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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. Ones that come to mind are Cordelia x Gregor. Yeah, she might look a tad young, but its one of the few supports where the relationship makes since with her obsession with Chrom, as she goes to Gregor for advice on how to approach Chrom, and the two bond over Gregor's experience. On top of that, Gregors last qoutr in their A support is really quite sweet. Another moght be Corrin x Mozu, but I think it makes sense. They both recently lost parents, she's hard working and a good cook, and well, lets just say M!Corrin doesn't really wear the pants in any of his relationships. And from a mechanics standpoint Mozu is one of the first characters you can get, meaning she and Corrin would likely grow closer than most, as well as she is available in all three paths.
  2. Update 8: The Biggest Yet Added: Parallel Storyline focusing on Gerwald and his adventures in Vallora which would act as his story if he were to be selected. A bunch of new characters under Gerwald's path. New Classes Chapters 1-3 B So, wow. This was a big change; so I'm excited to see what everyone thinks. I knew it would be a big challenge to undertake, but it actually let me include a whole lot of new characters and storylines, as well as fill in a few plot holes. The final story arc will be put on hold for now, but I'll pick it back up once I finish Gerwald's story. I hope everyone enjoys it.
  3. Yeah, as I said before I could relate to him, but he's quickly become one of my favorite charcters in general. He just seems like a skeptical, yet caring father, like most I've met.
  4. It came by as a fleeting thought every once in a while, but I was a quite protective olser brother, so I just accepted that about Seteth. I'm just happy the game tried to humanize him, as I liked him but I could tell the game was telling you not to like him, but his relationship with Flayn is much more interesting now.
  5. Ok, I just got through Seteth and Flayn's paralogue, and wow, that came so out of left field. Easily the best twist so far. Also, the Ball was fun. It was a nice break from all the harrowing terror of the last couple chapters.
  6. I honeslty can't even read half the words on the original post...
  7. Thanks for the recommendations. I've already decided to recruit a bit.
  8. I intend on eventually doing every route at least once. I can tend to be a bit of a completionist when it comes to storylines.
  9. I finally scraped together the money and the time to pick up the game everyone is raving about. I suppose I'll share my thoughts here. Update 1: Decided to join Golden Deer. I was always leaning towards Blur Lions of Black Eagles, so I decided to do the oposite in hopes that I'll get a more unique experience. Update 2: Grade A soundtrack. One of the better I've listened too. Update 3: The combat animations are great, although, I do miss the map sprites. Update 4: I like the monastery, its a nice new thing to break up the monotny between chapters. Update 5: I like the storytelling for every month with the Medieval style paintings. The armor is more historical too. Also, forgot to mention this, but in that prologue, Seiros was a bad*ss.
  10. They do, but onyl with characters that can't die, usually in later games. For instance, Robin appears in Tharja's support with Frederick, and Chrom will always appear in Lucina's sibling supports. I think they dont have nore than two characters in a support because of the fact that anybody can end up dead, and so it would break the support.
  11. While I think corrin has it the worst, I've seen a similar treatment shown to Nowi. It seems most people look at the outfit and "nope right out of there", and most discussions about her devolve into accusations of Hebephilia and just overall incivility. Personally, I liked the character because I felt sorry for her, knowing what kind of hell her captors must have put her through, hence the attire, but also because she made a surprisingly good mother, and shows real maturity in her supports like Nah. I'd also say that most of the cast of Fates are unfaorly hated simply for being one note characters, like Silas, Seilki, or Kana, when I really just feel like Fates had way to many units period, so of course a lot of them are going to feel bland.
  12. I've been voting for that Torpid Dragon Varient of Tiki every day so far, good to see it made an impact.
  13. Update 7 Added: Several new classes Interlogue 4 Chapters 24 and 25 Sorry for the hiatus, but its because a big change is coming up. Stay tuned, because I'll be officially adding it soon.
  14. By the way, if you wouldn't mind PMing this kind of thing. I might be able to notice it faster that way.
  15. We need Hippogriphs as a male flying option. Not only would it make since, but the protectors of Charlemagne, his Paladins, rode Hippogriphs according to legend, and we already have a Paladin class.
  16. I just read through what you put down in the main topic, and I like what you have. These are all good ideas and I like where it's going. This all makes for a good setup, and if made a little less expositiony and set as an opening narration, this would do great help to let everyone get a chanve to know the story. Overall, you have some really good ideas. I hope to hear more.
  17. Ha, thats hilarious. I always played with either headphones on or alone for the fear of being called a Weeb and teased by my anti-anime friends, there are a lot of things in those that I would not feel comfortable showing my parents at that time. I completely agree. I am much more tolerant of it when it is in charcater or relevant to the story than when it just seems like "hey, look, undies, we've got em, buy a statue why dont ya"?
  18. I don't mind it. Of course, I'm a man, and enjoy a bit of fanservice from time to time, but I really dont like it when characters are dedicated to it. I think Camilla, for instance is a character who had potential but was waisted as just the, "don't let your parents watch you play Fates character". Personally, I feel that it should be toned down a decent amount; but of course, that won't happen, as they made their decision in 2017.
  19. Two entries this time. Here we have Sir Geralt, a loyal Cavelier of Vallora with a shameful fobia; and Miridia, the Cleric with split loyalties. Their stories can be found here.
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