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Imuabicus der Fertige

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Posts posted by Imuabicus der Fertige

  1. I´m surprised to realize that I can´t decide between Echoes and TH.

    There´s little about Echoes that has the player think about other than "What do I do with my Villagers?", but like… that´s no different from TH? Scrubs wherever you look. And while there would be some fun to be had in TH building your units, said fun slowly and painfully withers away in the monastery. Maddening does exist but from what I´ve experienced so far, assuming your units are inadequate anyway prevents many resets/rewinds but that´s the kind of play that brings frustration.

    I guess all the above would also apply to Awakening, but it has Galeforce and Armsthrift and then some which is fun in its own way.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Clear World said:

    A key aspect of what I'm trying to get across is, "I think the designer should better Assist players to engage in the game they design", not "make the players design the game themselves (assuming that isn't the creator's intentions)". For another analogy, "I want Intelligent Systems to be a teacher with better tools & communication to better assist students go through their planned lessons", not "here's a sandbox, do whatever you want (assuming that isn't the creator's intentions)".

    So... you want a tutorial? We already get that - at the very least in the most recent recent entries (that I´m aware of. Doesn´t NM feature a bunch of prologue chapters that do just that?). You learn by playing - FE doesn´t strike me the kind of game to require handholding. 

    I don´t quite get why you would ever want to turn off enemy ranges, the exclamation marks when effective damage is on the menu, combat calculations etc. Like why? Bragging rights?  I also think these things are quite self-explanatory. 

    And quite frankly, getting a set of options to decide stuff like growths, stats, skills and the likes sounds very exciting to me.

  3. 16 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Okay, would you take someone saying that Mozu can be good if you prioritized her in her joining chapter seriously? I wouldn't, because favoritism on that scale can make just about anyone good.

    Yes I would. Not every unit would be as good because not every unit is Mozu? No unit in CQ has as easy access to such high and accurate damage as Mozu. I speak from the experience of multiple runs using Mozu.

    Which unit needs P1? Corrin, Effie, Servant 1, Elise, Azura, is a no because they either are in the middle of the fray anyway or have other tasks (healing, refreshing). Odin, Niles, Arthur, Nyx suck according to you, but Odin and Niles perfom good enough regardless of P1 and Arthur/Nyx is a can of worms I´m not willing to open up now.

    16 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Needless to say, most of the game is spent without level 15 skills (for most units anyway) - what good is knowing that Shurikenbreaker would be a big help for chapter 17 if there's a very high chance I won't have it?

    You missed my point. They wouldn´t be of much help, because the enemies aren´t hard to deal with in the first place.

    16 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Which reminds me, when do most of your units start learning level 15 skills?

    Around chapter 23/24, but I also include paralogues in my planning. I seem to remember that there´s a playthrough on Deltres channel where he does chapter 25 quite underleveled.

    16 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I don't LTC or anything like that, but Odin's poor bases pretty much mean that a few bad level ups can sink him. And Heartseeker doesn't make up for being mediocre, especially when I eventually get someone who outstrips him in just about every way (and no, I'm not talking about Leo).

    I assume you refer to Ophelia? In which case you are using Odin anyway. And Ophelia is simply the hardcore version of Odin.

    16 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    How would you handle something like the Berserker/General room in chapter 26 then? 

    [Entrap Hans. Kill Hans. Enjoy reinforcements suiciding themselves over the wall. (optional)] Break door. Endure EP. Hammertime + Lightning + Attack Stance. [Red weaponry on frontline. Endure EP. Kill Zerkers. (optional)] Take out 1 Maid. Prepore for Hans Squad. Kill Hans Squad. Deal with reinforcements. Iago.

    Of course this is only when you go through the magic section. If you go through the physical part of the map you can immediately take out the Zerkers and be safe from the Generals (presuming 2 range). Which enables dealing with the enemies in better segregated waves.

    Worth pointing out that the majority of Berserkers in that room have Armored Blow and some get Quick Draw too. And I think some of the reinforcing Zerkers get Certain Blow to boot.

