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Imuabicus der Fertige

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Posts posted by Imuabicus der Fertige

  1. 3 hours ago, lenticular said:

    I'd be more likely to look at the time to learn the game at a basic level, by comparing Settler difficulty in Civ VI and Normal/Casual in FE:TH, which I think can both probably be beaten by a first time player, though it's been so long since I've been a new player for either that I'm probably not well placed to judge the new player experience.

    I mean the first time I played Civ 6 I played on Settler and won through a coincidental Religious Victory. Perhaps the more accurate thing to ask would be how long does it take someone to know what they do in the game. 

    3 hours ago, lenticular said:

    For me, there are two answers to this, depending on whether I'm comparing to big budget games from major companies or to indies. When it comes to big budget games, the big draw is the genre of gameplay attached. [...] one area where they absolutely cannot match games like Fire Emblem or Mass Effect is in budget and production values. Just think of something like voice acting, for instance.

    In respect to the first part. A good story may enhance gameplay, but it will never redeem bad gameplay. I stopped playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because of this (among other factors), as well as Valkyria Chronicles (though that may have been because I was expecting the wrong things for both of these games). Both simply bored me out of my mind. But good gameplay doesn´t need a good story, because I will be too busy playing the game.

    As for the second part, at the very last for voice acting, I tend to not notice it because I read faster than the voice actors can say it and thus skip it.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean no FE story is a literary masterpiece by any means. It may be basic but by no means does that make it bad. These stories, for as simple as they are, still have worthwhile ideas they explore with at least a decent level of competency

    Yes and I am not denying they may have some merit to them as SF alone is a FE board that discusses a lot in regard to story, but what about these stories and characters make someone say: I am going to buy this SRPG/TRPG(?), play through X amount of maps on any difficulty just to enjoy the story/characters, even more so if a person has no prior experience with FE. Especially, and this being the solemn example I can give due to lack of having played many other FE´s, when what @lenticular has described as


    [...] the core tactical gameplay of Fire Emblem to be particularly strong. [...]

    is implemented as it was in Echoes (fully keeping in mind that it´s a remake of an older game and thus perhaps limited in what they could do).

    I´m sorry if I didn´t get my point across in the first post, but my question is basically the same question that @lenticular posted except, what draws you to FE over other more story focused games out there?

  3. 8 hours ago, Arevir Wehttam said:

    I’ll try to pay attention to which characters are bad cooks (haha), great tip though, really appreciate it!

    You may find this useful: https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/my-castle/restaurant/ 

    8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    3) This one is more just looking for general advice on spending/buying items. [...] Is there any “must buys” from the armory shop, or just get whatever I think may be useful? 

    For one I´d like to mention that the Staff/Armry Stores can be upgraded after Chapter 13 and 20. As for what becomes available check these: https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/my-castle/staff-store/ and https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/my-castle/dusk-armoury/

    As for important stuff, I would certainly mention the Beast Killer, the Hammer and the Hunter Knife. While the Hammer may not be immediately useful – the first armoured units it could be used against are in chapter 18, I think but there it WILL be helpful. Not accounting for Paralogues ofc. The Anti-Beast weapons can be useful as of chapter 14, 19, 20 etc. I would recommend against immediately buying the Wyrm Slayer as the only Wyvern enemies it can be used against are in the lategame, not accounting for Paralogues once again.

    The magic weapons may be useful tool for some units: Shining Bow for Niles for example, or Levin Sword for Corrin or the Bolt Axe for Camilla.

    Other than that, you may get great use out of Brave Weapons once they are available, especially because Brave Effects Weapons will also work in Attack Stance (so if you have two units with Brave Effect units attack in AS you would get 4x Attacks before the enemy may retaliate).

    Take note that the Soldiers Knife and the Crescent Bow will halve your Strength for the next attack when used. Also the Lightning magic will reduce your stats by -2 per combat. Brave Sword/Axe/Lance will apply a simple -4DEF/RES when equipped.

  4. 2 hours ago, lenticular said:

    A genuine question for the "gameplay reigns supreme" crowd: what is it that draws you to Fire Emblem specifically in preference over the many other strategy and tactics games that exist? [...]

