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Everything posted by ♠Soul♠

  1. KYOOT KYOT KYOOT What does she have to do with it.
  2. @frostbittenrose I somehow assumed this thread was reasonably active, but apparently I might not have check when the last posts were made. Regardless, I appreciate someone would step up. I want to request a chibi that looks like her: I tried getting images that would best show, from different angles. Hopefully, they're specific enough.
  3. NOBODY IS FORCING ME I WANT TO FINISH IT. I LOVE ZELDA. Just because a person struggles to get something done doesn't mean it isn't right for them, or that they aren't interested. Sometimes your goal is very much blocked by a lot of obsticles, and it makes it hard to see the big picture clearly. A lot of things that are good and healthy for us are hard to do naturally and without effort, and especially in this day and age of instant gratification. But, again, this doesn't mean that "forcing" ourselves is necessarily a bad thing. I'm just lazy and poorly acostumed myself to never finishing anything, and this is most of my games.
  4. I would watch the whole thing BUT SPOILERS. ),: And it's basically an hour long. But the basic idea: freedom. I understand it better... NO, IT IS WORTH IT.
  5. I've had the game for over a year, and I haven't beaten a single main dungeon...and barely any of the Shrines, for that matter. Most of the time, I just spend my time exploring and not doing anything concrete. I barely even play the game, nowadays, and it's like anywhere close to actually beaten. Part of me is just lazy, for some reason. And I don't get it. This game is just fucking wonderful. It could easily be the most perfect Zelda game, but it feels like it's lacking in something... Maybe it's the lack of old tunes playing in the backround? I miss stuff like the Hyrule Field theme. I take it's part of the game's charm that music rarely plays constantly. I kind of miss the more traditional dungeons, whereas the Shrines are something very different and new to the Zelda series. The Zelda game that's caught me the most is Twilight Princess. It's nowhere near as big as Breath of the Wild, but it still had a sort of magical charm for me. It stuck with me for years. I also feel games like OoT & MM had a special atmosphere to it. It's hard to describe.
  6. Hey. I don't know if this is even the right place to ask, but I'd just like to request if someone would recolour this chibi of Byleth: He's almost my main in Smash, and I use the "mint" coloured ("merged", I think?) version.
  7. I wanted to weigh in regarding Maniac Mode, but I only really played up until Ch.17 Stage 1, and that was years ago. From what I recall, it was one of the harder modes in FE, but within reasonable range. It felt challenging without being "cheap" (such as H5 in Shadow Dragon), as well as rewarding. I would say it's slightly harder than RD's HM, at least judging by that first half of the game. Titania definitely carries a lot more weight in this mode, in particular, but it's not like she can outright solo forever. She's very similiar to RD's Sothe, in that regard. Neither truly weigh down the rest of your units, and they "age" appropriately. The only thing, is that the Japanese mode has a glitch where you can forge Thunder tomes for 255% crit. This means you can oneshot basically everything if you have a unit with Vantage. And I don't fancy the idea of Swordmasters and Snipers (especially these) lacking bonus critical. It makes them a lot weaker.
  8. Is it too late to request an OC chibi sprite? 🤩😍 KYOOT KYOOT KYOOT
  9. Do you remember there was a sort of topic regarding custom sprites? I remember people would request custom chibis and others made them for you.

    Is that still around?

    1. XRay


      You mean this one? 

      I do not remember what exactly happened to the old sprite thread, but I think there was some hiccups with the forums software or something and it disappeared or something?

