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James Marshall

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Posts posted by James Marshall

  1. 1 minute ago, Benice said:

    Hm, well, her base growths are:


      Reveal hidden contents


    Growth Rates

    HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
    35% 35% 20% 55% 50% 25% 20% 30%



    With noble adding only + 5 to charm for growths.

    Combined with her bases, she'd have, as a level 12 Noble:

      Reveal hidden contents


    28.85 HP

    11.85 STR

    7.2 MAG

    13.05 DEX

    12.5 SPD

    7.75 LCK

    6.2 DEF

    10.4 CHA


    Archer grants +2 to DEX and LCK.

    In terms of growths, Archer also provides +5 to HP and +10 to DEX, as well as 5 to LCK and CHA.

    Growth Rates

    HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
    40% 35% 20% 65% 50% 30% 20% 30%


    So, with 13 levels as an archer, she'd gain a farther:

      Reveal hidden contents

    5.2 HP

    4.55 STR

    2.6 MAG

    8.45 DEX

    6.5 SPD

    3.9 LCK

    2.6 DEF

    3.9 RES

    5.2 CHA

    For a grand total of having these average stats:

      Reveal hidden contents

    34.05 HP

    16.4 STR

    8.8 MAG

    21.5 DEX

    19 SPD

    11.65 LCK

    8.8 DEF

    [I forgot to calculate res whoops]

    15.6 CHA

    So your Bernie was actually quite blessed!

    But don't forget that without +4 to Spd, Def and Res from stat boosters and +5 to Ch from The Heron Cup her Spd, Def and Res in my 1st playthrough would have been the same as in my 2nd playthrough despite being of a far higher level in the 1st playthrough then she was in the 2nd 1

  2. I'm on my 2nd playthrough of Blue Lions and want to know how heavily was my Bernadetta RNG-Screwed in my 1st playthrough

    In my first playthrough when she was A Level 12 Noble she became A Level 12 Archer, finished as A Level 25 Archer and her stats are 34Hp, Str 20, Mag 8, Dex 31, Spd 18, Lck 17, Def 12, Res 9 and Ch 16

    Yet in playthrough 2 when she was A Level 16 Noble she became A Level 16 Archer and still is A Level 16  Archer, so nowhere near the level she was in playthrough 1

    But despite the level difference she has 3 more Hp, 2 more Mag, if in playthrough 1 I hadn't used stat boosters to give her +4 Spd, +4 Def and +4 Res then in this playthrough she would have had the same speed, 1 more Def and 1 more Res that she had at the end of playthrough 1

    What is worse is that if I hadn't entered her in The Heron Cup in playthrough 1 would have the same Ch at the end playthrough 1 that she does

  3. A hour back I found the notes I'd made about A Dream I had on The 19/12/2,019 that was about The True Evil Team of The Galrar Region and they were based off of A Mafia Version of The IRA and in the dream they were Anime only. Here are. What do you think?


    322 regular rank and file that each have 10 Pokemon, 66 Rookies that each have 6 Pokemon, 17 Admins that each have 31 Pokemon, The 2 joint 2nd’s in Command that both have 62 Pokemon, The Leaders Daughter, Heir and The Teams Future Leader who has 53 Pokemon and The Leader who has 130 Pokemon


    409 Members that have a combines a total of 4,450 Pokemon

  4. A friend that can't afford to access the net claims to be writing a amateur Book that will he will only let friends and family and in order to make the ending as accurate as possible wants me to ask a question. Can you help?

    If a murderer somehow tricks someone into believing that he or she committed a murder and eventually the innocent person feels so guilty about it that they plead guilty in court what will happen when 23 years later whilst on her death-bred the guilt ridden real-murderer confesses and when combined with modern forensic science that confession gets the person that spend 23 years in prison for a murder even she thinks she committed gets pardoned and released?

  5. 3 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

    So... he was his own traveling companion?


    I mean it’s not your fault, I know how weird dreams can be. I just woke up from a dream where my 7th grade English teacher told me I could be a great dancer if I worked hard enough (I’ve danced like once in my life time) 😅

    Not quite. What I meant is that in the dream the guy was The Regional Champion of The Region that first appeared in The Gen 9 Anime

    Ooops I've remembered a few things that I forgot to mention. Sorry. Here they are

    I forgot to mention that The Regions Champions stay in office until they either die, retire or are deemed either mentally or medically unfit for the job and that regardless of age they can also try to get elected President and although they aren't guaranteed to get elected President most people that get elected Regional Champion are popular enough to also get elected President for at least 1 term and 1 term has to be at least 3 years and can be as long as 5 years

    He had been the champion for 1 year and that he only won the election because 3 years prior to the election a plague had swept the country, he only survived by being on holiday at the time, that the plague started in A place were every other living league winner had gathered to celebrate the 1,000th anniversary of the countries founding

    He only avoided the plague by being on holiday, the only reason he was on holiday and not at the party was because his invite got lost in the post, due to the epidemic the league wasn't held for the next 3 years, niether was any elections, which means that by the time it was safe to hold the elections and despite him only being 18 he was the only living league winner, which means that he couldn't not get elected

  6. Last night I had a dream about The Gen 9 Pokemon Anime and in it 1 of Ash's Travelling Companions was The Regions Champion. Saying that though  he was only 17, had 1st won the regions league when he was 13 and due to the regions champions being elected in a elected in which anyone that had won the regions league could take part he won the election and became The Regions Champion. What do you think of that?

  7. I've been looking through some notes on A RPG I made back in 2,008 that I wrote but never played that by coincidence had several similarities with Fire Emblem but was designed to be part Digimon and part DAD that had a Modern Setting and the main villains 3 most loyal, not most powerful, lieutenants all had a variant of the same code of honor. What do you think of it?

