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James Marshall

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Posts posted by James Marshall

  1. A friend of mine that isn't the 1 that 've previously mentioned claims to be working on A Fire Emblem RPG and wants to know what are The Average Stats of A Gilbert that is A Level 40 Fortress Knight. Level 47 Warrior. Level 53 War Master that has been given the following stat boosters. 6 Spd Boosters, 3 of both  Res and Lck Boosters and 2 each of Hp, Str, Mag, Dex, Def and Ch boosters?

  2. My Linhardt has been RNG Blessed enough to have Charisma to guarantee that he wins The Dancing Content in Chapter 9 and I want to know if you think I should take this opportunity to enter him in it and let him be A Dancer, which is a chance I'll likely never get again?

    I'll also mention that his career path is Level 17 Noble that became A Level 17 Priest that at Level 22 Priest became A Level 22 Bishop, he is now A Level 36 Bishop and he has A Charisma of 16

  3. During my afternoon nao  had a dream about A Fire Emblem Game set 50 years after The 12 Crusaders defeated The Lopto Empire and their were 2 characters that died less then 3 full chapters after they were first introduced and they only exited to proof that somethings that most of the continent believe to be true aren't, in the case of The son of Worshippers of Lopto he proved that even some people trained since before their 2nd birthday to devote mind, body and soul can end up turning good and in the case of Helms Granddaughter she proved that even some people trained since before their 2nd birthday could talk to devote mind, body and soul to good can end up turning evil. So what do you think of this Dream about A Game?

  4. 37 minutes ago, Benice said:

    After paragraph one, I have basically no idea what you're saying.

    From what I can tell, you're giving your units 540% growth rates? I can assure you that this will be entirely game-breaking. Heck, 350 is pretty dang close to game-breaking. Anything above that will be able to solo everything at will. 540% Basically ensures a perfect level every time, which is... Wow. Just wow. Franz, who is a very good growth unit in sacred stones has 305% growths and will very likely become one of your best units.

    In terms of a paint-buy system, not all stats are created equal. From an RP I'm currently in, I liked the one @AnonymousSpeed used.

    Hp=1 point

    Str=2 points

    Mag=2 points

    Skill=2 points

    Speed= 3 points

    Luck=1 point

    Def=3 points

    Res= 2 points.

    60 base points should get your units decent base stats from level one.

    However, in terms of builds, I'd say

    Warrior-Mage: Either you want him to be bulky with a res option, (in his fire tomes) or you want him to be  powerful, but low bulk. With the magic/Str split, you'll have a tough time balancing stats. Again, using insane growths here is NOT a good a idea. Since your unit can deal physical and magical damage, giving him sky-high growths is likely to make other classes irrelevant. Alternately, you could put a lot of stock into speed and place a good amount of stats in the other categories.

    (Perhaps 65% Hp, 35 str, 35 mag, 65 spd, 40 skill, 30 def, 30 res, 25 luck, for a total of roughly 325% growth rates, which is still very high.)

    Boy knight prepromote: Well, with 540 growth rates, she'll have roughly 80% growths in everything. Evem though you want her to pull an Oifey and have good growths, 540 is something that would turn Nino into the best unit in all of Eibe.

    I'd either go:

    Classic prepromote with low growths and high bases

    High level, but unpromoted unit with all right bases and all right growths.

    For growths, I'd go

    35% Hp, 35% str, 10% mag, 35% speed, 35% skill, 25 def, 25 res, 40 luck. Those may seem low, but prepromotes are not supposed to be the no. 1 solution long-terms.

    For a high level but unpromoted,

    50% Hp, 45% str, 5 mag, 45 speed, 45 skill, 35 def, 15 res, 40 luck.


    Axe unit: You've got several mixed-phase units, so I'd advise making a hyper-offense axe unit.

    80% Hp, 65 str, 5 mag, 45 skill, 45 speed, 20 def, 5 res, 20 luck.

    I'll talk about the rest later.

    I think you're entirely right but I think my friend likes the idea that rather then having a large group winning using a mix of superior numbers and superior tactical flexibility that my character will lead a small group that'll win using a mix of all of them  having vastly superior fighting ability and superior experance in actual life-and-death situations?