    First off, time investment. Assuming I need ~4 hours to get a game in Civ 6 done, by that time I would probably be somewhere around chapter 17-20 in FE Conquest (obviously I´m more experienced with FE14 than Civ 6). One map in the one game, 20 maps in the other.

    Secondly, by comparison to the aforementioned games FE is incredibly easy. I don´t even know how many hours it would take someone to be good at e.g. Civilization 6. I wonder how much time it would take someone to be able to reliably beat FE:TH on Maddening compared to the time it would take someone to be able to reliably take on Civ6 Deity. And don´t even get me started on a game like Starcraft. Playing that game on any competent level is stressful and intense (though to be fair that´s PvP). In contrast one of the most difficult things in FE is memorizing things like at which SPD threshold to I double or get doubled? What´s that Skill going to do?

    Part of it, at the very least to me, is the ease of access FE provides, as well as the ratio of enjoyment relative to time invested.

    I on the other hand do not understand the supposed appeal of FE´s storytelling and world-building or characters. Granted I´m very disinterested in that regard, so I don’t pay attention to it which certainly skews my perception, but it is hard not to catch a glimpse of it, every now and then. But I´m under the impression that it´s very… basic?

  5. On 8/22/2020 at 11:21 PM, Samz707 said:

    FE simply doesn't feel balanced for casual, you can very easily cheese out maps in my experience if deaths don't matter,

    I would argue simply adding a secondary Lose Condition, such as “Suffer defeat upon losing more than X units” would fix this rather easily. You have more room to chill but you will not go unpunished for all too careless play.

    While certainly not the correct thread for this, I also think that secondary map goals would make a neat addition to the game, not quite unlike the BExp from the Ike Emblems. Beating the map within a certain amount of turns, beating a certain (group of) enemy (-ies), acquiring specific treasure within a specific amount of turns, stopping a specific enemy from escaping, protecting a location or an NPC, escorting an NPC safely, preventing certain structures on the map from taking damage and whatever else I´m currently not thinking of. Completing these side objectives successfully may yield additional loot, items, weapons, money, unique promotion items etc. pp.

  6. For me it would be the following games:

    Fire Emblem Three Houses/Shadows of Valentia: Both are case studies on how to make very boring maps (especially the latter). The former additionally disappoints with unnecessary nonsense.

    Xenoblade Chronicles 2: This one perhaps I had wrong expectations for the game as I was new to the franchise, but the game seems to be summed up perfectly as: stand around and press a bunch of buttons.

  7. On 7/28/2020 at 12:09 PM, whase said:

    I'm actually surprised about the amount of negativity in this thread. Not saying people who didn't like it shouldn't be saying so or whatever, but I'm just surprised. The game has been very well received by most of my friends and myself, despite, it's true, its obvious flaws.

    While reading through this thread I am far more surprised to see how lenient people seem to be when it comes to the “strategic/tactical” aspect of Fire Emblem which I do consider to be the most important part of FE. I´m amazed by how games such as TH or to name an even worse offender, Echoes seem to get a free pass on what the actual game is because the storytelling and/or presentation are apparently so good – the characters, perhaps the story etc. all of which looks to me like additional and mostly useless fluff.

  8. My opinion of Three Houses Went from hell yeah, new FE to skip this, skip that to it´s whatever. My first path was whatever Edelgards route is called and upon recruiting Lysithea in Claudes final moments I basically warp skipped all chapters till Rhea. The other routes consisted of renown buying everything and recruiting the BE students because I wasn´t going to deal with another bunch of scrubs.

    I have yet to manage and find the patience to go through Maddening after multiple attempts, where the solution to the problem – perhaps due to my inability to find such a thing – was to DP repeatedly and just hope that any one hit would land. At the same time, the prospect of having to go through the monastery and/or the weekend activities in order to have the necessary resources or just plain get your units up to speed just sap my motivation to play away.

  9. 3 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    Not even if Corrin dies?

    I just checked this, Corrin kinda just respawns when you suicide on Xander.