    The Code of Honor that was held by A Good Myoitismon of A Alternate Reality in which The Digidestined were bad that by coincidence was comparable with A Member of The Haradrin that survives and is playable forced him to try and limit deaths among his homelands civilians

    The Code of Honor that was held by A Version of Pixiemon that was A misguided enemy that turned good that by coincidence was comparable with A Camus that definitely survives and is A Allied Unit in the final battle forces him to try and limit all deaths among those from his homeland, not just civilians

    The Code of Honor that was held by A Good Piedmon of A Alternate Reality  which is a different 1 then the 1 that Good Myotismon is from, in which The Digidestined were bad that by coincidence was comparable with A Medeus that is doing what he's doing because he truly believes that over the coming centuries the benefits to hundreds of millions will be worth the suffering of a couple of million caused by forcefully unifying the world believes that his forces should try to prevent any unnecessary, including those among his enemies

    Just dug up some more notes that show that if this RPG's was A FE Game that its member of The Medeus Archtype would be the only Medeus was misguided and that his very old fashioned way of thinking means that he never even considered trying to unify the world by diplomacy and/or peaceful and that the saddest thing is that if he had tried to unify the world by diplomacy and/or peaceful then at least 60% of the planet would have willingly joined him within 40 months and that within 60 years his descendants would have ruled the world


  8. I had a dream last night about A Fire Emblem Game that combined several parts of Digimon, The Old TV Show Shinzo, Fire Emblem, Harry Potter, Code Lyoko, Jaws and 007 and also introduced Supreme Level Digimon, which are the next level up from Mega's.  Here are several of the main villains and the Fire Emblem Archtype that they belong to. What do you think

    Darksorcerermon. A Digimon Version of Voldemort that is of The Medeus Archtype and is A Supreme Level Digimon

    Destroyermon. A Digimon Version of Xanna that is of The Gharnef Archtype and is A Supreme Level Digimon

    Ryomamom. A Digimon Version of Ryoma from Shinzo that is of The Camus Archtype and is A Supreme Level Digimon

    Jawsmon. A Part-Shark and Part-Human Digimon that draws inspiration from both Jaws from 007 and The Shark from The 4th Jaws Film, is of The Gazzak Archtype and is A Supreme Level Digimon

    Warlordmon. A Evil Version of Mushrambo from Shinzo that is of The Michalis Archtype and is A Supreme Level Digimon

  9. 15 minutes back, as of writing this, I woke up from A Dream about The Fire Emblem Game after Three Houses in which its mentioned that The Games member of The Haradin Archtype was The Kings Younger Brother, he was 26 years his brothers junior, at the time the true villain started his plot the younger brother was 19 and his brother/the king was 45 and the brother is now 41 and his brother/the king, is now 67, that means that everyone figured that The King would die childless but The Games member of The Gharnef Archtype, who is also both The Series first Female member of The Gharnef Archtype, used Dark Magic to impregnate The Kings Wife then use more Dark Magic to turn The Kings Brother against The King, then used yet more Dark to make The Kings Brother fall in love with her and then used yet more to ensure that she got pregnant with The Child of The Kings Brother and all so that, she hoped, 1 way or the other her descendants would rule the world 

    Also not is she is The Series first Female member of The Gharnef Archtype, she's also the first Gharnef 1 to be related to royalty, even if only by adoption, she is the only Gharnef to have been manipulated by The character who is of The Michalis Archtype rather then being the 1 manipulating him, she's the first Gharnef to be related to The Member of The Camus Archtype, this time by her older Sisters marriage to him, and she is the first 1 member of The Gharnef Archtype, to truly, but wrongly, believes that many centuries from now what she is doing will be in the benefit all life in The World and that includes both humans, sentient species that are human, animals, nature and the environment

    So what  do you think of this Dream about The Plot of A New Fire Emblem Game?

  10. I've just dug up the notes on a few more Digimon from my old RPG. Here they are. What do you think?

    Outlawmon -The Rookie Form of The Champion Level Digimon Rangermon, Rangermon -A Champion Level Digimon who is A Digimon Version of Robinhood, Crusadermon -The Ultimate Form of The Champion Level Digimon Knightmon, Magmamon -The Mega Form The Champion Level Digimon Meramon and A Digimon Version of Magmar from Pokemon, Paladinmon -The Mega Form of The Champion Level Digimon Knightmon, Suprememon -A Mega Level Digimon and A Digimon Version of Superman and Darkdragonmon -A Mega Level Digimon who is A Digimon Version of Medeus from Fire Emblem,

  11. Does anyone know if The Episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 that had The Terror Toad in it was first shown or Christmas Day? or whether I first saw it on Christmas Day?. I'm asking due to the fact that prior to The 2-part Final Episode of Wild Force it was my favorite ever episode,  prior to The Episode of Dino Thunder were Tommy becomes The Black Dino Ranger it was in my top 5 episodes and it is still in my top 11 Episodes

  12. What are your thoughts on this old Pokemon Dream of mine? and despite the fact that what happened in the dream is a rip-off of sorts of Bio-Merge Digivolution from Digimon Season Three it isn't 1 as such and that's cos I didn't see even 1 Episode of Digimon Season 3 until Summer 2,011, roughly 10 years after it was first shown, and had this dream in Spring 2,009. Sorry about initially posting the wrong time period

    It is a lovely day in the hills and Ash, Dawn and Brock are having a lovely day sunbathing 

    When they come across a cave in the hill-side, they decide to go inside and they discover a large chest


    They open it and they find it is full of crystals


    Curious sort that he is Ash picks one up and it glows with a strange light.