  5. My GM has had 2 new ideas for her Fire Emblem RPG. Here they are. What are your thoughts?

    The 1st idea is that The GM has decided to allow my character to send 1 or 2 of his men to do Fire Emblem RPG Versions of several Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf and Grailquest Gamebooks and may even recruit Npcs from them that are minor or 1-off or both whilst the rest of the group stay back at the base to keep the area safe, protect travellers and the locals and keep the base

    The 2nd is that she(may have initially said he by mistake) has decided that as my group abhors slavery to let me buy and then free Slave Versions of Several 1st Tier Classes, Half-Dragons based off of Game 7's Nils and Ninian and Beast Shifters that are the settings versions of Laguz but only from The Beast Tribe that as long as they get good food, drink, treatment and accommodation will show almost unquestionable loyalty to me and will work for far less then normal

  6. What do you think about the fact that The GM has decided to allow my character to send 1 or 2 of his men to do Fire Emblem RPG Versions of several Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf and Grailquest Gamebooks and may even recruit Npcs from them that are minor or 1-off or both whilst the rest of the group stay back at the base to keep the area safe, protect travellers and the locals and keep the base

    Plus  another idea of The GM's is that she(may have initially said he by mistake) has decided that as my group abhors slavery to let me buy and then free Slave Versions of Several 1st Tier Classes, Half-Dragons based off of Game 7's Nils and Ninians and Beast Shifters that are the settings versions of Laguz but only from The Beast Tribe that as long as they get good food, drink, treatment and accommodation will show almost unquestionable loyalty to me and will work for far less then normal

  7. I've generated my Initial Mercenary Band, including stat growths and stats, for The Fire Emblem RPG a friend made. All units gain +3 Hp and +1 to all others stats when promoted to 2nd tier and they all gain +5 Hp and +2 to all other stats when promoted to 3rd Tier and regardless of Class have a maximum of 50 in Hp and 20 in all other stats in their 1st Tier Class, a maximum of 60 in Hp and 30 in all other stats in their 2nd Tier Class and a maximum of 65 in Hp and 35 in all other stats in their 1st Tier Class,

    The Leader, who is A Future King, is A Level 4 Warrior-Mage. I choose Fire Magic and Swords and he starts with A C with Fire Magic and A E with Swords that's halfway to A D. His stats are 23Hp, Str 8, Mag 8, Skill 8, Spd 8, Lck 9, Def 6 and Res 6 and his growth rates are Hp 60%, Str 40%, Mag 55%, Skill 45%, Spd 45%, Lck 60%, Def 40% and Res 55% and his Random Weapon is a unique 1 doesn't lose 1 or more points of Durability if the fight results in the foes death

    His 2nd in command, who is A Commoner and A Version of The Wendell Archtype that joins early and uses Bows not Magic, is 2nd tier and is Level 12 Horse Archer. Level 2 Bow Knight. Has A B with Bows and A D with Swords. Her stats are 34Hp, Str 15, Mag 4, Skill 10, Spd 11, Lck 9, Def 11 and Res 6 and her growth rates are Hp 70%, Str 65%, Mag 25%, Skill 50%, Spd 60%, Lck 50%, Def 50% and Res 25%

    The Offensive Mage, who is The only 1 of Noble Birth and is A Male Offensive Magic using version of The Lena, is A Level 4 Mage. D with Wind. His stats are 23Hp, Str 3, Mag 10, Skill 8, Spd 8, Lck 8, Def 4 and Res 9 and his growth rates are Hp 55%, Str 25%, Mag 70%, Skill 50%, Spd 50%, Lck 55%, Def 35% and Res 60%

    The main Axe User is is A Level 3 Fighter and is A Axe using Ogma. His stats are 28Hp, Str 13, Mag 3, Skill 10, Spd 10, Lck 7, Def 7 and Res 3 and his growth rates are Hp 90%, Str 70%, Mag 5%, Skill 55%, Spd 50%, Lck 65%, Def 50% and Res 15%

