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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. Manaketes are some of my favorite things about Fire Emblem, but my favorites would have to be Tiki, Nowi and Myrrh. Aside from that, I've there's also Princess Luna from Goblin Powder, as she's an interesting spin on Vampries. Finally, Odo from Star Trek Deep Space Nine is easily one of my favorite Star Trek characters, and is wonderfully acted, even if his transformation effects are a bit hokey.
  2. Thanks, I've done my best to make every charcater feel interesting and meaningful. I'll probably check it out. I like what you've done so far. And while I havent gone in depth with it, in the gap of time, Naga has dissapeared somewhat, and people worship Tiki in her stead.
  3. Thanks. And Lila's class is technically a secret for the final story arc. So, spoilers ahead.
  4. Probably Constance. Ahe has the best design overall, and Dark Flyer has always been one of my favorite classes. I hope they turn out to be just as much of a powerhouse as they were in preveious games.
  5. An RE rep would be fun, if actually hope to get Leon and Jill possibly as echo fighters, or pull a FE Avatar move and make them alt skins. Personally, I think that the FPS has been snubbed, as, as far as I'm aware, no pure FPS games have been represented. I feel that the only icons from shooters that are the popular picks, those being Master Chief or Doomguy. I feel that Master Chief would fit best as his games are worlds cleaner than Doomguy, even Bayonetta and Snake, so he'd be less difficult to adapt. I also think a Western RPG rep might be nice. We have plenty of JRPG and SRPG characters, but nobody for the West. Perhaps someone to represent Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, ECT. Again, I think that The Elder Scrolls is the weakest of those mentioned in terms of rating, and Fallout has had a massive stain to its quality, so there's all that to keep in mind.
  6. I have a hard time hating anyone, mostly because even charvaters I despised at first grew on me as I learned their backstory (Camilla would be a perfect example. Still hate her outfit though.) But two that I really was just creeped out by were Soleil and Nina, mostly just because they're such Perverts. Fates is really the only game I hated anyone from, though.
  7. Update 6 Added: Full Class list with appearance and weapontypes described. Chapter 23 New characters under the second generation. Thank you again to eveyone who's been reading this.
  8. "Has anyone seen my mother? I want to hrow up to be just like her. Have I mentioned my mother is awesome?" ECT.
  9. Aside from the obligatory Smash, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Luigi's Mansion choices, one of my favorite games growing up that has a great co-op Switch port was Lego City Undercover. Overall, if you are intrested in playing with just one other person, any Lego game is a good pick.
  10. Ha! I guess so. I wish we had more fantasy focusing around the Renaissance. Early firearma are fascinating. Also, the Holy Roman Empire Mk. II is certainly one of the most fascinating and all around best dressed (armor wise) countries the world has offered.
  11. I'd say to some degree. I took the idea of Europe being such a powder keg and repurposed it into the stress of the two nations at the edge of war. I also based the main nation off the Renaissance era Holy Roman Empire, including groups like the Landsknecht, and the other nation being based off of 1600s era Poland with a heavy dose of Russia, and the Hussars playing a large role on that side.
  12. No bathing in the public fountain. (Like seriously, what possesses some people?)
  13. Another important character from the Oracle of Veles. Sir Torrel, a longtime friend of Vallora, and a master tactician. His story can be found here.
  14. I realized that some people may be self conscious about leaving their feedback on the main topic, so I thought I'd put one here. Here's a quick excerpt from the main topic. The main topic can be found here, and feel free to reply to it as well. http://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/90145-fire-emblem-the-oracle-of-veles/ Click to choose files Max total size 7.52MB ยท Max file size 2MB Insert other media
  15. Nice. I've always liked sprite art and this is definitely a good example of it, on top of being a unique idea.
  16. Update 5 Added: Edit to the end of Chapter 15 Chapters 21 and 22 A new second generation character.
  17. A freind of mine and fellow FE fan is named Seth, I think that's about it.
  18. Salvete. Welcome to the Forrest. I hope you enjoy the community here.
  19. Update 4 Added: Chapter 21 Two new second generation characters within the spoilers. Sorry this one is a bit small, thank you to anybody whose been keeping up with this. As always, feedback is highly appreciated.
  20. I can see you've certainly improved, even just ober the past few months. The shading is quite well done, and the backgrounds really add to the whole thing. Overall, a very good job.
  21. Well, I've been writing it out in my own personal project, Fire Emblem: The Oracle of Veles. A few things that I personally added were proper polearms, Bardiche, Halberds, Bilhooks, ECT. Firearms, early pistols and muskets, and an overall more renaissance feel to everything. Everything else, including plot and other new mechanics I'll leave in the Document. I'd rather not have to write it all out right now.
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