    Well when the light is gone Ash and Pikachu are gone but in there place stands a new being


    It is A large yellow skinned humanoid. Who has jagged thunderbolt like markings on his chest and has a helmet like thing were his head was, a massive thunderbolt like horn on its head, thunder bolt shaped claws on each of his hands, a thunderbolt like tail and a thunderbolt like thing jutting out of each of his knees


    Then Ash looks in a pool of cleat water, he gets the shock of his life and he drops the crystal in shock


    Then there is another strange light around them and Ash and Pikachu are back to the way they where


    Realizing the strange power of these crystals


    Ash and Co leave and quickly


    Luckily for them, Team rocket has not found out about this, so everyone goes on there way and everythings fine

  13. Here's some information on A FE RPG I've joined and so far we've only done 1 mission of sorts, which was go to A yearly event were most people their are Mercenaries looking for work, Mercenary Leaders looking for good men, rich men and nobles looking for useful Mercenaries to hire, street kids, other orphans and other homeless people hoping to get rich and famous by becoming mercenaries and this is how they are now. So what are your thoughts on The FE RPG that I have joined?


    My characters

    A lot of them are named after several of my favorites from The Code Lyoko Cartoon Show

    Saying that though most are from Fan-Made Code Lyoko Stories


    Several are named after Npcs from A 1st edition Dungeons and Dragons Campaign I ran between 2,003 and 2,008

    The Leader


    Its pounced Erin but spelt Erinn

    Basic background stuff

    He is the oldest son and heir of his homelands king

    But as barring his father being assassinated or suffering a similar untimely death my character won’t be king for a estimated minimum of 20 years


    That is why my character decided that to get some excitement in his life he took to wandering disguised as A Common Leader of Mercenaries

    Level, class and stats

    He is A Level 14 Mercenary. C with Swords. His official stats are 26Hp, Str 14, Mag 2, Skill 15, Spd 14, Lck 10, Def 12 and Res 5

    His 2 new stats are INT 14 and CHA 12

    The Skill he starts with is Attack of Opportunity -if he chooses to Wait then he can attack 1 foe per turn that passes within 3 Foot of him

    His official growth rates are Hp 80%, Str 70%, Mag 20%, Skill 65%, Spd 60%, Lck 35%, Def 50% and Res 25%

    His 2 new stats growth rates are INT 55% and CHA 40%

    Starting stuff

    His personal weapon

    The Axe-Blade -this weapons stats are Mt 9, Hit 100, Crit 9, RNG 1, as its enchantments mean any member of my characters family can use it its WT is always the same as the current Users Str, which means its WT is 14, it is effective against mounted units and being part Sword and Part Axe no matter what melee weapon his foes use he never fights at A Weapon Triangle Disadvantage but he also never gains Weapon Triangle Advantage


    1 Bronze Sword, 1 Armourslayer, 1 Herb, 1 Light Rune, 1 Pure Water and 1 Torch

    His Offensive abilites

    Atk 23, Hit 130, Crit 16, AS 14, Ddg 10 and Avoid 38

    The Orfey



    Background stuff

    She is A new edition to The Elite Forces of The Mercenary Leaders Homeland and its king/The Leader of these Mercenaries Father, has secretly ordered her to keep him/The Leader/Her Homelands Future King, safe

    Level, class and stats

    She is A Level 15 Mage. Level 2 Sage. B with Fire. C with Wind. C with Thunder. D with Staffs. Her official stats are 32Hp, Str 4, Mag 15, Skill 14, Spd 17, Lck 11, Def 6 and Res 14

    His 2 new stats are INT 11 and CHA 14

    The Skill she starts with is MAG Type Deadly Aim -when using any Tome at RNG 2 or greater she has the option to either do +2 damage but at a cost of -10% to her Hit Rate or gain +10% to her Hit Rate but at a cost of doing -2 damage

    For promoting to Sage she gains The Skill Flanking -if another of my units has attacked the same enemy in the same turn she gains +3 each to Str, Skill and Spd

    Her official growth rates are Hp 60%, Str 5%, Mag 55%, Skill 45%, Spd 45%, Lck 25%, Def 10% and Res 40%

    Her 2 new stats growth rates are INT 35% and CHA 25%

    Starting stuff

    1 Elthunder Tome, 1 Fire Tome, 1 Wind Tome, 1 Devil Lance, 1 Herb, 1 Pure Water and 1 Master Chest Key

    Her offensive abilities

    Atk 21, Hit 110, Crit 12, AS 17-2 or 15, Ddg 11 and Avoid 41



    1 Archer



    Basic background stuff

    Daughter of The Mayor of and The Village Priestess of A Remote Mountain Village, older sister of The Cleric and inherited her Fathers Archery Skills

    She is A Level 9 Archer. B with Bows. Her official stats are 24Hp, Str 11, Mag 2, Skill 14, Spd 13, Lck 7, Def 9 and Res 6

    Her 2 new stats are INT 11 and CHA 13

    Her official growth rates are Hp 70%, Str 50%, Mag 20%, Skill 60%, Spd 65%, Lck 25%, Def 60% and Res 35%

    Her 2 new stats growth rates are INT 55% and CHA 40%

    The Skill she starts with is Attack of Opportunity -if she chooses to Wait then she can attack 1 foe per turn that passes within 3 Foot of him

    Starting stuff

    1 Iron Bow, 1 Herb, 1 Concoction, 1 Door Key and 1 Vulnerary

    Her Offensive abilities

    Atk 16, Hit 119, RNG 2, Crit 7, AS 13, Ddg 7 and Avoid 33

    1 Cleric



    Basic background stuff

    Daughter of The Mayor of and The Village Priestess of A Remote Mountain Village, younger sister of The Archer and inherited her Mothers Clerical Skills

    She is A Level 9 Cleric. C with Staffs. C with Light. Her official stats are 21Hp, Str 3, Mag 12, Skill 9, Spd 11, Lck 12, Def 5 and Res 16

    Her 2 new stats are INT 12 and CHA 11

    Her official growth rates are Hp 60%, Str 25%, Mag 70%, Skill 35%, Spd 50%, Lck 65%, Def 20% and Res 80%