    The main 1 Bow User is A Level 11 Archer that combines the best bit each of The Jagen, A Orfey and Navarre Archtypes. His stats are 30Hp, Str 15, Mag 6, Skill 17, Spd 17, Lck 15, Def 12 and Res 7 and his growth rates are Hp 75%, Str 60%, Mag 15%, Skill 60%, Spd 60%, Lck 65%, Def 45% and Res 20%

    1 Staff User

    She is A Level 4 Cleric that is A Female Healer version of The Merric that joins early. Her stats are 22Hp, Str 2, Mag 11, Skill 9, Spd 10, Lck 9, Def 4 and Res 8 and her growth rates are Hp 50%, Str 15%, Mag 80%, Skill 50%, Spd 50%, Lck 60%, Def 25% and Res 65%

    1 Lance User

    She is A Level 3 Soldier that is A Soldier Version of The Julian and is in love with the planned Male version of The Maria. Her stats are 22Hp, Str 8, Mag 2, Skill 10, Spd 10, Lck 7, Def 7 and Res 3 and her growth rates are Hp 70%, Str 55%, Mag 20%, Skill 60%, Spd 60%, Lck 65%, Def 55% and Res 15%

  8. In preparation for The Fire Emblem RPG rolls on Table's The GM made have determined the following about my Mercenaries, they base and how they get food, drink and other supplies. Do you think that the locals getting A Good Deal

    The Leaders Father arranged for his heir/The Leader to buy A Army Surplus Fort that has comfortable but dated facilities and places to sleep, food stores that have been enchanted so the food never goes off, a magical locked treasure room, a massive stables that can hold 2 pack mules and 1 horse for every starting member, the same for up to 6 new members and can hold up to 8 more animals got by buying, looting or rewards, has a well-stocked but very dated gym and has A Mini-Pub in the basement were they all go once a week and all but the leader takes turns being the barmen

    Their is also 8 nearby massive farming communities, 2 decent sized and 1 large roadside taverns, 2 large fishing communities and 2 decent sized villages within a 4 mile area of the base that the lands king has said that The Leader can becoming The Ruling Baron of by buying The Title of Baron for 100,000 Gold or if The Mercenaries

    As well as which n return for, if possible, giving the mercenaries free food, free shelter from bad weather and reduced Ale in Inns the mercenaries provide The Locals with free protection from bandits, outlaws and marauders if they're alerted in time and free reprisals if not, free combat training to help villages defend their homes if they can't get their in time, the option for any villagers that are good enough to have a chance to live a potentially more exciting and hopefully one-day better life as a mercenary, if they can be spared a few extra hands at harvest time and if possible healing at between 1 3rd and half normal price

  9. I'm generating characters for the FE RPG a friend mage, I'm playing A Mercenary Leader whose A Warrior-Mage who is his homelands Future King and uses Swords and Fire Magic and his followers are A Female Ofrey who is A Bow and Axe using Bow Knight, A Male Wind Magic using Mage, A Male Axe using Fighter, A Male Bow using Archer,  A Female Staffs using Cleric and A Female Lance using Soldier

    Info in Stat growths

    All but The Female Bow and Axe using Bow Knight, who is A Common Born Member of The Royal Guard who earned admittance to The Royal Guard based on her skills, talents, loyalty to her homeland and abilities and has to protect her homelands Future King without him realizing, gets 400 % points to assign to their stats of Hp, Str, Mag, Skill, Spd, Lck, Def and Res but they must all have between 5% and 100% in most of their stats

    The Male Wind Mage must have growth rates in both Mag and Res of at least 35% and Res and his growth rates in Str and Def must be no more then 25% less then whichever of Mag or Res has the lower growth rate and the others must have growth rates in both Str and Def of at least 35% and growth rates in Mag and Res  must be no more then 25% less then whichever of Mag and Res have the lower growth rate

    The Female Ofrey who is Bow and Axe using Bow Knight gets 540% to assign to her  stats of Hp, Str, Mag, Skill, Spd, Lck and Def but they must all have between 15% and 115% in all of them

    Info on stats

    All but The Female Bow and Axe using Bow Knight get 60 points to spend on stats but must assign at least 17 to Hp and at least 5 to all but 2 of their other stats and The Female Bow and Axe using Bow Knight get 85 points to spend on stats but must assign at least 25 to Hp and at least 3 in Mag and Res and at least 7 in all of her other stats

