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Everything posted by Benice

  1. Music, because ASMR is TRASH! And also because classical exists. WYR be captured by L'Arachel and be forced to work as a *cough cough* slave but live for a very long time or have the same thing happen to you only with Serra? (This is terribly worded.)
  2. Honestly, I want both an SS remake and a Tellius series remake also. Tellius might not be as unviable an option as people think. Ike is in smash, making the game likely to attarct new and old fans alike Many, Many people wish that RD was as good as PoR. I think a redo of it would also gather much attention. I think selling a PoR and RD pack would be a good startegy for the support import. In addition, I'd give RD an actual support system to build on chemistry from PoR. (especially Mist and Rolf, as well as Sanaki and Tormod. Both really should have had married endings.) PoR would be a relatively easy remake, as people tend to think the map designs in general were pretty good, minimising work for that. Adding a very hard difficulty for hardcore vets and a casual mode for noobs like me would also help gather many demographics of fans. Improving the Laguz mechanics would be nice, as they are super cool, but are nothing more than gimmics as player characters. RD is a bigger job, but again, a well-done RD would be terrific. Actual support system, better ending for Ike, once more fixing Laguz. I haven't played RD, so I don't know that much about the gameplay, but I am told that most of the maps are fairly boring. Revamping them and making all three parts interesting would be very nice. Also, something very big for fans is Ike's sexuality. Clearing that up and giving him some kind of romantic ending would help people a lot. The problem is RD and PoR are still fairly recent, which means that it might be a weird decision to make. Still, Ike is beloved by fans, PoR is beloved by fans, lots of people liked RD, and I think it's a goldmine they could hit. (I would pay lots of money just to play both remakes.) As many above posters have noted, Jugdral would alienate new fans, especially in north america. I'd personally wrap Geneaology and Thracia into one and put it in a later console, hoping that PoR and RD remakes really push the series to new heights. SS is more of a personal thing. It's practically unknown, but it was an interesting concept, and I want to see it done right. I would also want to have a Lyon X Erika ending possible also. Not really feasable however. Jugdral might not make sense because it might cross the line between fixing the game for new fans and ticking off the old ones or keeping the games too similar to their initial appearances, keeping the game off the headlines. They could easily tick off everyone on both sides; it could be risky. I'm sure they'll eventually do a jugdral remake, I just don't know that it's currently the most logical. The Elibe series is also, as many poeple stated, a good option. Roy is in smash, all the lords have won CYL in Heroes, they were both relatively popular. In Blazing blade I'd imagine they'd do updates to Lyn mode, add in the taliver bandits, etc. I think Binding blade/sword of seals requires mor updates, especially the fog of war desert limited turn map and others like that. improving the story would also be nice; in my opinion both games were somewhat drab. I'm sure they'd fix it though. Sorry about the walls of text.
  3. RD kills all the ships from PoR
  4. "Corrin, Would you have gone out with Camilla even if she put (more)clothes on?"
  5. "Gosh darn it, forgot to close the portal to the nine hells again!"
  6. This is the first time anyone's ever said that about my writing XD. I did a short story assignment that was meant to be 5 paragraphs and I did 22 pages. I'm also currently working on a novel that is 250 pages long thus far. I was trying not to shove walls of text down everyone's throat the first time since my teachers complain about that constantly. I will next time though. Bwahaha! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahanahah! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!
  7. Hire Tethys from SS, she'd probably do it willingly. WWYDI there was an FEH tv show?
  8. I have reached new lows; last time I was sick, I watched sonic boom and Pac-man for three hours. There was nothing else on, okay?!?
  9. Ask someone "Nani the heck is an isekai? Do I get free food?" WWYDI Inigo made his battle cry, "well-oiled and ready for battle!"
  10. You can't taste noodles through your nose. SODA. Wyr be best man at Rolf's wedding with Mist or Tormod's with Sanaki? (As if they're at the sane time.)
  11. ... I didn't know Soren was transgender. WWYDI Inigo asked out your sister or mom?
  12. I, an entity living on planet earth, have excesdingly high excitement levels regarding the fourth set if episodes of the japanese animated show, My hero academia.
  13. I already have had both, and cats are tne infinitely superior option. Wyr be captured by a tyrannical ruler but survive or be slaughtered by the good guys?
  14. Take the the statement from the poster above and make it longer. If it becomes too long, start a new chain. Example: Tormod and Sanaki should get married after RD Following the events of radiant dawn, Empress Sanaki and Tormod should court each other and later marry. After the events of the second installment in the Tellius series have concluded, Sanaki, 37th empress of begnion, should invite Tormod for a romantic meeting with a candlelight dinner, sparking a romance which culminates into Tormod proposing, Sanaki accepting and them becoming wed with the blessings of all of Tellius. You get the Idea.
  15. Is somewhere I may or may not expect.
  16. "The food bank is 10 minutes to the left, the mental asylum is 5 minutes past that. And bring a GPS next year." WWYDI Lethe announced that she was going to date Ike?
  17. Img result for dictionairy Dictionairy
  18. That's because oliver is Ike's soulmate. After the events of RD, a branded pride movement begins and Oliver hires Soren to pretend to be a statue on his estate. Ike believes that it is actually a statue and thinks that oliver changed. And thus begins a whirlwind romance.
  19. Two things: I was mostly joking, (although Mark should be Uber hot) and also, I have hardly a clue what you are saying. Also, if there was a Severa without pants, she'd be unusable do to her being harrased by Inigo. And FEH would be raised to 18+. And I guess they could just do another hot springs paralogue and it has Selena or Severa in it. That'd probably make you happy. Or a summer themed one, although you'd have to wait a while for it.
  20. That moment when you reduce someone to one hp and then they crit you with 1% crit chance, which kills you. Boyd x Mist being existing for some weird reason (WHYYYYYYY?!) in games with 2nd gen units, weird mash-up relationships that shouldn't exist or should at least mention a divorice in their shared ending. Bad protagonists Laguz only appearing in two games One-dimensional characters, characters fixated on one thing and characters that everyone in-game likes. Ike's ending in RD (which I find is pretty weak...) The three hundred billion effective against dragon weapons in heroes Teleportation being used as a plot device None of the avatars are thick Also, referring to @Silver-Haired Maiden's comments about shipping, I mostly agree, only slightly less agressively. I personally occasionally ship certain relationships, (almost entirely Rolf and Mist) but find it toxic when it becomes things like Ike and Lethe. Especially since FE is not a dating sim. As long as it's not harrassing, I don't find them that bad, although things can get out of hand... Also, I appreciate your good grammar.
  21. Depends which one and who I'm transported with. Friends and family are super important to me. WWYDI Jaffar and Nino came to your door with baby Raigh and Lugh in their arms and beg to take shelter in your home?
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