    As for @mangasdeouf:

    I´m not sure I follow your comparisons anymore. Effie joins in chapter 7, Benny in chapter 13. They have the same class so arguing skills is useless. Since Effie will probably see combat for at least 6 chapters she´s sure to gain another weapon rank. By the time Effie hits Bennys level (Lv. 15) she has                        -3HP/+5STR/-2SKL/+4SPD/-2DEF/-3RES. As for accuracy problems… eh? He ends up with about +5SKL which is about +7.5 Hit whereas Effie gains I think +3.5 Hit from her +7LCK lead so Benny wins with a +4Hit. Effie CAN be brought to 1HKO thresholds – that usually involves either tonics, PU or specific weaponry.

    Yes. I mentioned all of that. I don´t know why anyone would rely on proccskills at the very least in Fates. They are nice to have because when they activate, they are exactly that – nice, but they are also unreliable (for the most part). The dried river? So, a passive approach to chapter 10 then, though the Pegasi tend to be quite a bit ahead of enemies, even if the river is dried no?

    Again, not sure where the comparison on Charlotte v Kagero came about considering it was about Kazes STR stat and growth. Just a Mage Killer? Kaze has higher HP/RES than Kagero, the only thing she bests him in is strength but Kaze also has Kageros base SPD at Lv. 3 my guy, at level 10 he´s 5 points ahead a trend that will keep going till he´s maxed. That´s a lot of time spent doubling enemies. They also – almost coincidentally - use the same weapons. As for Kaze v regular MN can I point you to the fact, while he has 2 less STR than them due to modifiers he also has 3 more SPD, so he is but a tonic away from doubling THE FASTEST ENEMIES IN THE GAME. Also, yeah MN in chapter 11 of REV, the epitomy of game balance.

    As for your final three paragraphs. WTF. If you want to play slow play slow. There´s a few chapters that force you to be fast/efficient (Chapter 10/12) some that give you a good reason to be fast (Chapter 8/16 for example). If you don´t like Seal Skills, then just wait the 6 turns? Yeah Conquest is a lot easier when played proactively – because it gives you great control over your units and how they are kitted out. The HP pools are the way they are because of AS and GS because otherwise they wouldn´t work. As for catch up to royals, that is what happens. Ever heard about how Camilla seemingly falls off in the lategame? That´s because enemies and allies start scaling up to her. Conquest gives you everything you need to play how you like with certain limitations to force you to think how you go about it. How you implement your playstyle depends on your "creativity" more than anything else.

  10. Because of some stuff, I hadn´t mentioned have a second post.

    For the stat comparison in chapter 7:

    Only Arthur has more HP than the Faceles due to HP+5. No new unit in chapter 7 of Conquest has less STR than the Faceless, with Silas tying the PU-Faceless and the Boss at 11STR. All new units in Chapter 7 have less SPD than the Faceless. All new units have more DEF than solo Faceless, with Arthur having -1 on PU-Faceless and Silas having equal Defence. The Boss surpasses every new unit except Effie in DEF, his being 13 versus hers being 14.

    A reclassed Felicia or Corrin would not have access to magic weapons. Assuming some trickery we deal with E-Rank tomes, allowing us Fire (3MT), Ember (1MT) and Disrupting Gale (4MT, +3SPD on Attack). A reclassed Lv. 5 Felicia – assuming Strategist with Lv. 5 being the most logical choice in my eyes (granting Live to Serve) – has ~13MAG and 11SPD dealing damage as follows: with Fire 9/8/7, with Ember 7/6/5 with DG 20/9/8. None of this takes Attack Stance or Guard Stance or Tonics into account.

    As for the Beruka v Arthur comparison, for one I failed to mention that Beruka is of course a Wyvern Rider/Lord so she has more Mov than Arthur.

    Secondly Beruka/Arthur are next to interchangeable units. Use this here: https://zekareisoujin.github.io/FEFatesStatCalc/ and check their stats in WL and Berserker respectively. Arthur will always edge out with more HP/STR and Beruka will have a significant lead in LCK.

    As for the rest of your unit evaluations regarding Effie, Niles & Kaze.

    In her starting chapter Effie receives 5/14/12 damage from enemies whilst dealing 12/10/7 damage. This does not take AS/GS into account. Considering we are talking about chapter 7 with its3 major chokepoints, there is no reason to assume any of your units should take more than 1 round of combat a turn or the player not using Elise PS and possibly Servant 1 Aura. Effies SPD is barely high enough to not be doubled should you care by virtue of Tonics/PU and from the middle stages of the game up to lategame she will not have to worry about damage.