    The Male Wind Mage must have at least 5 points in both Mag and Res and have Str and Def values both of at least 1 point in them and a maximum of 3 points less then whichever of Mag or Res has the lower value and the others must have at least 5 points in both Str and Def Res and have Mag and Res values both of at least 1 point in them and a maximum of 3 points less then whichever of Mag or Res has the lower

    Best of all bar The Female Ofrey who is Bow and Axe using Bow Knight  has levels equal to 2+1D3 and for every level over 1 they get appropriate weapon rank boosts and get to increase 1D3+2 of their 8 stats by +1 and The Female Ofrey who is Bow and Axe using Bow Knight starts out at Level 1D3+10 in her original Class of Horse Archer and for every level over 10 she gets to increase 1D3+2 of her 8 stats by +1 and at level 1D2 Bow Knight and if Level 2 she gets to increase 1D2+4 of her 8 stats by +1

    Ooops The Snipers actually A Archer, but as he's intended to be both A Unit that takes the stats of a promoted unit that you'd normally get roughly 40% to 45% of the way through the game but with a level appropriate for a unprompted  version of The Jagen and is intended to be the only 1 who is guaranteed to be ready to promote when the group gets The 1st Master Seal that they're guaranteed to get

    He also has his stats determined as normal,  then adds +1 to all stats for 4 levels up, +1 to 6 stats for 3 levels up and +1 to 4 stats for the other 3 or 4 levels up and you can raise up to 4 of his stats by up to +10% each but at the cost of lowering the same number of other stats by the same % each

    Bearing all of that in mind how would you suggest assigning stats and stat growths

  10. Just for a laugh me and a friend are doing A Fire Emblem RPG he wrote with him as The GM, but we have 3 queries and want advise. Can you help?

    The problem is that 1 of The Characters is of The Warrior-Mage Class and when rolling for his Social Class, Background and reason for travel I rolled A 100 on 1D10 then A 4 on 1D6 means that his father is homelands king, then A 3 on 1D100 means that he's his fathers oldest child and one day he will also be king then 2 6's  on 1D10 means that he decided to travel the world disguised as a person from a family of very wealthy commoners due to him both being bored out of his skill and believing that the things he'd learn, see, discover and experance whilst disguised as a person from a family of wealthy commoners would make him a far better then he otherwise would have been

    Also Warrior-Mage is A Class that The GM created that starts out with any 1 of The  4 types of weapons and any 1 of The  4 types of Magic, upon becoming A Warrior-Sage gets another 1 of the other 3 types of weapons and another 1 of The other 3 types of Magic and when becoming A Warrior-Archsage gets another 1 of the other 2 types of weapons and another 1 of The other 2 types of Magic

    Now here are my 3 queries

    The 1st is appears to be A Mercenary Leader that comes from a family of very wealthy commoners how would his followers react if they discover that their leader is a future king who became A Mercenary out of boredom?

    The 2nd is do you think that its a good idea for  the person who is his The 2nd in command of his Mercenaries to  be someone assigned by his father to protect, guide and advise him?

    The 3rd question is are their any real risks to him and his Mercenaries potentially committing any crime in any law book in the world The RPG's set in when if he chooses to reveal who he really is then theirs not a crime in the world that between him and his father the entire group can get full royal pardons for?

  11. What are your thoughts on my Radiant Dawn Dream about 20 years after Ike left Tellius a person from lands unknown coming to Tellius and bragging about being The Greatest member of The Trueblade Class that had ever lived in his Homeland yet Lyre defeated him in under 3 minutes without breaking a sweat and whilst only Half-Shifted

    Saying that though the traveller didn't actually lie about being The Greatest member of The Trueblade Class that had ever lived in his Homeland he just didn't mention that as he's the only member of The Trueblade Class that had ever lived in his Homeland he is automatically has to be The greatest member of The Trueblade Class that had ever lived in his Homeland 

  12. A friend has made a hack that due to a error of hers only boosts the stats and growth rates of The 1st 2 characters from each house other then yours that you recruit and who join you regardless of whether your Avatar meets their requirements or not, but you can't recruit those that don't join on certain routes or that you have to be on a certain route to recruit, +Which are a whopping 49% to all their Growth Rates, +14Hp and +8 to all other  stats