    Her 2 new stats growth rates are INT 55% and CHA 40%

    The Skill she starts with is Herbal Heal -if she spends a turn on A Forest or Plains Tile then she gathers enough Herbs that the next time she heals it has the same effect as her equipped staff but without using it 

    Starting stuff

    1 Ellight Tome, 1 Mend Staff, 1 Herb, 1 Panacea and 1 Heal Staff

    Her Offensive abilities

    Atk 17, Hit 105, RNG 1-2, Crit 9, AS 11-3 or 8, Ddg 12 and Avoid 28

    1 Axe Cavalier



    Basic background stuff

    Son of The Brother of The Thief. His father was just past his 16th birthday when his Brother/The Thief was born, and Kai is 11 days older then his uncle

    He is A Level 9 Axe Cavalier. B with Axes. His official stats are 24Hp, Str 12, Mag 3, Skill 11, Spd 13, Lck 6, Def 12 and Res 3

    His 2 new stats are INT 11 and CHA 12

    His official growth rates are Hp 65%, Str 60%, Mag 20%, Skill 70%, Spd 80%, Lck 35%, Def 50% and Res 25%

    His 2 new stats growth rates are INT 55% and CHA 40%

    The Skill he starts with is Desert Rider -when crossing Desert Terrain the penalty he suffers to his MOV drops from -3 to -2

    Starting stuff

    1 Iron Axe, 1 Herb, 1 Pure Water and 1 Concoction

    His offensive abilities

    Atk 20, Hit 103, RNG 1, Crit 5, AS 13, Ddg 6 and Avoid 32

    1 Knight



    Basic background stuff

    The son of A Famous Sage who ended up being A Knight with no potential to be A Mage, as a result was disowned and took to travelling the world as A Lance-for-hire

    He is A Level 11 Knight. B with Lances. His official stats are 36Hp, Str 15, Mag 3, Skill 12, Spd 9, Lck 11, Def 16 and Res 6

    His 2 new stats are INT 11 and CHA 8

    His official growth rates are Hp 65%, Str 70%, Mag 20%, Skill 60%, Spd 35%, Lck 65%, Def 80% and Res 25%

    His 2 new stats growth rates are INT 55% and CHA 40%

    The Skill he starts with is Forest Forager -if he is in A Forest he has the option to forage for edible fungus that he can either eat, which restores between 4Hp and 12Hp or he can keep it and sell it for between 120 Gold and 250 Gold

    Starting stuff

    1 Iron Lance, 1 Herb, 1 Master Key, 1 Vulnerary and 1 Chest Key

    His Offensive abilities

    Atk 22, Hit 107, RNG 1, Crit 6, AS 9, Ddg 9 and Avoid 29

    1 Thief



    Uncle of The Sword Knight. His brother was just past his 16th birthday when he was born and his nephew is 11 days older then him

    He is A Level 11 Thief. B with Swords. His official stats are 31Hp, Str 13, Mag 6, Skill 20, Spd 20, Lck 16, Def 10 and Res 6

    `His 2 new stats are INT 13 and CHA 10

    The Skill he starts with is Master Backstabber -if he attacks from The Side opposite of what his foe is facing/so if the foe is facing north he attacks from the south, he does extra damage equal to his level and adds double his level to both his chance to hit and his chance to critical

    His official growth rates are Hp 65%, Str 60%, Mag 20%, Skill 70%, Spd 80%, Lck 50%, Def 35% and Res 25%

    His 2 new stats growth rates are INT 55% and CHA 40%

    Starting stuff

    1 Kris Knive, 1 Herb, 1 Master Key, 1 Vulnerary and 1 Chest Key

    Offensive stuff

    His Atk is only(?) 13 but his attacks completely ignores his targets Def Stat, Hit 116, RNG 1, Crit 20, AS 20, Ddg 16 and Avoid 56

    1 Warlock




    A young Warlock who lost her last job after grassing her boss up as A Worshipper of Evil but couldn’t prove it, as she’s A Commoner no one other then The Pegasus Knight who was her only friend believed her, the 2 fled in fear of their lives


    I met the 2 and recruited them both after they took part in A Yearly Event were Mercenary Leaders look for new Followers and Mercenaries look for work and this regardless of if their veteran s, fully trained, rookies or wannabe’s

    She is A Level 13 Druid. Level 3 Warlock. B with Dark. D with Fire. Her official stats are 32Hp, Str 10, Mag 22, Skill 12, Spd 13, Lck 7, Def 9 and Res 17

    Her 2 new stats are INT 18 and CHA 14

    The Skill she started with is Run -if he chooses to wait then she can move A 2nd time and if I use A Heron or Bard she would be able to move A 3rd time

    At level 15 she gained Night Power -during the hours of darkness she gains +20%, +3 Mt, +5 Crit and +5 Avoid

    When becoming A Warlock she gained Drain -everytime she kills A Foe she regains Hp equal to 1 3rd The Hp her foe had left when he/she died

    Her official growth rates are Hp 60%, Str 20%, Mag 70%, Skill 50%, Spd 55%, Lck 35%, Def 25% and Res 65%

    Her 2 new stats growth rates are INT 40% and CHA 40%

    Starting stuff

    1 Twilight Tome, 2 Herbs, 2 Torch’s, 1 Master Key, 1 Vulnerary and 1 Chest Key

    Offensive stuff

    Her Atk may only(?) by 22 but her attacks completely ignores her targets Res Stat, Hit 96, RNG 1-2, Crit 21, AS 13, Ddg 7 and Avoid 33

    1 Pegasus Knight




    A young Pegasus who lost her last job after The Warlock Darini who was her best friend grassed up their up as A Worshipper of Evil but couldn’t prove it, as Darini’s A Commoner no one Voree believed her and the 2 fled in fear of their lives