    2. ♠Soul♠
  10. When things don't go the way I want them to, I remind myself, "Everything is fine". Life doesn't have to be perfect.
  11. Fighters and Soldiers rarely reach 17 AS, if I recall. It's only like 1-2 of the higher-levelled ones. The only ones that consistently reach that, and more, are Myrmidons (who deal neglegible damage). A trained Aran (aka the only reason you're bringing him to 1-E in the first place) is massively better than Fiona, even if he's getting doubled. I'm going to compare them, assuming some levels and resources on them. I estimate you can get Aran to lvl. 14 by the start of 1-E, even assuming somewhat a of brisk case (not necessarily LTC, which adds more points): lvl. 14 Aran HP: 32 (Angelic Robe) Str: 15 Skill 17 Spd 12 Luck 8 Def 18 (Dracoshield) Res 3 There's two Angelic Robes, and he's a good candidate for things like Secret Book and Dracoshield, for how quickly he caps Skill & Def. They're also fairly uncontested and just make his strengths, stronger. This is also without any BEXP. I counted around 2 Soldiers with 17 AS in 1-E, and they do between 24-26 Atk, and that's only 8x2 in the worst case scenario. Fighters don't double him, and there's only one Archer that's somewhat of a threat (one 17 AS/28 Atk Archer. Since his affinity is also Thunder, he could easily have a +2 Def by this point. Fiona, lvl. 14. Yes, I'm assuming we're actually slowing down a lot... enough to give her 5 levels in only one chapter, since she literally doesn't exist until 1-E: HP: 32 (Angelic Robe) Str 12 (Energy Drop) Skill 12 (Secret Book) Spd 13 Luck 10 Def 13 (Dracoshield) Res 9 She'd have virtually the same Spd as Aran, at the same level. That 1 extra point doesn't save her from the the outliers, and she's taking a lot more damage for it, even considering she took a Dracoshield. She could even take an extra point of Spd/Def through BEXP, only to take slightly less damage, but against 10% of the enemies. And it's not likely she'd have any supports to rely on by 1-E, so she'll still struggle with things like Atk, Hit and just about everything else. Even her supposed advantage of having a horse doesn't exist, because indoors. (thank you FE10). I didn't mean to turn this into a debate, but it's just worth noting that Aran is far, far better than Fiona... or it's just that she's that bad, even when you turn things in her favour. Even Meg could be significaly better, considering all the chapters she has, and she's at least somewhat of a strong tank if you manage to get her there.
  12. You can argue Zihark and Volug become significantly better in HM, at least in relation to the team. Since it's a lot easier to train Edward & Nolan in NM, and even units like Aran, they aren't as especial. However, in HM, Volug is one of the very few units that can take over two hits from the strongest Tigers (41 Mt). Not only that, but access to things like Earth affinity and matches with +Def-boosting supports make his defense go even further. Even his offense doesn't fall behind. He doubles Cats, and onerounds them with something like Adept (oneshots with Beastfoe). He does all of this without an ounce of resources, and that is worth mentioning. - Zihark isn't nearly as bulky, but he makes up for it by being able to potentially pair up for 2-3 Double Earth supports (assuming you count Fiona). If you keep Adept on him, he's a really good candidate for Resolve. Double Earth + Resolve makes him untouchable, and his offense has the potential to be a lot better than Volug's, even. He can take advantage of Adept and critical to destroy enemies. - Aran isn't actually nearly as bad. His Spd was never good to begin with, even by NM standards, but it's not like he's so slow that even Tigers will double him. Hardly makes a difference. On the flipside, his bulk does come in handy. He's one of the 3 or so Brigades that can succesfully tank Tigers, and he also hits pretty hard. - Nephenee has a shaky Part 2, but it's not like it really counts for much. They're fairly quick chapters as it is, but she's really easy to get going beyond it. If anything, she's actually pretty decent in HM. She's very comparable to Mia, but then she also has access to 2-range as early as 3-8 (fairly big advantage). She's one of your few people in the Mercenaries that can double with solid offense (with Adept). Her Avo also becomes decent, thanks to being fast and somewhat decent Luck.
  13. If he's at least significantly stronger than Ike in PoR, I wouldn't be surprised if he was at least relative to BK and Ike by the end of the game. We know Ike's definitely improved by RD, but I have my doubts Zelgius could really improve much. He's basically at his peak.
  14. Do you guys still have that topic where you request custom chibis?
  15. I still read your posts like 10 years later.

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