    I've chosen Caspar and Petra when not using The Black Eagles, Ingrid and Felix when not using The Blue Lions, Leonie and Lorenz when not using The Golden Deer, Yuri and Hapi from The Ashen Wolves and Academy Staff wise it goes to  Seteth and Catherine when using The Golden Deer or if I choose The Church over Eldegard, Anna and Gilbert when using The Blue Lions, Jerita and Shamir  when using The Black Eagles and Hannerman and Manuela when using The Black Eagles. So what will their  boosted Stats and boosted Growth Rates be?

  13. A friend of mine is thinking of making A Fan made Fire Emblem Game that is based off of Season 1 of The Cartoon Show Shinzo from 2,002, it will have 3rd Tier Units and he wants to know if you think it makes sense for Darku who is The Weakest of The Seven Enterran Generals(The group that is Season 1's main enemies) that he is the only 1 of The 7(because unique in The Show The Player will face all 7 of and not just 4 of The 7 Generals) most powerful foes in The Game that the player has any real chance of beating with 2nd Tier Units without hacking?. After all in he was the only 1 of the 6 most powerful foes(4 of The 7 Generals and The 2nd in commands of 2 of those 4) in Season 1 that The Good Guys defeated that were defeated without 3 of them merging to become The most powerful Warrior on their side in The Show

  14. 3 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    Sothe, Volug, and Gareth were never enemy units? (Unless you count the Greil Mercenaries perspective of the GM vs. DB battles for Sothe and Volug).


    Anyway, pretty much my idea with Jill, Nasir, Tauroneo, Shinon, and Ena to form a full Tellius banner. 

    I said both misguided and on the wrong side due to the fact that Sothe and Volug fight to save Daein despite the fact that Sothe learns very early on and I assume someone as smart as Volug quickly works out that Daein is the bad guys in this, Gareth and Nasir fight for their king and Goldoa even though they're smart enough to know they'll be turned to stone if their side wins and I don't count Shinon cos he's A Mercenary who is in it for the pay and Daein pays the most

  15. How's the following for A Banner Idea?

    It would be unique and only use people that were initially both misguided and on the bad guys side but in the end turned good?

    We could even get 2 banners worth using only The Tellius Games by using Oliver Tanas, The Game 9 versions of Haar and Naesella, The Game 10 Versions of Taureneo and Sothe, Micaiah, Gareth, Jill  and Volug

  16. In The RPG a friend made that's part Lone Wolf and part Fire Emblem does it make sense for A Potion that in Lone Wolf has to be used at a fights start and for the full fight give you +2 to your Combat Skill/Fighting Ability, to in this Hybrid allow you to use Weapons of 1 Rank Higher then you normally can but only for 1 battle per dose?

  17. In my Thracian 776 playthrough how RNG-Blessed is my Asbel when his stats are 34Hp, Str 6, Mag 20, Skill 20, Spd 20, Lck 16, Def 13, Bld 8 and Mov 8 despite only being A Level 15 Mage. Level 2 Sage and with no Stat Boosters and no increased growth rates thanks to Holy Scrolls

  18. I've just remembered that my Friend told me that in his Fire Emblem/1st Edition ADAD Hybrid RPG that my Mercenary Groups first mission will be A Fire Emblem version of Lone Wolf Book 29 -Storms Over Chia and he and I want to know whether you think The Books main villain, who is called Zashnor, should be A Dark Magic Using Druid with A Skill that lets him use Anime Tomes of up to C Rank or A Anime Magic Using Sage with A Skill that lets him use Dark Tomes of up to C Rank

  19. A friend and I are playing A RPG he made that's part 1st edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and Part GBA Era Fire Emblem with a few Fire Emblem versions of the plots several of several of the Fighting Fantasy and Lone Wolf Gamebooks and I was wandering how many of you like me to post info on this RPG my friend made? and any thoughts, ideas and suggestions. Thank you

  20. I plan to download A Fan Made Fire Emblem Game onto my Laptop to use on Holiday and when visiting Friends and Family. I have Immortal Sword on my Pc and plan to also get Road of Ruin on my Pc eventually but my Laptop only has room for 1 Fan Made Fire Emblem Game. So which Fan Made Game would you recommend and why do you recommend it? 