    I met the 2 and recruited them both after they took part in A Yearly Event were Mercenary Leaders look for new Followers and Mercenaries look for work and this regardless of if their veteran s, fully trained, rookies or wannabe’s

    She is A Level 18 Pegasus Knight. A with Lances. Her official stats are 30Hp, Str 16, Mag 4, Skill 17, Spd 20, Lck 18, Def 11 and Res 18

    Her 2 new stats are INT 15 and CHA 18

    The Skill she started with is Healing Touch -after every game if she was not badly injured then she can heal the locals, which will net me between 100 Gold and 200 Gold

    At level 15 she gained Rapid Descent -when attacking if the tile she started on was A Cliff or A Hill Type Terrain then she gains +20%, +3 Mt, +5 Crit and +5 Avoid

    Her official growth rates are Hp 55%, Str 45%, Mag 25%, Skill 65%, Spd 70%, Lck 60%, Def 35% and Res 50%

    Her 2 new stats growth rates are INT 40% and CHA 40%

    Starting stuff

    1 Silver Lance, 2 Herbs, 2 Torch’s, 1 Master Key, 1 Vulnerary and 1 Chest Key

    Offensive stuff

    Atk 29, Hit 127, RNG 1, Crit 8, AS 20, Ddg 18 and Avoid 58

    The Ex Slaves whose freedom I bought and who now fight for me to both return the favor and pay off their debt

    The Bard



    Basic background stuff

    A Wandering Bard who shortly after retiring from The Army was kidnapped, no one paid his ransom and he ended up being sold into Slavery

    He is A Level 17 Bard. A with Daggers. Her official stats are 26Hp, Str 10, Mag 16, Skill 15, Spd 16, Lck 24, Def 9 and Res 17

    His 2 new stats are INT 12 and CHA 17

    His official growth rates are Hp 50%, Str 35%, Mag 65%, Skill 60%, Spd 65%, Lck 70%, Def 25% and Res 80%

    His 2 new stats growth rates are INT 45% and CHA 35%

    The Skill that he starts with are Greater Perform -lets 1 adjacent unit both move again and attack again and Forage -he can forage for edible foods that as we don’t have to buy as much food nets us another 140 Gold to 260 Gold

    Starting stuff

    1 Flame Shuriken, 1 Iron Shuriken, Herb, 1 Anti-Toxin, 1 Pure Water and 1 Torch

    His offensive abilities

    Atk 24, Hit 129, Rng 1-2, Crit 12, AS 16, Ddg 24 and Avoid 56 and his attacks do magical damage

    1 Soldier



    Basic background stuff

    A Wandering Soldier who shortly after retiring from The Army was kidnapped, no one paid his ransom and he ended up being sold into Slavery

    He is A Level 17 Soldier. A with Lances. His official stats are 36Hp, Str 18, Mag 5, Skill 17, Spd 17, Lck 15, Def 16 and Res 9

    His 2 new stats are INT 13 and CHA 15

    His official growth rates are Hp 65%, Str 60%, Mag 20%, Skill 70%, Spd 80%, Lck 35%, Def 50% and Res 25%

    His 2 new stats growth rates are INT 35% and CHA 45%

    The Skills that he starts with are Gamble -I can choose to drop his Hit rate by half and if I do he double’s his chance of A Critical Hit and Prepare Herbal Medicines -if he spends 1 turn of A Forest Tile then at any point in the current game then 1 adjacent unit regains up to 10Hp

    Starting stuff

    1 Iron Great-Lance, 1 Javelin, 1 Herb, 1 Anti-Toxin, 1 Pure Water and 1 Torch

    His offensive abilities

    Atk 27, Hit 114, Rng 1, Crit 8, AS 17, Ddg 15 and Avoid 49

    Former Street-Kids

    Group 1

    It consists of 3 Level 4 Sell-Swords/trainee tier Myrmidons


    They are all as follows


    Sen, Ray and Estie


    Street-Kids that along with several of their friends I saved from forced into Slavery then found all their friends a good home, after which they returned the favor by joining me and over the coming years so will several of their friends

    They are Level 4 Sell-Swords. Their official stats are 16Hp, Str 6, Mag 0, Skill 10, Spd 9, Lck 6, Def 2 and Res 2

    All of their new stats are INT 12 and CHA 12

    All of their official growth rates are Hp 70%, Str 65%, Mag 25%, Skill 70%, Spd 80%, Lck 40%, Def 50% and Res 40%

    All of their 2 new stats growth rates are INT 50% and CHA 55%

    The Skill they all start with is Aptitude -this gives +15% to all of the users stat growths

    Starting stuff

    They all have 1 Bronze Sword, 1 Herb, 1 Vulnerary and 1 Torch

    Their offensive abilities

    They all have offensive abilities of Atk 11, Hit 118, Rng 1, Crit 5, AS 9, Ddg 6 and Avoid 24




    She is A Raven Laguz


    A Young Adult, for A Raven Laguz, that I saved from a beating by racists that would likely have ended in her either being dead, crippled or forced into slavery and she returns the favor by fighting for me

    She is A Level 7 Raven. C with Strike. Her official stats are 35Hp, Str 11, Mag 7, Skill 12, Spd 13, Lck 12, Def 9 and Res 11 when untransformed and 35Hp, Str 17, Mag 11, Skill 18, Spd 20, Lck 12, Def 14 and Res 17

    Her new stats are INT 9 and CHA 11 when untransformed and INT 14 and Ch 17 when transformed

    Her official growth rates are Hp 65%, Str 60%, Mag 25%, Skill 70%, Spd 80%, Lck 25%, Def 35% and Res 50%

    Her 2 new stats growth rates are INT 35% and CHA 45%

    The Skill that she starts with is Fast Strike -in every battle the first time she attacks a foe she gain +15% to hit, +10% Avoid and +3% Crit

