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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. "I'm a western FE fan. What's Smash Brothers?" Well, I actually player my first FE game long before I played my first smash game. It was all handhelds in my house when I was growing up, so I probably beat Awakening twice before I picked up a smash game.
  2. I completely agree. As much as I love swords, their design and their making, if a character is in any form of warfare, then they really need a Polearm. I always liked to look at it as, Polearms are rifles, and the primary weapon for combat, swords are sidearms and personal defense weapons. One thing I will note, if the character is a traveler or adventurer, a sword is great, as it is a fantastic self defense weapon. As a final note, I think fiction needs more one handed Warhammers, Polehammers, Bardiche, Poleaxes, Bilhooks, ect.
  3. Hey, I for one, love the pairing. It was the first one I got for Awakening. It's charming, if not a little rushed.
  4. I love seeing these charecters in the classic style. This is the first thing I wished for when I saw the map was 3D as well. I honestly just wish we'd get more 16-bit games.
  5. When your friend convinces you to watch the old Pokemon cartoon again and your first thought on seeing Nurse Jill is, "She's Anna".
  6. Huh, I might actually have one left over from my original run. He's a little high on the level side but he's already been revealed. If you're cool with that I might just boot it up and find the castle ID.
  7. I was responding to someone who had said the key to her popularity, asside from Astra, was, and I quote, "a cute girl with a sword".
  8. Let me guess, she also has a, er, more mature body than Sothis? I'd check her art but in a tad busy today.
  9. Well, maybe since she won we can see a resurgence in popularity for her and in that possible remake we could see a prologue with her a playable character? Here's hoping.
  10. I see, just a powerful unit. Serves me right for never playing the impossible to find and overpriced Tellius games though.
  11. Well, Altina won. Now I just want to know, who the heck is Altina and why is she so loved?
  12. A really great mashup by Pluff, but if you like Mashups, may I introduce you to the god known as Triple-Q?
  13. I'll definitely keep these in mind. I was certainly looking to improve the character's relationships.
  14. Thank you very much. I'm happy you enjoyed it and happy I could help you.
  15. I agree to some point, as I always got the feeling it was more something she just put on to lift the spirits of Chrom's army, but that's beside the point. Flayn is definitely a more layered character.
  16. Update 9 Added: Completely restructured mechanics list for your reading pleasure. (No more text block.) Several new weapons. Chapters 4-6 B and Paralogue 1 B I hope eveyone enjoys what's been adden. I'm still working on this, its just slowed a bit.
  17. I like this. Its a fun idea. You should add making Sharena/Alfonse as an Einheirjar on another save then poeting them over to get both lordw. A little prep work, but easily worth it.
  18. Unless you're Nowi, in which case scant clothing also makes you a child.
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