  4. 19 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    An interesting question, different from the more expectable “Which animations do you like the most?”

    I mean think about it, even the first game had animations but it´s basically 50 pixels going to another 50 pixels (this is exaggeration for the record) and making contact - but why is it even there? What´s the animations Raison d’Être? Who looked at the game and said:” Y´know what? Needs more animation, 0/10, can´t sell this.” As in, I´d assume even SDatBoL animations cost something to make.

    And from what I´ve been reading here and there SDatBoL was one of the first SRPG ever made – there was no (or at least I know of none) precedent game, that would have made animations some form of canon for this genre.

    Another thing imaginable, would be that otherwise there wouldn´t be much to the game, no? Like there isn´t much happening on the maps themselves, is there (though there is a good deal of subjectivity to note here)? No enemy ranges, everything moves slow and the maps themselves don´t offer much for the eye to snack on – considering for example the details on TH maps, or the vast amount of information you´ll have on Fates maps.



    Also the best animation is clearly SD generals nonchalantly chucking javelins.

  5. 1 hour ago, L3xandr3 said:

    Don't go sleeping on Awakening! It comes late, but oi is it strong when you get to play with it. That and it melds well with Vantage. If only Wrath existed in Fates... Then we'd have some real fun.

    I know. But not every player is going to have access to Awakening.

    13 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    And once again, they come at level 15, AKA late enough that the mileage I get out of them is limited.

    I really don´t know why you are so obsessed with long term usefulness for skills. There is exactly one breaker skill - as far as I´m aware right now - that peple will bring up with you in CQ-context and that´s Shurikenbreaker. And it´s exclusivly for chapter 25 because where the fuck would you need it? Shuriken Users exist in chapter 10, 11, 15, 17 and 25. Some Mechanists in 17 and 22. Literally the only one time they are ever going to be a threat - for reasons of little chance to engage them on your terms - is chapter 25. Prior to that these enemies are easy pickings.

    13 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Admittedly, I did, but when the units who are the only sources of it for a good chunk of the game are losers, that tends to happen.

    Yet they are the units that would alleviate your Accuracy issues the easiest way possible. That alone should make them stars in your book.

    13 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I don't know about you, but when I see someone defend the likes of Mozu with "she can become good if you feed her entire paralogue to her!", my first reaction is to do a double-take, and my second reaction is a flat "What". My third reaction is insane, hysterical laughter, like this:

    I enjoy the fact you likened your reaction to peoples experience with Mozu to that of a man on the border of insanity since his childhood, finally breaking apart. 

    14 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Odin sucks really damn hard, which is unfortunate, as I liked Owain in Awakening.

    Well, charging in headlong is an easy way to get outmanned and outgunned most of the time. 

    ...but he doesn´t? Like unless you are super hardcore LTCing everytime you play CQ. Additionally the point was he supplies you with the Heartsseker you need to resolve the issues you have with your Accuracy and because he´s tanky you can even wait a round of combat to set yourself up. 

    It´s not easy to outgun an army that has Corrin, Camilla, Xander, Azura etc. in them. (To name the most prevalent units.)

    14 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    It's much safer to force the enemy to take the bait, then crush them.

    Giving up initative is a bad idea, especially if you´re concerned with Hit Rate, since you give up choice of enemy, weapon and unit placement. Also Lunge and Debuffs, but that has been adressed in another post. And baiting in Conquest can be kinda difficult. Since a good few formations are set up to not move unless they can murk you.

    Actually you´ve made me curious. What do your CQ teams look like - as in units you use - if you don´t mind sharing.

  6. I´m just a bit curious because I myself don´t really see anything in them – to me they just look like a repetitive waste of time when there is FE to be played. But I have seen serious discussions over which game has the best animations or what the best animation is and it´s quite unclear to me why they are even a thing. The very first thing I´ll do when starting a FE game up is disabling every combat/support animation I can. And by now, whenever I start up a campaign and try to play with animations it´s just so... ugh.

    So, what do they add to your FE experience?

  7. 14 minutes ago, L3xandr3 said:

    Lunge is a skill and can thus be seen and avoided.