    Starting stuff

    1 C Rank Beak, 1 Herb, 1 Anti-Toxin, 1 Pure Water and 1 Torch

    Her offensive abilities

    When untransformed she has Atk 11, Hit 101, Rng 1, Crit 6, AS 12, Ddg 12 and Avoid 36 and when transformed she has Atk 16, Hit 133, Rng 1, Crit 9, AS 20, Ddg 12 and Avoid 52

    Their base

    It is A Very Large Army Surplus Fort that has semi-luxurious furnishings, could comfortably hold a group triple the size of my starting group and at a extreme push could only just a group five times the size of my starting group

    It can and does hold enough very good quality Mares to, if needed, allow the entire current group and up to 8 more members to mount up and escape,

    The Mercenaries also have access to rights to fish in the nearby rivers, to hunt in the nearby forests, the right to the occasional row-boat trip down a river and in return for free protection from bandits the locals give them free food and drink

    There is areas of training, keeping fit, relaxation, recreation, none alcoholic drinks and for assessing the abilities of potential new recruits

    Potential new recruits can be wandering Mercenaries, villagers looking to get rich, children of poor families offered as new recruits in the hope they’ll have a better life and other sources

    All The Mercenaries have good accommodation, access to fairly good quality fitness, recreational, reading and magical entertainment facilities, get access to decent quality magical healing, good quality healing via herbs with medical uses and as much time to themselves as possible


    It also has a magic chest in it through which The Leaders Father sends him per month to pay his mercenaries 10% more per month then normal and has enough left over to still hire 4 more unpromoted units and 1 promoted unit



    7D6+2x1,000 Gold or 33,000 Gold to spend on buying Slaves to free on condition that they fight for me


    2D6x1,000 Gold or 8,000 Gold for other stuff



    Other stuff of use relating to income and/or recruiting


    When it comes to sources of troops of more often then not average quality, almost never higher then very good quality and never more then 2 of high quality per 5 years a source of fairly cheap troops can be that Slavery is legal in 3 of The 4 Neighboring Countries

    That is a source because there is the option to buy Slaves in them but before I buy them I do a deal that in return they work for me till the monthly wages that they’ve forfeited 85% of has paid off their debt


    Another source from that is find people that are heavily in debt and facing debt-related slavery and pay off their debt/debts but at least 1 of the family must fight for me and if possible at least 1 other work even if as A Cook or Cleaner or something similar till the monthly wages that they’ve forfeited 85% of has paid off their debt


    With regards to potential and/or definite sources of income the group is lucky enough to have 2 and while their only 1 Good Income Source and 1 Low Income Source they are secure enough that barring some unforeseeable catastrophe they’ll never run out

    The Good Income Source and The Low Income Source turn out to not only be both related business’s but they are both on the same business property

    By that I mean that they are both A Riding Stables, that The Good Income is generated by The 3 Female and 1 Male Large White Colts that they use to breed for young to sell to the children of Merchants and Nobility and The Low Income Source is providing lessons in Horse Riding that less rich people can pay for with services in kind

    With regards to 3 Female and 1 Male Large White Colts mentioned above I’ll admit that despite the fact that in the real-world A Colt refers to A Certain Age Group that applies to all horses in the setting it is the biggest A Species of Small Horse in The World

    Before The Campaign started my character had, by various entirely legal means, earned him and his company netted 2,300+4D6+2x80 or 2,300 +17x80 or 2,300 +1,760 or 4,060 Gold Coins


    Between every battle it nets me 4D6+2x10 Gold and every 4th year it nets me 1 horse that is both fully grown and fully trained

    Other stuff worth mentioning


    I choose to use all of my characters 33,000 Gold Coins to recruit by buying the freedom of A now Ex Slave or 2 that would be of great use to me as they’d be very loyal to me and would have the bonus of costing me little if anything for quite a few years

    My character choose rolls on The GM’s Tables I spend 16,500 Gold Coins x2 or 16,500 Gold Coins and my character bought The Freedom of 2 now Ex Slaves that are both Level 13

    All in all that netted me A Level 10 Soldier and A Level 10 Bard both of which are 1st Tier Classes, they have 1 initial Skill and 2 more Skills but none of the 3 can be had without having to meet requirements to have and 1 Level 4 and 1 Level 5 Abilities

    My character persuaded his father/his homelands ruler, to pay for them to be fairly heavily equipped, so The Bard who has A B with Daggers starts with 1 C and 1 D Rank Daggers, 1 Herb and 1 Torch and The Soldier starting with A with Lances, 1 B and 1 E Rank Lances, 1 Herb and 1 Chest Key


    In the end The Soldier starts with 1 Iron Great-Lance, 1 Javelin, 1 Herb, 1 Anti-Toxin, 1 Pure Water and 1 Torch and The Bard starts with 1 Flame Shuriken, 1 Iron Shuriken, Herb, 1 Anti-Toxin, 1 Pure Water and 1 Torch

    The missions


    Attending a tournament

    Just a standard tournament held yearly

    Its unique in that only Professional Mercenaries, those that want to work as Mercenaries and those that want to become Mercenaries can take part

    It’s a good way to get money and experance by winning tests of Skill and to find those that want to work as Mercenaries and those that want to become Mercenaries for far less then normal

    Not to mention it’s a good way to get Professional Mercenaries and you almost always get what you pay for

    Those Mercenaries that have A Base and can afford it can pay to have upgrades to their base

    They can also get rare and exotic treats, foods, drinks, treats and Animals, including Falconoids, which are A Version of A Pegasus that Men can ride

    As Mercenaries get decent quality food, drink and accommodation during it it’s a good way to relax

    Their will easily be a dozen or so and possibly as many as 2 and half to 3 dozen or so people looking for Elite Mercenaries


    All in all it’s a great event for any Mercenary to go to and relax for a week or 2