    As for Niles. Name a more broken Skill than Capture. Niles is good enough to deal with most flying enemies – enemies that you specifically seem to have a problem with in Chapter 10. Other than that, he is slightly unreliable chip damage, one of the few units capable of safely killing or damaging enemy mages and is also the only user of Locktouch until after chapter 11. And his promotions offer him some options on what to do with is life.

    As for Kaze. He kills Mages, he steals shit, he´s accurate, he chunks enemies thanks to Poison Strike, he debuffs. He´s Conquest equivalent of a Swiss Knife. If he had Charlottes STR growth he would be broken beyond belief.

    19 hours ago, mangasdeouf said:

    And add to that the fact the ennemies also use attack or guard stance to inflate their damage or prevent you from ORKOing them, and that's what I call shitty game balance.

    If an enemy using GS surprises you it´s solely on you. The game gives you 100% information on what´s happening on the screen. As for enemy AS, yeah that can be confusing at first but that´s why we also can use GS.

  11. 18 hours ago, mangasdeouf said:

    Look, most Faceless have 11-12 def from chapter 7 onwards in HARD, 24+ HP, 9-ish speed and nearly as much res as def, so you can't even burst them with a magic unit (reclassed Corrin/Felicia). Your own tanks have less HP than any ennemy on the map except Arthur who badly wants a bronze weapon to have actual accuracy and 0% crit chance against him.

    Taken from the map itself, on Lunatic difficulty:

    1x Boss faceless with 31HP/11STR/13DEF/8RES and Wary Fighter

    2x paired faceless with 25HP/11STR/11SPD/10DEF/9RES (+2 through PU, on their own there are the same as the solo ones)

    13x solo faceless with 25HP/9STR/9SPD/8DEF/7RES

    A Lv. 10 +STR/-LCK Corrin has 7 Mag, with Dragonstone you deal 14/13/12 dmg. A +MAG/-LCK Corrin has 12 MAG, raising that to 19/18/17.

    Effie has more STR/DEF than Arthur (13/14 to 10/6), the latter having +6HP of which 5 are due to HP+5. Neither have any business doubling.

    18 hours ago, mangasdeouf said:

    Camilla has stats your best units would get by level 18-20 or even after promotion. But she's already promoted. If you use her, she steals exp from your growth units who need it to be even relevant at all. If you don't let her get kills, she will become irrelevant once she can finally gain decent exp per kill.

    Exp gains are not a problem in Fates. Also the classic anti Jagen/(Jeigan?) argument but this time it falls even shorter because Camillas stats grow like fucking weed.

    The Beruka v Arthur comparison makes little sense and is partially wrong. Comparing them at base, Beruka has +1STR/+5SKL/+1SPD/+5DEF7+3RES. Arthur has a total of 35% SPD growth compared to Berukas 30% Spd growth, so the class makes the difference. In their base classes, without any shenanigans, Arthur will end up with +16HP/+10STR/-2SKL/+4SPD/-10DEF7-7RES at 20/20.

    18 hours ago, mangasdeouf said:

    Xander has OP sword, but I'd prefer him having a lance in order to not be laughed at by ninjas

    It´s called a Javelin. He won´t double Ninjas without investment anyway.

    As for Steel and Silver weapons... why not use them? The former only reduces your speed by what -3? so that´s a clear indicator for using AS or a buff unit that doesn´t care about being doubled. And that you shouldn´t spam Silver weapons like in every other damn game and use them for enemies you can´t deal with otherwise seems evident.

    As for the weapons you get in MyCastle, Ninjas in my game still tremble from remembering the Berserker Axe (as one example).


    Hard is for people who want non poop-made ennemies and actual ennemy density, not for masochists who like to play puzzle in a tactical RPG

    Ignoring the fact that IS made it very clear that Conquest is for players who want a challenge and think about what they are doing. 


    (and an RPG should always let you do things in the way you want, not trying to force you into doing specific things to cheese it, that is for LTC/speedrunning, not for casual play).

