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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. Thank you very much. I'm impressed you read the whole thing. I'm currently working on finishing Gerwald's Path. There should be a few new chapters for him soon.
  2. Huh, serves me right for not knowing. I hope it works out for you. The world needs more 2D games.
  3. A 2D game in Unity/Bethesda Gamekit? How?
  4. I'm fine either way, New Years Alfonse and Sothis both look like fun units. Anybody know if Altina or Santa Sothis won?
  5. Welcome to the forest. And it's alright if you haven't played anything older. The 3DS games are all great, and the Switch is pretty dang good too.
  6. Winged Hussar- Taking after an ancient servant of Swirls, the Hussars are the finest cavalry units in the history of Fodlan.Proficiencies:▪ Swords, Lances, AxesCertification Requirements: (Two or three kinds of expertise levels which obviously has something to do with the class)▪ Riding A+ or Higher▪ Lance A or Higher▪ Sowrd A or HigherAbilities: ▪ Canto▪ Swordfair▪ LancefairMastered Abilty: -Wings of Seiros: Negates Bow Damage.
  7. I'm aiming for her in my Golden Deer play through. She's absolutely adorable, and Seteth is easily one of my favorite characters, so the two of them together is fantastic.
  8. Also, if upsates seem scant at the moment, there have been some new character designs released over on the Art thread, here.
  9. Another major character from Lynde's group, Blagun, the silent fighter from Ylidri. His story can be found here.
  10. Madeleen, the blindingly fast Pegasus Knight. Her story can be found here.
  11. Yes, very much so. If you're going to have an Avatar, don't just go halfway like they actually did. I know his phisical appearance was unchangable because of the 2D cutscenes, which I forgive becayse those cutscenes look fantastic, but I don't know why the things you listed couldn't be changed.
  12. I can tell it must be so as you've uncourtiously reminded me several times. Gods you're agressive about this. Can a fellow fan just have a different opinion without being harrassed for it? I agree. Tellius has a massive fanbase which is bigger now than I think it was when the games launched. Elibe has alwayse been one of the most popular, and in the same way that Marth is the mascot for Japan, Lyn really became the mascot for America. Honeslty, I would be happy if they added Eliwood, Hector, and Florina, although Sain and/or Kent would be welcome as well. Edit: As a plus, our little tiff got this page set as Popular Now, so that has to count for something, doesn't it?
  13. This isn't really a real world thing as much as is like to see these pop up in Fantasy more, but how about Tonel armor? I think its absolutely gorgeaus.
  14. I was just fooling, or, being an arse, as it were. While those are good recommendations, I do feel that may cheapen the characters. Just imagine the "X character got shafted because theyre just a reskinned Caeda" that would rise from it. And while I said a clean slate would be my preference, that is in no way saying that is the only and definative answer. I obviously represent a very small chunk of the comunity, if any. So, all I'm trying to say is this. Redoing the roster from the ground up would allow for more in depth and crative new characters while simultaneously lowering development time as the old characters wouldn't have to be reworked and ported to the new engine. This is just my opinion, and does not mean it is the best decision for said game or franchise. Edit: Even if they did cram in a lot of characters, myabe the select screen could go by continent. IE: Archenae, Valentia, Jugdral, ECT. That way, you can keep an elegant charcater select screen with only a few options and then see all the characters once you select a continent.
  15. How can speak for everyone and say absolutely no one cares about roster bloat? There's got to be at least one guy out there. And heres the thing. I wouldn't be against pulling forward old characters if there were just one or two to repsesnt each of their games. The first game had way to many Fates and Awakening characters, as much as I like those games. Do we really need, again, that many Fates characters? Are Owain, Tharja, and Olivia really must haves for the future? @Etheus @Gregster101 I think the fundemental disagreement here is, personally, I always prefered smaller rosters full of meaningful and fleshed out characters rather than hundreds of characters nobody can remember their name, or even what game they're from. I can see to appeal for some people, but as far as personal tastes go, that's not my thing. I'm sure that's the writer speaking in me more than anything, though.
  16. I see your point, and this just my opinion, but I worry they just keep adding characters wothout cutting any, it will lead to a sort of Roster Bloat, where they have to fit in way more characters than any person would realistically need. Also, I already said that many people would gripe about it, but people do that with any change. Also, while they haven't cut people for Warriors games in the past, which isn't entirely true, who to say it has to stay the same for their crossover. FE: Warriors is technically a different game. Alsp, having that any characters will lead to more work for the devs, a far off release date, and less interesting and unique characters, with many just becoming reskins of others.
  17. Honestly, I feel that the best rout would be to great an entirely new roster, leave all the old characters in FE: Warriors 1. Yeah, people would gripe about the lack of Marth, Chrom, and Lyn, but would anyone really miss every Fates lord? The other icons had their time to shine, and I feel like passing on the baton to a new group of heroes is in order. And while I really like Three Houses, I hope it doesnt get the same treatment as Fates in FE: W 2. The three lords, a tag team of Seteth and Flayn, and one popular male and female character from each of the houses is the most I think they could do while still having room for other characters from Jugdral, Tellius, and Elibe games. Also, I feel like if they did anything for Sacred Stones, I'd rather have Ephriam and Myrrh instead of Erika, or is that just me?
  18. Alright, I'm taking that down. That's actually pretty cool, especially with the connection to both Greil's birth name, and the fact that his name is Greil, similar to the Holy Grail, one of the most loved Arthurian legends.
  19. For the entire GameCube Era, Jen Tailor, famous for her role as Cortana in the Halo franchise, voiced Princess Peach, Toad, and Toadsworth.
  20. I'll try and stick to names IS created to keep the list small. Ones that I like: Caeda: Unique and beautiful, with a strong eir to it. Sumia: Gives a feeling of grace and elegance. Celica: I feel like it has a very regal sir to it. Nowi: I like the sound of it, but I feel that it would be prettier with an alternative spelling. Noei, for instance. Selena: I prefer this to Severa, as Severa feels harsh, almost like cutting. Selena, on the other hand, sounds more elegant. Marth: One of the only good Lord's names, and still unique. Elincia: Honeslty, one of the more beautiful names tha games have created. Eliwood: A royal name that sounds very British to me. Names I don't like: Stahl: A very brutish name with Norse origin. Doesn't fit our mild mannered friend. Panne: What even is this? How do you pronounce this absurd name? Soleil: Again, difficult to pronounce. Hkw do you work with this. Ike: Brutish and simple. It fits the character, but I wouldn't wish anyone to be named this. Lon'qu, Say'ri, Yen'fe: Say'ri is almost passable, but the other two? Not my I don't like how choppy they are, especially with the apostrophe. Roy: This really doesnt fit any character in FE. It fits the Koopa Kid Roy much better. Chrom: How do you pronounce this? Krom? Krome? I don't get it.
  21. Ideally, it would be a world with a high modicum of peace, so Halo and Fallout, while some of my favorite worlds, are out of the question. One of the timelines during their long portiins of peace in the Zelda universe would be a good pick, but I think I'd go for Archanae after the war between the Earth Dragons and thr Divine Dragons, mostly as a Manakete. Just imagine transforming into a near unlikable fly beast and soaring over the mountaintops, as well as living through thousands of years and seeing the times change from an isolated house out in the wilds...
  22. FE x Zelda: Already a very popular choice, but I think this would be fantastic. FE x Castlevania: Another choice that's been recommended before, but this also has a lot of potential.
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