    On I go

    Doing stuff at the event

    We take part in a lot of tests of Skill

    We win more then half the 1’s we take part in

    The Sage gains 1 Level

    All my other characters, even The Cleric, gain 4 levels

    Over a period of the 2 weeks I make a total of a total 25 massive winning bets made with bookies wins  me a profit of 54,530 Gold

    That gives me 58,590 Gold


    I use most of that to hire 1 Level 13 Shaman/Level 3 Warlock for 22,000 Gold and 1 Level 18 Pegasus Rider for 22,000 Gold


    During those 12 days I had 2 unusual events

    The 1st was A 44 then A 6 then A 3

    So I rescued A Group of Street-Kids that are in their mid-teens from being forced into Slavery

    As I made sure that they are taken in by A Church that will look after them then donated 12,000 Gold to that church I have the favor of The Street Kids

    That leaves my character with 2,590 Gold

    It also earns my character 2 very big 2-part bonuses


    In both case the 1st part of both bonuses takes effect immediately and the 2nd part of both bonuses  will take place over several years

    The 1st bonus

    This means that I gain 1 group of 1D3 or 3 Sell-Swords/trainee tier version of Myrmidons, that are all Level 2D2 or Level 4

    Luckily though despite only being the trainee tier version of Myrmidons A 1D20 roll of A 17 shows that they as good at Level 4 Sell-Swords as Myrmidons are at Level 1

    The 2nd bonus

    Every 1D3 years more of those that were once Street Kids will join me, although eventually it will be friends of theirs and even later friend of their friends

    This means that every 1D3 years my Mercenary Unit will gain 1 group of 3 Sell-Swords/trainee tier version of Myrmidons, that are all Level 3

    Like I said earlier luckily though despite only being the trainee tier version of Myrmidons A 1D20 roll of A 17 shows that they as good at Level 4 Sell-Swords as Myrmidons are at Level 1

    Due to the fact the unique Skill that all of them have no matter how many groups of 3 I get all 3 members of every group will all gain the same experance and have the same levels up


    That is only within each group and not in total. For example at every The 2nd group of 3 will have different stats and abilities as each other but not the same as The 1st group

    The 2nd event

    A 22

    I see A Laguz being picked on by armed racists

    2 1D6 rolls of A 3 show that it is A Raven Laguz

    A roll of A 4 shows that I step in and save her

    For my reward I roll A 5 on 1D6,  then I roll A 7 on 3D3 then another 5 on 1D6

    This this means that I am joined by A Raven Laguz who is A Level 7 Raven Laguz whose Strike Rank is 1.5 Ranks higher then normal


    As she is A Level 7 Raven Laguz whose Strike Rank is 1.5 Ranks higher then normal that means that her Strike Rank is A C that is 86% of the way to being A B

  14. 5 minutes ago my cousin told me that she got most of the feathers by sending home almost all of the units she got over the last few weeks and got the rest by grinding Hero Merit and said that when she said she cheated she mean something that she normally considers cheating. Also in the last 4 hours she's beat all of Book 3, all released parts of Book 4 and a lot of  Paralogues, has netted another 40 Orbs and including The 10 Units that she summoned with those 40 Orbs she has gained in only 12 hours

    For her 1 Free Summons she got A Spd+ and Def- Eldegard and her others were 4 4 Star Regular Roys, 4 4 Star Gunters, 3 4 Star Odains, 3 4 Star Draugs, 3 4 Star Mustafa’s, 2 4 Star Serra’s, 2 3 Star Laslows, 2 4 Star Stalh’s, 2 4 Star Mae's, 2 4 Star Selena’s, 2 3 Star Lucius, 2 3 Star Regular Nino’s, 2 5 Star Eirs, 2 4 Star Echinda’s, 2 4 Star Legaults, 2 5 Star Fiora’s, 2 3 Star Eliwoods, 2 3 Star Matilda’s, 1 4 Star Hawkeye, 1 3 Star Chrom, 1 5 Star Eldegard, 1 4 Star Robin, 1 5 Star Fjorm, 1 5 Star Thasir, 1 4 Star Sword Reinhardt, 1 3 Star Ross, 1 3 Star Jagen, 1 5 Star Lelia, 1 5 Star Althena, 1 4 Star Norne, 1 5 Star Jagen, 1 4 Star Sylvain, 1 4 Star Rath, 1 5 Star Rath, 1 4 Star Raven, 1 5 Star Raven, 1 5 Star Legendary Ike, 1 5 Star Gunter, 1 5 Star Altina, 1 5 Star Female Corrin, 1 5 Star Legendary Roy, 1 5 Star Chrom, 1 5 Star Matilda, 1 4 Star Priscillia, 1 5 Star Legendary Tiki, 1 4 Star Serra, 1 5 Star Echinda, 1 5 Star Mustafa, 1 5 Star Reyson and 1 5 Star Barte

  15. 7 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Is it possible that she was getting those feathers by sending home unwanted units? Or by grinding Hero Merit, possibly with the aid of a macro? Macros for easier grinding are, to my understanding, the closest thing to a "cheat" this game currently has. 

    Definitely possible but I honestly don't know whether its a actual cheat or only something that she considers a cheat, I'm merely asking your opinion on what she claims to have done and have posted what she claims to have done

  16. 5 minutes ago, Othin said:

    I think any money spent on this game is wasted. As far as I can tell, it does not increase the enjoyment or satisfaction people get from it. 

    Barracks are a good investment, although even after three and a half years, I haven't found myself even needing to go up to 900 yet.

    Upgrading characters to 5* with feathers isn't a cheat, it's just standard procedure for any lower rarity unit you want to use for... basically anything.

    I mean that she claims to have used a cheat she created to get the exact number of feathers that she needed for what she intended to do with them?