    No. It´s a strategy game, it has to impose limits on the player, like any other game belonging to any defined category, because otherwise it´s a fucking sandbox. If you want a game that allows you to do whatever you want to, look no further than Minecraft. 

    18 hours ago, mangasdeouf said:

    That's it, what are your thoughts?

    You should 1) either not play the game because you clearly can´t enjoy it or 2) you should stop trying to come up with nonsense why Conquest is bad and spend more time playing it, because that may yield better results for you than failing to make arguments where there are none to be had.

  12. Quote

    Fates (BR and RV at least, haven't played CQ) may have had different map designs, but it was still overall very boring to play through.

    On 7/21/2020 at 11:29 PM, Shrimperor said:

    3H has better map design than FE4, FE6, FE7, FE8, FE11, FE12, FE13, FE14BR, FE14Rev and FE15.

    The only actively bad map in Shadow Dagon is Chapter 13: The Wooden Cavalry.

    And I will break a lance (Naginata?) for Birthright here. The maps themselves are very much fine with just about two exceptions in my opinion (those being Chapter 18: Leo and Chapter 21: Burning Falls). In pretty much every chapter (and the following takes in account Lunatic only) you are presented with loot in some way, if its stored in a chest it is often threatened by an enemy thief yanking it. 


    What difficulty the game presents to you is in my eyes twofold:

    For one being able to keep your guys alive during EP, because Birthright gives you a much frailer cast than Conquest – that includes units such as Ryoma oh so revered for being op, yet a General in the lategame will wipe him the fuck out. And tanks are… well Rinkah exists. And X Unit + Guard Naginata.

    And secondly, this working directly in conjunction with the mentioned above, the sheer number of enemies you will be facing.

    To put this in perspective: You thought Priams Paralogue with 50 enemies was bad? Enjoy your 48 initial enemies in Chapter 25 Traitor revealed and add to that another 54 enemies spawning in from 4 different locations. Or Chapter 24 Tears of a Dragon with 34 initial enemies and 98 enemies being backup (obviously these are the outliers).

    The one reason these maps may be boring is that the enemies, especially enemies that should be challenging are not. Xander? The guy gets weaker every time you meet him. Leo? Please, he´s a Dark Knight, almost all alone in the swamp, etc. pp. Playable Conquest units as enemies in Birthright are in general so far beyond redemption, Camillas stats in her Chapter in Birthright surpass lvl 10 Camilla in Conquest by +13HP/+2STR/+9MAG/+2SKL with a lvl difference of 11.

    And that is (almost) fine. Because Birthright is supposed to be easy.

  13. I don´t think that turnwheel mechanics and casual make each other obsolete. Turnwheel allows you to still use a unit in a map, perhaps a unit that has other uses than just deleting enemies, such as visiting villages, recruiting other units, etc. Say, not worrying over your thief getting in an all too spicy situation.

    Though i would add that RNG manipulation via turnwheel mechanics should be avoided and be made impossible.

    2 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I don't think any form of difficulty customization is ever "unnecessary."

    FE should have as many ways to tailor the player experience as possible.

    Having a customizable difficulty would be very interesting. I´m thinking of having a menu of sliders, that basically allow you to control the quality of enemy weaponry, increasing or decreasing their stats, perhaps take influence on the skills they may possess (detracting from a fixed set of skills they may have) and whatever else I´m currently not thinking of.

    Basically, what Shadow Dragon had with it´s what, 6 difficulties, but instead of the whole package you may pick what you want?

  14. 30 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

    I don't know what you're getting at here, one is based solely on statistical comparison while the other is a luck-based mechanic.

    In a strategy game.

    Where the performance of your units depends - 0%-growth runs aside - on %-based growths in combination with fixed stat weapons.

    30 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

    It's already ridiculous how powerful the latter is, and I'd go farther than Jotari with changing it. Only double damage with lower crit rates overall, but larger boosts for the tools meant to fish for them, is what I'd call for.

    How many units are valued for their ability to double the enemy and which units are valued for their ability to 1HKO-crit the enemy? For the latter I can only - not having played the games or used these specific builds - think of Rutger I believe (who also doubles no?) and some Vantage + 100% crit + infinite range gambit setups.  The latter looks like a decent amount of work to get going, I have not played Rutgers game so no comment, while Doubling simply requires a unit to surpass a specific threshold.

