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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. I jest, I jest. A Halo MMO JRPG. Just about the opposite of what the fanbase enjoys.
  2. I think Ignatz from Three Houses and I would have a lot in common, as we're both painters. Flayn and Seteth would be a fun conversation, if only to listen to thier banter. Stahl from Awakening seems like just an all around good guy, the same goes for Donnel. Walhart would actually be a really interesting conversation, as he seemed to have an entire ideology of his own to explain his actions. Actually, I think a discussion between Alm, Edlgard, and Walhart could be a very interesting listen, each giving thier own spin on a variety of political and moral issues.
  3. In my area, two comicons and a renaissance festival have been canceled or put on indefinet hold, which are really the only thhing I look forward to in a year, so, yeah, that stinks.
  4. I can see your side and even agree to a good extent. I'm simply speaking for me personally. I do agree Rhea had the time to begin to heal from her wounds, and that not doing so is what lead to many terrible things happening. The differnece between her and Tiki really lies in the fact that The a watched and feels responsible for the genocide of her people. Another thing is, while I agree Edlgard's goals are honorable, her methods, being wresting power of a nation by (correct me if I'm wrong) killing the former ruler and leading a campaign on the reat of the nation doubtless costing thousands of lives if not more. Yes, the church was corrupt to an extent, but they did offer a semblance of peace. Interestingly, Edlgard's main motivation is quite similar to Rhea's at the core, which is she was abused and tortured when she was quite young, similar to the mental toture of watching your entire race nearly wiped out. The difference is, while harboring many I'll thoughts and allowing things to get out of hand, The a did bring mostly prace for centuries, whereas Edlgard led a crusade.
  5. Alright I'll throw in my hat in the ring. I like Edlgard, but simply I agree more with Rhea. I sympathise with her cause more than I can agree with Edlgard's. For me, Edlgard is a sypathetic take on a Walhart character, but I feel what made Walhart so good is you couldn't sympathize with him. He demands your respect, not your sympathy.
  6. We have lost more Egyptian Mummies to Renaissance era kings eating them as dust to cure diseases than to graverobbers.
  7. Or any of the post skip characters. I'll have to go look at the Lissa Gregor support now. I'm sure it's, interesting.
  8. Hm... I don't remember Gregor and Lissa having a support. Then again, its been a while since I played the game, but I suppose I see your point. I'll always see him more around 22-23, but that's just me.
  9. Emmeryn is 25 according to all the sources I've seen, so I could actually see Frederik being younger as he and Lissa can S-Support even before the timeskip, and with Lissa being around 15, yeah, I'd say Frederick is probably around his early twenties. He's just a very mature young man.
  10. As I feel Smash is desperately lacking in Shooter and/or Horror game representation, I feel a few picks that would really be a great choice would be. Doomguy/Doom Marine: The game that practically built the the FPS genre and has had a recent revival, I feel if they could get around the hard M of Doom he'd make a great addition. Master Chief: The game that we can thank for basically every modern shooter and proving that consoles can handle shooters as well as a PC, Master Chief is among the icons who defined a generation. Leon Kennedy: Just as valid as Jill Valentine, but I feel he better represents the franchise at this point tha ks to RE2 remake being much better received that RE3, and with a potential RE4 remake announcement sometime within the next year or so, I feel he'll be the face of the franchise for a while now. Lara Croft: A icon of the 90s and would fill in the nicely open spot of an Adventure game character, as the only other options out there would really be Nathan Drake or some from The Last of Us, but with Naughty Dog in hot water at the moment, I feel Lara would be the best choice. Vault Boy: Even with Bethesda in hot water right now, especially the Fallout franchise, he's less likely, but still, the game lacks any representation for Western RPGs. On top of this, I feel another 2D/Cartoon character aka Gamenwatch would be a lot of fun. The Dovakiin: Skyrim was and still is one of the biggest western RPGs out there, and I feel he would be a good pick to represent the genre as a whole. Gerald of Rivia: While he is probably the least likely out of all the ones ive mentioned, the Witcher III was another one of the biggest western RPGs of the decade, and I with Cyberpunk 2077 coming sometime soon, I would definitely be good press for CD Projekt Red.
  11. While I'd say Chrom would be the obvious option, that Negates anything to do with Lucina, so I think the devs would have chosen Frederick and Lissa respectively. They both share chemistry with Robin regardless of gender due to that fact that their aptry interactions are the sane for either, and I could stretch either of them feeling the same way by the end of the game.
  12. If you're running Citra I'm not sure it would actually work. Although, if you use a hacking tool you should be able to just unlock it/add it via another Rom.
  13. I'm decent. I'm definitely no Maddening mode kind if player, but I do really enjoy the gameplay. I mostly play for the stories, which is why I never play Classic, unless I'm looking for a challenge, as I want to be sure to experience as many of the character's individual stories as possible.
  14. Dark Souls 2: I love Dark Souls, but this one is a tad too punishing. Don't get me wrong, that's the point, but losing a permenant amount of health very time you die which can only be replenished with a limited resource is a bit much.
  15. So, here's my option. Coke>Pepsi, Cherry Pespsi>Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke>Every other soda.
  16. As most of my favorite characters are from the Church of Sieros, I'll cover them here.
  17. The most interesting are probably SCA/HEMA, which both include swordfighting. I'm an Amring Sword/Buckler guy myself. I also cosplay, but its mostly medieval/armor based outfits. Then there's my writing, which I'm doing as a side project to work, but I do intend on finisging and publishing something along the line.
  18. @PeonyofLeosa Dreamworld @CustardPudding Hey everyone, thought I'd just say, I did not die of Covid, I've just hit some writer's block and put this story on hold. I fully intend on finishing this, as many if these characters have become my favorites to write. If you're still itching to read a work of mine, here's a story based on the Legend if Zelda I finished last year.
  19. This is the Feedback Topic for my finished Zelda story. As usual, feedback and criticism is appreciated.
  20. The Legend of Zelda: The Age Forgotten Since my main project has been put on hold for now, I thought I'd share an older story I finished a year or so ago. Its a story based upon the mythos of my ither favorite franchise, The Legend of Zelda. I enjoy all feedback and criticism, and I hope you enjoy the story.
  21. I think many of the so called "mysoginistic" choices made in relation to class and growths can be majority based off the cultures which FE has pulled from, mostly Medieval/Renaissance Europe and Japan, which both featured primarily male centric cultures, though not to the same degree as later 17-18 hundreds eras of both cultures. I feel this is mostly an issue with the earlier games, which were more grounded in the setting than later games. I actually feel like the more recent games have made good strides at presenting a fantasy universe where men and women are viewed more equally, especially with Three Houses allowing both male and female units to become dancers, as well as having a interesting and well developed Matriarchal Religion.
  22. Skyrim: I recently had to get a more powerful computer to run more taxing Adobe programs and other rendering software for work, and I realized I could probably run a hyper modded save of one of my favorite games. 300 Mods and counting with 2K textures on everything and its looking like something out of 2018.
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