  17. My cousin claims that a few weeks back she decided to download Fire Emblem Heroes onto her IPad and that today she decided to use a large part of the £1,000 that she won on A Scratch Card on Monday The 27/7/2,020 in the hope that even from the very start of the game would give her  a super-powerful team that she hoped would make most of the game a piece of cask and even though she won't need a barracks that big for months she used most of her remaining cash to get enough to be capable of holding 1,000 units, she then purchased 260 Orbs that she used to summon 13 lots of 5 Heroes, also got 1 Free Summons, all on the new banner, she got the following characters and she also claims to have used A Cheat of her own creation to get enough Feathers to increase The Star Rank of quite a lot of her units. So assuming that she's not trying to make me look daft by lying to me how crazy do you think her decision was?

    For her 1 Free Summons she got A Spd+ and Def- Eldegard and her others were 4 4 Star Gunters, 3 4 Star Odains, 3 4 Star Draugs, 3 4 Star Mustafa’s, 2 3 Star Laslows, 2 4 Star Stalh’s, 2 4 Star Mae's, 2 4 Star Selena’s, 2 3 Star Lucius, 2 3 Star Regular Nino’s, 2 5 Star Eirs, 2 4 Star Echinda’s, 2 4 Star Legaults, 2 5 Star Fiora’s, 2 3 Star Eliwoods, 2 3 Star Matilda’s, 1 4 Star Hawkeye, 1 3  Star Chrom, 1 5 Star Eldegard, 1 4 Star Robin, 1 5 Star Fjorm, 1 5 Star Thasir, 1 4 Star Sword Reinhardt, 1 3 Star Ross, 1 3 Star Jagen, 1 5 Star Lelia, 1 5 Star Althena, 1 4 Star Norne, 1 5 Star Jagen, 1 4 Star Sylvain, 1 4 Star Rath, 1 5 Star Rath, 1 4 Star Raven, 1 5 Star Raven, 1 5 Star Legendary Ike, 1 5 Star Gunter, 1 5 Star Altina, 1 5 Star Female Corrin, 1 5 Star Legendary Roy, 1 5 Star Chrom, 1 5 Star Matilda, 1 4 Star Priscillia, 1 5 Star Legendary Tiki and 1 5 Star Barte

  18. Earlier today I found 2 lots of notes I'd made years ago for A RPG that combined Digimon and Pokemon and that after Gen 6 introduced The Fairy Type several of these Digimon had changed type. Here are a selection of my favorite changes. What do you think of these type changes?, also I've forgotten the actual names of several of these Digimon and have had to describe them

    Wizardmon went from A Physic Type to A Physic/Fairy Type, Renamon went from A Fighting Type to A Fighting/Fairy Type, Hawkmon when Armour-Digivolved with The Digi-Egg of Reliability(name forgot) also went from A Fighting Type to A Fighting/Fairy Type, Piedmon went from A Physic/Fighting Type to A Physic/Fairy Type, Puppetmon went from A Grass/Dark Type to A Grass/Fairy Type, Renamon's Champion Form(name forgot) went from A Fire Type to A Fire/Fairy Type, Etemon went from A Fighting Type to A Fighting/Fairy Type, Angewomen went from A Physic/Flying Type to A Physic/Fairy Type and The Digimon(name forgot) that looks like A Giant Turkey and almost won by turning The Male Digidestined and their Digimon to stone went from A Dark/Normal Type to A Dark/Fairy Type

  19. How about we each list a change that if we had the chance we would make to 1 of the laws of our homeland. I'm from The UK, England to be exact. Here's mine

    The law I'd change is that when someone is sent a summons to appear in court the authorities don't send it through the post, rather they have someone that they know they can trust deliver it to the person that is being summoned to court, that way people that are either innocent or only committed a minor offence won't get in trouble if the summons gets lost in the post and people that committed a more serious offense can't try to avoid getting in even more trouble by claiming that the summons got lost in the post

  20. Below is A List of all The Digimon I created for A RPG many years ago that was part Digimon and part Pokemon and by sheer coincidence The Mega Forms of both Biomon and Palmon in The RPG I made are identical to The 1's they had in The Digimon Tri Series. Here they are. What do you think?

    The Rookie Level Digimon were Vampmon(Rookie Version of Myotismon), Blackaugumon(Evil Version of Augumon), Dfiremon(Evil Rookie Form of Meramon) and Foxmon(Data Type Version of The Vaccine Type Renamon)

    The Champion Level Digimon were Ghostmon(Good Version of The Evil Bakermon), Darkcatomon(Catomons Evil Form), Devilamon(Angemons Evil Form), ImpmonEL(Impmons Good Champion Form), Dstingmon(Stingmons Evil Champion Form),  Temon(Etemons Champion Form), Dbirdranon(Birdramons Evil Champion Form) and 1 Darkgarurumon(evil version of Garurumon)

    The Ultimate level Digimon were Magnadevilamon(Evil Version of Magnangemon), Ninjarumon(Ultimate Level Version of Shurimon, who is A Armour Digimon), Sorceressmon(Wizardmons Good Ultimate Form), Spectermon(A Date Type Version of Phantomon), Exterminveemon(Veemons normal Ultimate form), Warlockmon(Wizardmons Evil Ultimate Form) and Werewolfmon(Evil version of Weregarurmon)

    The Mega Level Digimon were Aracnidmon(Arukenimon’s Megaform), Tombmon(Mummymons Mega-Form), Warseadramon(Vaccine Type Version of The Data Type Metalseadramon), Warscorpiomon(Scorpiomon’s Mega Form), Rosemon(Palmon’s Mega Form), Terminatorveemon(Veemons Mega Form), Phoenixdramon(Biomons Mega Form), Shadowmon(Evil Mega Form of Shurimon, who is A Armour Digimon and is A Digimon Version of Shadowman from The Cartoon Megaman NT Warrior) and Blackardmon(Wizardmons Evil Mega Form)

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