    How is the occasional kill (occasional relative to 100% critrate) stronger than the potentially guaranteed 2HKO? 

    Unless the problem is enemies critting your units (which @Samz707 and  @Jotari implied), in which case all that’s needed in my eyes would actually be removing the LCK and probably the Skill Rally too and replace them with individual Rallys that strongly affect HIT/CRIT and their Avoid counterparts, as well as Aura Skills such as Manuela (I believe she´s the one with CritAvo, though why not make it part of a support class kit to offer CritAvoid) and potentially weaponry with similar effects as shown with Bronze weapons in Fates.


  15. 13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

    Rinkah started at E-rank, Hana and Subaki could be killed in two battles, and Sakura didn't impress me as much as Elise did, though that could just be the lack of a horse.

    Technically speaking one could level Rinkah in the Prologue, no? But yah… chapter 5 is I feel her one chance to getting shit done, as in chapter 6 the enemies are not exactly her best matchup, consisting to some degree of Mages and generally having WTD.

    As for Hana and Subaki, yeah, the former doubles down on the glass cannon and the latter is a slow physical tank atop a fast resistant flying horse (his growths are quite similar to Bennys).

    I feel Sakura is, I suppose one might say, easier to use and her PS aligns nicely with Hoshidos two range staves.

    13 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

    Also, I am really looking forward to using the exotic weapons and classes that you constantly fought against in Conquest and only had the barest ability to use on your side.

    Spear Masters with Guard Naginata. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.

  16. Since I don´t have many recollections from FE SD, Awakening and SoV and no particular opinion on FE TH units I can only give a few examples form Fates:




    Hana (Is she a bad unit? I can´t tell whether it´s that or just Ryoma existing in the game)

  17. Perhaps this is a bit out there, since the discussion is ongoing but,

    in what setting or what conditions are we comparing Kaze – Jacob?

    Conquest, Birthright, Revelation; Normal, Hard, Lunatic? Which one? Do we consider their respective Recruitment? Do we account for Servant 1 and 2 or only Jacob 1 – Kaze?

    Also, why are we comparing a fairly specialised unit against what is probably best described as an Allrounder who can kind of do whatever you need him to?

    Also, though this probably goes against the intent of the topic, but I am not sure there is a particular reason to not have both of them on the team considering that they don´t really compete for their, what I would say, respective roles, no?

  18. Regarding Hunters:

    I would think that Hunters should be the weaker, faster and especially in terrain more mobile unit. The weaker part stemming from them not having to constantly pull and release the bowstring, as archers would have to, when in battle, the faster and more mobile part on account of them having to “follow” their prey. Perhaps a little less accurate than the Archer, who in theory only has to hit a target amongst many.

    Contrasting the Archer, the Hunter should play his role as the bow user who has to hit vital points to deal serious damage, in other words critical hits and should have skills to enhance this role.

    For their promotion I can see the Nomad (?) as the horse-riding Hunter work, but with the aforementioned emphasis on landing critical hit, I would consider the Assassin to be their second possible promotion.

    As for Archers:

    The Archer should be a very hard-hitting bow-user, who perhaps also gets a bit more range than the Hunter, seeing as they may be used on grand - that is wide open fields – battlefields. I would not give them anything else, aside from maybe a damage modifier based on how close they are to their enemies.

    As for their promotion I think the Sniper as the extremely accurate bow-user is fine – and has already become a staple? Combining their Accuracy once again with increased crit chance, along with the bigger range of the Hunter path should give them some sort of niche?

    As for the second promotion, perhaps something along the lines of a “Master Bowman”. Capable of dealing high damage while remaining accurate, their special thing might be something like being able to attack twice – not in the form of a Brave Effect, but two separate attacks, as that may highlight the Archers capability to fire many times in a short amount of time.

    I see no reason for bow-users to be particularly tanky.

    21 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    But hoshido had archers and apothecaries which felt very extra, though I don't recall anybody even having access to that class change.

    Oboro, Azama and Orochi have access via second seal. Why ever one would do that. Also (Yukimura and) Izana?

