. The other will move on to the next round. The last one standing will be the ultimate victor! If there is multiple ships involving the same person, (I.E Ike and Aimee/ Ike and Soren) then they will be put up against each other in a head to head competition. Pre-eliminary round rules: In this round, all voters have a chance to nominate ships that they like that are not already on the poll. To get them added, @ me in your comment and I will probably add them! Nominations will last one week, until next sunday, the 19th of January. Any ship with five or more votes will move on to the tournament. Rules for nomination: The ship must not already be on the poll. The ship must not have a married ending, but can have a shared ending that does not insinuate marriage or romance, such as Ike and Soren or Ranulf. When asking for the ship to be added, please use both character's names. Do not use "Ikulf," use Ike and/+/X Ranulf. This will prevent confusion. The characters must canonically be alive for most of either story. Elena, Greil and Altina cannot be nominated with anyone. The ship has to make at least moderate sense. Gatrie and Shinon makes no sense whatsoever, so don't suggest it. Threesomes or larger are not permitted. If I reject your ship, please don't spam requests for the ship. Do not roast anyone who suggests a ship you don't approve of; just don't vote for it. Gameplay does not apply for whether a ship is "good" or not. Couples who have attained enough votes to make it to the tournament: Aran and Laura Mist and Rolf Zihark and Illyana Titania and Rhys Lyre and Ranulf Lethe and Ranulf Ike and Elincia Tormod and Sanaki Ike and Soren Rafiel and Nailah Have fun, Children!
  5. Nealuchi will win all categories I'll definitely vote for Eirika, because she is my favourite lord of the games I've played. (7, 8, 10.) Just for fun, I might vote for Plumeria. It'd be kind of funny to see an undevellopped bad guys win CYL. It'd probably mess up book 4 in some way also. Undecided about the men, because if I vote for my favourites, I'd waste my vote. I'll probably vote for Lyon and Rolf, although neither will have a chance unless everyone else gets Thanos snapped.
  6. Banned for critizing nonviolent protest
  7. Cry and stop eating it. WWYDI the leaders of the three houses died and were replaced by Raphael, Dorothea and Sylvain?
  8. Stormtrooper, because...Actually, not really sure. I guess I just would die and have nobody notice instead of getting killed and have everyone notice. WYR judge Rafael on a cooking competition or go on a buisness trip with Ignatz?
  9. Why is this on far from the forest, it should be on american Idol.
  10. Img result for Lake louise
  11. I almost certainly won't finish, but I'll do my best. As I previously stated, it's turning out to be fairly disturbing, but still pg-13 range. I think. Either way, it's set on Tellius and it's about a branded kid who realizes his dad is involved in the slave trade, prompting him to join the Laguz emancipation army. However, one of his missions is to free the slaves imprisoned in his father's house. Hopefully I'll gst it done! My life's become really stressful all of a sudden, so I might miss a few in a row.
  12. Everyone in my street is old, so hide in a heavily fortified millitary base. WYYDI you were put into three houses but you are forced to kill your favourite of Claude, Dimitri or any student other than Edelgard. (I feel like I've been targeting Edelgard too much, so she's safe this time,)
  13. I'm gonna give a big shout out to @integrity 19 Also, if you put in @ and then integrity, there's about four users named I like Pie
  14. And that's not all! This packet is worth three hundred dollars, but you can pay for it in just eight easy payments of fifty dollars!
  15. this is my daily life. they leave me once they realize I'm an idiot destined to live under a bridge.
  16. I didn't want to quote the paragraph regarding the third generation to save time, but your description of it sound a lot like the second generation but with Julius and Manfroy being replaced by more deadlords, which could make the game tedious. If they did have a third generation it'd either require large changes/ things left incomplete from the first two generations to keep it from seeming like they added it for the sake of adding it. Alternatively, they could build Thracia 776 into the actual game. I know that it's unpopular to want thracia/GotHW in the same game, but it could be done. I mean, if they remake genealogy, they'll have to remake thracia too, unless it really bombs.
  17. Thanks for your advice evryone, and the situation has been fixed.
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