    How does one avoid Lunge when you EP the very enemy that Lunges you? Think Kazes fun room in chapter 11 - unless the answer is don´t go into the room.

    16 minutes ago, L3xandr3 said:

    Debuffs are life in Fates,

    Not if you 1HKO or 1RKO (directed at Seal Skills). Which is entirely possible and mostly directed at Hidden Weapon Users, because outside of RES they are weak as shit.

    15 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I'm talking about skills - breakers require the enemy use that specific weapon, Lucky Seven is only relevant for the first seven turns of a battle (and outside of LTC, you're likely taking far more than 7 turns to clear maps), Underdog requires the user to have lower level than the opponent, Certain Blow requires initiation, Quixotic is a double-edged sword that helps the enemy out far more than it does you, and Awakening requires being under half health. A lot of these also come late, considering they're promoted class skills.

    Breaker Skills make ceratin enemy types irrelevant to that unit. There´s a lot of enemies that can only use one weapon type.

    Lucky Seven, Underdog, Quixotic, Awakening is a colorful assortment of skills that are completely or mostly irrelevant for Conquest.

    You forgot the most important one, Heartseeker.

    20 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    It's also worth mentioning that we're talking about Mozu, aka, she who is more trouble than she's worth.

    19 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    Is she? I find once you train her in her join chapter she becomes one of the MVPs very easily. Multipe runs i've attest to that

    The only kinda people I seen cry about Mozu, are the people who haven´t used her. She PP´s enemies harder than Camilla.

    22 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Thing is, if I'm using Heartseeker, the user could possibly get attacked instead of who I want the boss to attack, which is a problem when the unit with Heartseeker sucks, which Odin and Nyx do.

    23 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Thing is, if I'm using Heartseeker, the user could possibly get attacked instead of who I want the boss to attack, which is a problem when the unit with Heartseeker sucks, which Odin and Nyx do.

    Which is why you set up a PP attack. Waiting for the boss to do your work is unreliable and unhealthy. And Odin is probably the best unit to use for Heartseeking bosses cause he´s damn tanky. Otherwise Leo.

    Really, all I´m seeing here is a EP type of player. Which is fair enough.

  8. 11 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    You couldn't have been any more blatant with your cherry picking if you tried, seeing as this is the one unit with Certain Blow

    Worth mentioning that Iago is not only standing on a throne, but also has WTA - this makes his EVA against Mozu  89 Evade (unless I fucked up the math) as she´ll also lose weapon ranks. But she still has 98%. Pretty reliable.

    8 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Most of the more aggravating bosses are on thrones.

    Bosses on thrones: Kilma, Haitaka, Kotaro, Zola, Fuga, Yukimura, Takumi, Hinoka, Iago, Garon.

    All of them are trivialized by Heartseeker - at least in terms of Accuracy.

    8 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Also, most of the hit boosting stuff has conditions,

    Namely? As in both the hit boosting stuff and it´s conditions?

    8 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    I can't even enemy phase this game or i get rekt haha.

    2 hours ago, L3xandr3 said:

    Calculations. Lotsa calculations. Do those, and Enemy phase > Player phase, with a few exceptions. Especially with Ryoma or (to a lesser extent) Xander.

    EPing the game is a good way to (miss your counterattack [optional]), get debuffed, lose 20-40% HP, get lunged and then be murdered. But to each their own.

    9 hours ago, L3xandr3 said:

    For the cost of 1 brave, you can get a tier 4 Iron,

    One Brave weapon costs 8000 (As mentioned, Lightning is way cheaper). That´s 2 Silvers and 4 Steels.

    And it´s 8 Irons. That´s four (+1´s). That´s two (+2´s). That´s one (+3). Additionally it costs at max 11 and at min 8 smithing ressources when you have access to one random ressource and they exchange 5:1. And the Arena is all up for some randomized chances.

  9. 16 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Hey, question: What order would you guys want me to do Fates in? Rev-Birthright-Conquest, or Birthright-Conquest-Rev? Or some other order? I'm leaning towards doing Conquest last to see how much of my hatred for Rev was just playing it after Conquest and Birthright, but I wanna know what you guys would find the most interesting.