  19. 1 hour ago, Harvey said:

    Maybe my memory of Conquest wasn't as fresh because its been long since I've played it.

    Then freshen it up. I suggest the wiki to you. Any wiki.

    1 hour ago, Harvey said:

    But whether the items are of use or not doesn't matter because if you don't want them...you can sell them to get free money?

    Okay. Your point holds what relevance to ANY of my prior posts? Granted my comment was a silly one to begin with, as the chapters you may choose on which chest to use a key probably have clear winners - the Rescue staves for endgame strats and the 10k,. I suppose I shouldn´t have written it in a way, that somebody could assume I wanted to imply that the player might be forced to decide between things, when there´s so few keys to begin with.

    Also note my comment on the use of reclassing seals you receive via paralogues.

    1 hour ago, Harvey said:

    And Money is pretty scarse in Conquest too as even that chapter that you can try to get as much as possible is not possible to get the whole amount in one turn.

    … Healing Staves, Beast Killer, Hunter Knife, Hammer, Brave Weapons, 1-2 range stuff, (Iron Weapons?) Tonics when needed, healing items too, occasional reclassing seals. Did I forget something overly important?

    Do understand that I only presented you with the money you get until chapter 19 + paralogues. The game drops a good amount of money in lategame.

  20. 7 hours ago, Harvey said:

    Are you serious? Those items that you just mentioned are worthy especially master seals which are not only limited in the convoy but are boarderline expensive. The game was nice enough that you get 2 free ones at that.

    Are you serious? It says right there: The things you get out of them are not not important. Which means they are, in fact important (the 2x not is intentional, but probably misleading) but some more so than others.

    As for your outrage at the Master Seals:

    Chapter 10 drops one on your head, Chapter 13 does so too, 2 Master Seals are available from the start, 7 more when your Staff Store gets a level up (after chapter 13), infinite Master Seals after Staff Store Lvl 3 (after chapter 20?). The first unit that promotes, at the very least for me, is Corrin in/after Chapter 15. That means access to ~11 Master Seals BEFORE THAT. More than enough, considering you might also use prepromotes (Servant 1, Camilla, Xander).

    As for Master Seals being expensive… lol. 2.5K/Master Seal mate, you start with 5K, you get 10K in chapter 8, 10, 14, 18, and 5K in chapter 12, 13, 17 19 and in chapter 16 probably somewhere from 5K-9K. The reason I don´t go further than this is because, again for myself I don´t have unpromoted units by chapter 19 and kids be recruited with Offspring seals - which is also just my play.

    And that´s not considering the paralogues that give you money (about 3? Percy, Nina, Forrest) as well as other reclassing seals, whose use you also might find in selling them.

  21. 15 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I think the game does give you exactly as many keys as you need per chapter, and then doesn't let you keep them at the end of the chapter. That's how my brain remembers how it works in Fates at any rate.

    12 hours ago, DukeBox said:

    In conquest, there are a total of 24 chests in the main story. the number of chest keys you get is 3! 1 in chapter 9, 1 in 14, and 1 in 20. I don't remember if there are enemy thieves going for the treasure, but if you're not using a thief (like during a challenge run or something) say goodbye to most of the treasure.

    11 hours ago, starburst said:

    I guess that I simply take Lock Touch for granted.

    Yeah, and what you get out these chests is not not important (taken from wiki.org):

    Chapter 9: Rescue, Bronze Naginata

    Chapter 11: Spirit Dust, Enfeeble

    Chapter 12: Armor Slayer, 5K

    Chapter 14: Seraph Robe, 10K

    Chapter 17: Master Seal, 5K

    Chapter 18: Energy Drop, Master Seal

    Chapter 20: Rescue, Dragonstone+, 10K

    Chapter 23: Boots, 10K

    Chapter 25: Silence, 10K

    Chapter 26: Spy Yumi/Shuriken, Venge Naginata, Seraph Robe, Bifröst, 20K

    No thievery as far as I know (in Conquest; there are thieves in the other 2 though). Some of this stuff looks negligible though, like the Weapons (except Spy stuff?), the Master Seals or the Bifröst. Losing Money, staves and stat boosts hurts though.

    Then again, there is probably no one good reason to have neither Niles or Kaze on the team, except for restrictions.

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