  21. On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 12:43 AM, Holla99 said:

    So this is my first time playing through this game so I’m on Eliwood normal mode. I knew ahead of time about the chapter 23 split how it’s either against Lloyd or Linus depending on the total levels of your lords adding up to level 50 or not. I didn’t worry too much about this requirement as I’ve been using all three Lords the whole time.

    I just got to chapter 23 and I got Lloyd’s chapter (I hear his is much harder). I was a bit confused so I checked the levels of my lords...

    Lyn 16, Eliwood 15, Hector 18

    = 49 total not even kidding I missed the Linus map by one level lol!

    I’m up for the challenge and am gonna give it a shot but any tips for this chapter? Any help is appreciated!

    I had it worse once. I had Lyn 19, Eliwood 17 and Hector 13 and both Eliwood and Hector only needed 1 EXP to gain a level that was all I needed for The 3 Lords to have The 50 Levels between them that I needed to go to Linus's Chapter, I used Serra as bait and the only way she'd kill Jasmine is if she got critical hits with both her attacks and despite only a 11% chance of getting a critical hit she got 1 with both her attacks

  22. Can someone tell me how do I beat Chapter 9 of Immortal Sword with these characters? 



    He is A Level 9 Lord. 40Hp, Str 8, Skill 7, Spd 10, Lck 9, Def 14 and Res 5 when sober. 40Hp, Str 8, Skill 3, Spd 5, Lck 9, Def 14 and Res 5 when drunk. A with Swords

    Not Lords but are The Social Equivalent


    She is A Level 11 Medic. Level 4 Troubadour. 35Hp, Mag 13, Skill 6, Spd 12, Lck 13, Def 6 and Res 13. B with Staffs


    He is A Level 9 Nomad. 33Hp, Str 9, Skill 11, Spd 13, Lck 9, Def 7 and Res 5. B with Bows



    He is A Level 11 Recruit. Level 12 Vanguard. Level 1 Paladin. 42Hp, Str 11+2, Skill 14, Spd 16, Lck 9, Def 11 and Res 7.  B with Lances. D with Swords


    He is A Level 4 Drifter. 29Hp, Str 8, Skill 5, Spd 6, Lck 4, Def 3 and Res 1. D with Swords


    She is A Level 5 Squire. 27Hp, Str 5, Skill 6, Spd 8, Lck 5, Def 3 and Res 4. D with Swords


    He is A Level 11 Recruit. Level 11 Vanguard. Level 2 Paladin. 46Hp, Str 10, Skill 11, Spd 9z, Lck 7, Def 12 and Res 5. A with Lances. B with Swords


    She is A Level 8 Skywatcher. 26Hp, Str 5, Skill 8, Spd 9, Lck 6, Def 5 and Res 7. D with Lances


    She is A Level 9 Scout. 26Hp, Str 5, Skill 10, Spd 10, Lck 7, Def 5 and Res 5. C with Bows


    She is A Level 10 Pupil. 28Hp, Mag 11, Skill 6, Spd 10, Lck 15, Def 5 and Res 10. D with Dark


    He is A Level 11 Page. Level 3 Mage. 41Hp, Mag 8, Skill 7, Spd 7, Lck 7, Def 8 and Res 13. D with Thunder Magic. E with Fire Magic


    He is A Level 9 Thief. 33Hp, Str 8+1, Skill 11, Spd 14, Lck 8, Def 6 and Res 5. D with Swords


    He is A Level 7 none-mobile Transporter. 29Hp, Str 0, Skill 0, Spd 13, Lck 16, Def 8 and Res 5. No specialty, but he lets me store things and his Provision Skill heals up to 10Hp to each adjacent unit per turn


    He is A Level 10 Corsair. 38Hp, Str 11, Skill 8, Spd 9, Lck 4, Def 10 and Res 9 when sober. 38Hp, Str 11, Skill 4, Spd 4, Lck 4, Def 10 and Res 9 when drunk. C with Axes

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