    I´d say that depends on your state of mind after Awakening. Rev first if you had fun playing Awakening, Birthright if it was just ok and Conquest if you develop late game Awakening syndrome.

    However, what I’d be more interested in knowing would be whether you decide to use and if yes how much you´ll use online features - mainly referring to some of the more exciting weaponry such as the Dual weapons.

  10. On 12/27/2020 at 8:07 AM, L3xandr3 said:

    Effie has a decent base but meh 50% growth, and that requires her to stay a Knight. Keaton has other issues, mostly nonexistant Skill and Res. Beruka's just underwhelming.

    All characters I mentioned go above 30 DEF. That´s solidly tanky.

    15 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    Decided to Brave Lance this time, as even if i miss i can atleast block one of Hinoka's attacks using Shield gauge, and even with Luna her attack shouldn't kill...

      Hide contents


    The Hell? That hitrate seems exceedingly low, even for the Brave Lance, considering Floras SKL and Quixotic.

    Edit: Oh. Hinoka is on a gate and Winged Shield allows for terrain to affect fliers... making for a total of 95 Evasion.

  11. 23 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Course Im assuming Shadow Dragon Medeus and not the uh... actual Shadow Dragon from New Mystery that might be even stronger on Lunatic. Though since we have two of both we could do both. Crimson Flower Vs Shadow Dragon for the despotic versions and Silver Snow Vs New Mystery for the crazy versions.

    Personally I´m good with one dragon boss 1v1, so I´d say SD H5 Medeus vs Maddening CF Immaculate One. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    People way overstimate the debuffs from stronger weapons and understimate the weapons. They are still super good despite the debuffs, you just need to know when to use them 😉

    Brave Bow saved my Ass against Iago in my last run.

    I just got Brave Lance and Killer Lance for Flora

    Eh, I was thinking more it´s because the Spear is exclusively 2 range? And the Brave Sword/Lance debuffs aren’t anything to worry about. Halving STR/MAG on the other hand... well who care if it´s against the map boss.

    5 hours ago, L3xandr3 said:

    Aside from Benny and Xander, no one is tanky in Conquest, so... She's a better mage than Odin (Excluding Nos-tanking), and Leo is underwhelming in every way. Still not the best Nohrian mage, that title goes to Ophelia. Elise is pretty good as well.

    Sad Effie, Beruka, Keaton noises.

    Unless of course you meant RES... but then it´s only sad Elise & Kaze noises.

  13. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Which version of Rhea would you prefer? Crimson Flower

    I think Crimson Flower would do her justice. I´m guessing this version will have lower stats than the VW one what with the shortage of CF chapters.

    2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    And Lunatic 5 Medeus?

    Ofc XD The only real Medeus.

  14. 43 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


    This Odin is stupendously blessed. Only his Res isn´t above average.

    I was considering giving Flora Skilltaker so she´d have even higher procc-chance for Ignis. Maxed SKL + SKLtaker + Quixotic would have been 60% chance to procc. Might be an idea to take out Aggressor and Lancefaire for Skilltaker and Wary Fighter in case the enemies are to dangerous?

    Also, that´s probably the first time I´ve seen someone use the Fates Spear, but I guess it does allow for Crits and skill-proccs.

    Felicia for Personal Skill and +1MAG.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


    That may be the most diverse set of classes used I´ve ever seen.

    45 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    Our 15th Member, Flora! @Imuabicus

    turns out game doesn't actually auto-lvl her, so i decided to do it myself and let her be lvl7 instead of 5 and increased stats appropiately (since her growth rates are close to 50% on the board, i just gave her +1 every stat and removed the luck and put it on hp, as requested xD). According to Serenes the game auto lvls her if i recruit her later, if i knew that wasn't the case i would've recruited her earlier and used her in place of one of the Deadweight squad and she would probably be higher lvld by now... oh well. These 2 levels should help her a bit to make her catch up to speed.

