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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. I leave the game for months, and I come back to continue my quite nonsense luck. Pull up the banner featuring Sothis and spend a free summon ticket to, what do you know, get Sothis. Because of that, I still had a bunch of free orbs, so I thought I'd try my hand in the Summer rerun banner, and on my second summon, right after the free one, look who decides to show up So yeah, still havent felt the reason to spend any money. I think I'll just keep on riding out my good luck.
  2. Flayn was the first character I used, and she's actually quite a good pick overall. She starts with relatively high Charm, and the ability to use light magic makes her very good as a support unit, keeping behind the front lines. Also, you get the irony having Flayn as a dancer. I always wondered what Seteth would think.
  3. Alright this might be a bit of a controversial one, but for me, it's got to be Nowi. Now before everyone breaks out thier FBI memes and accusations, it's not because of her being, "a child" which I disagree with anyway; as people have mentioned before, she really is physically closer to a late teenager such as Nino. It was really her character that endeered her to me. I've always been a sucker for compassionate, caring characters that don't have any deep dark secrets and flaws, but instead just want to help people. My favorite supports of hers are the ones in which the authors passed over the playful trope and instead allowed her to show her more mature side. I also have some more personal reasons to be attached to the character, as I was going through a very rough patch of my life when I picked up Awakening, which can really be used to explain a lot of my love for the game.
  4. That's why I clarified Phantom Menace Anakin. I feel Attack of the Clones Anakin is fine, and Revenge of the Sith Anakin is actually really good. The character of kid Anakin is still a good enough example of a Mary Sue, even if by the end of thr story he's completely different.
  5. I really struggle to see this as a political issue. The majority of people don't call just any character a Mary Sue, just poorly written ones that fit the trope. For instance, nobody calls Lara Croft or Ellen Ripley Mary Sues, because they are female characters that trained and fought for what they wanted while still failing on several occasions, the same can be said for Sarah Conner, Alita, Princess Leah, and many others, all strong female characters who have good character development. Whenever I've seen the term directed at any character, male or female, it is when they are a character who is practically given the ability to solve every problem, never has to train, struggle or fail at anything, and everyone around them immediatly becones their friend or ally. A perfect example of this is Luke Vs. Phantom Menace Anakin. Luke spends three movies training, and both times he faces vader he fails. He loses his hand for goodness sake. On top of that, Luke loses everyone he cares about only in his first movie. His aunt and uncle, Ben, even Biggs, but he still pulls through. On the other hand, Anakin is naturally already powerful, is liked by Qui-gon and Padme immediately, wins the podrace, and destroys the command station, without any training or experience, just because, "he's the chosen one". Now that, is a Mary Sue.
  6. General Kenobi. I'm sorry I had to. Welcome to the Forest, I'm sure you'll fit right in, and I'd love to see what you've done with FE5.
  7. Finally. It's only been almost two centuries. The south lost the war, they don't deserve to praised or celebrated on any public or state property. Also, Happy Independance day to everyone in America, and unofficially the Philippines, as on this day in 1946, that country was given independance by America as well for the first time since Spain in 1898.
  8. Ophelia and Soleil. At least the fe supports are moderately entertaining, even at thier worst. And anything would be better than Sonic 06. WYR Serve in the Holy Roman Empire as a frontlines Landsknecht, or serve in the 17th Century Polish army as a Winged Hussar?
  9. Oh, that really wnet over my head. Like an airplane grade. I was so poisoned by the internet I thought it was a play on the black guys surrounding the blonde girl, and for the life of me I couldn't understand why it was Nah and Gerome.
  10. It depends on the horror. I adore suspense thrillers akin to Hitchcock or The Twilight Zone, Wickerman (the 70s one), even if they're not considered horror today. I really hate slashers on the other hand. Gratuitous gore, nudity, ect. is just not my thing. I also enjoy the Resident Evil franchise, more for the story than the horror but I'm not as effected by it when its a video game.
  11. I don't know what this is but I don't like it.
  12. I know. I was having a bit of an alternate reality experience.
  13. Oh yeah. It's the only Camilla I ever got and I'd refuse to use any other. While the outfit is still midly suggestive, I'd agrue it's much more in character and modest than any of the other, more revealing, outfits Heroes throws around.
  14. Hey, that's not silly. People's religion and personal beliefs can have a real impact on their enjoyment. For instance, I know many Muslims have problems with modern military shooters dealing with terrorists. I was also raised in a very conservative home, so a lot of that mindset still catries through with content. I can wholeheartedly agree with the stance on Bayonetta. It's also something that's turned me away from the Darksiders franchise.
  15. Huh, it looks like we think in much the same way about these chracters. But to expand on Camilla, I feel the reason I went from hating her to finder her interesting is due to her backstory. She's easily one of the most tragic characters in Fates, even if the game just wanted her to be pushed as the waifu. I feel what the developers did really hurt what could have been a well rounded character by hiding her backstory in few supports, way overdoing the fanservice, and well, just being a Fates character. Her outfit is aweful, but there are plenty of other characters I like that could really be dressed better, Nowi and Tharja come to mind right away.
  16. For me, the only ones that come to mind are, 1. Crash Bandicoot: I have nothing against the games, they actually look like great 3D platformers. What I do take issue it is his design. Something visceral deep inside me just screams when I look at him. 2. Bayonetta: Again, the gameplay actually looks quite good from the series, but good lord is she repulsive. I've never been a fan of these kinds of characters, but she's really just a flroified dominatrix, and I get the feeling the people that made her just want her to step on thier throats with her high heel guns. 3. Edelgard: Now, while I do find her character quite interesting, and her design is really good, the root of it is her vehement fandom. She is actually a fantastic villain, but I think she shines the best as such, a villain. All these people that insist that she was in the right, even though in three out of four storylines she's a major antagonist, just turned me off of the character. The fact that she's pretty close to being an avatar-sexual doesnt help my opinion of her. I am intending on finishing my Crimson Flower run just yo see why people may love the character so much. So, in summary, Crash for bad design, Bayonetta for giving me the creeps, and Edelgard for community reception.
  17. I swear I read this same thread two months ago, anybody else having de je vuex?
  18. This is a discussion about Fire Emblem. Linear storylines has been the way things were done until Fates. There's nothing wrong with aa story not having branching paths a drastic decisions. It's worked for the franchise for nearly twenty years. As an aside, sorry if I sounded patronizing. That wasn't the intent. I've had a very long day.
  19. Um, have you played anything before Fates? Every single FE game before that has extremely liniar storylines with the only variation being which characters die and who you recruite. Regardless of what you do, Garnef always dies, Grima is always defeated ECT. While the side parts of the story, supports and the like, do change, the stories are always almost entirely linear.
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