    I do hope she´s gonna be useful with all that extra damage she can generate - originally I planned her with Wary Fight but decided against it for even more Daka.

    Hell yeah for Spear Masters - I much prefer them over flying ponis.

    53 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    Yeah, my Niles is usually super useless. I think only on my first CQ run, on normal, i used Niles, and even there he was one of my weakest members iirc.

    I think the only reason he gets highly rated is because he can capture units? Combat wise not so much.

  16. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Okay. Assuming Ophelia is a Sorcerer over Dark Knight. Here are our stats

    Magical Missiletainn   9           70   10  
    Ophelia (Sorcerer) 46 11 18 20 24 24 14 15 52 48 22 NA
      HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hit Eva Crit Weight/Con
    Delthea 41 29 23 18 34 30 8 32 51 66 24 NA
    Magical Aura (V)   12           80     8


    You are using the adjusted stats from your calculator, yes? In that case Ophelia would have 36 MAG (unless I misunderstood something). The Missiletain also gives +1SKL/RES

    Who was Ophelias mother (if that was/could be accounted for)?

    No weight? Otherwise - and only if i understand SoV calculation right - Delthea loses 8 SPD, disabling doubling.



    Oh, are bosses/unplayable characters possible? In that case i´d be interested to see Immaculate One vs Medeus (SD).

  17. On 12/18/2020 at 5:56 PM, Father Shrimpas said:

    He will still take like 15 damage from cav even with Beruka Def pair up (which is +4 Def iirc), since the Cav has something like 27 attack. Then just 1 mag needs to hit (and Calamity gate will hit) and he is dead.

    There´s a fort or something 3 tiles above the bridge. It gives +2DEF(/RES?) and most importantly +20AVO on a fast boy like Kaze. And Orochi shouldn´t be able to reach the same turn as the Cav, if memory serves.

  18. 39 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Three Houses ditching the weapon triangle made swords, axes and lances just feel like a big blob, where 90% of the time, there's no reason to use any other basic weapon type than the one your class has a faire in. The others, bows, gauntlets, white magic, black magic, dark magic... they were all distinct enough from each other that there could be a reason to use them even when you have a class bonus in something else. But why would you ever want to use lances as a swordmaster when swords are not only more accurate, but also more powerful thanks to the faire?

    Well there are the few enemies that have Breaker Skills and even the enemy only variant of said skill - on Maddening at the very least.

    16 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    If you are gonna remove the weapon triangle you better buff every hit rate by 20. And Axes by 30.

    TH tried with its system of [Weapon Prowess X] and to top it off some CA´s too. And in case these fail the player he can still use the power of Rewind.

  19. 13 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

    I found it out by mself a couple years back on my first conquest lunatic run where i had problems dealing with Orochi Squad + Reina's huge range, so my first thought was to eleminate Reina's first, and upon further calculations i found out Camilla barely survives with a HP/Def tonic pair up, with like 4 HP or so iirc. Then i put Mozu behind her in Attack stance with a Steel bow and let the wreckening begin

    To be honest, when playing chapter 13 I tend to have Kaze paired up with Beruka go to Orochis side and just clean up. With the Beruka-PU his DEF is high enough that the cavalier is negligible, the mages are w/e to Kaze and even Orochi with the Calamity Gate isn´t that much of a threat. Though I don´t remember 100% if Orochi is even in range of the fort on that side.

    On 12/16/2020 at 10:25 PM, Father Shrimpas said:

    Chapter 13, usually a tough one as you are sorrounded by dangerous enemy combinations from all sides, and Wyverns carrying generals are coming from the bottom of the map towards your part. These guys usually cause me to reset a couple times...

    I really dislike this chapter in general, for one single reason: this would have been the first chapter, where having effective weaponry would have been so good. Your Sword and Axe Users do fuck all to the Wyverns and the Armors (well except the one Armor Slayer you have). Imagine Charlotte and then imagine Charlotte with a Hammer. Or Arthur. Or Beruka. Instead we get them after this chapter and don´t need them until chapter 18 (not accounting for paralogues obv).

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