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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. > Ike getting two SRs. Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Well... We know know 4 of the SR cards (Ike Vanguard, Ike Berserker, Lissa and Eldigan); I wonder who will be the other... 8? The SR are 12 right?
  2. I'm interested in getting WE!Tharja, I'm wondering what I should do with her hehehe.
  3. Oh nice! Younger Elena and Gawain (Greil) when the latter was a Daein's General. I'm surprised to see this, now is easier to picture their younger version with actual official pictures from Kita herself.
  4. I think it was mentioned before, but yeah, they indeed changed the artwork used.
  5. Rika Suzuki, yeah, that is the name I had in mind.
  6. I sometimes I wonder if the Camus archetype is always designed as a pretty character with the intention to make the people feel bad about being unable to play with them... In the other hand the Lorenz is old and wise; it's the kind of character only adult people enjoy.
  7. Is this the same person that drew the Sigurd Art?
  8. I don't belieive that is actually possible xDU... TMS#FE had everything against it to be a failure (bad release time, bad PR, a console so unrelevant to the market that releasing niche titles is a suicide).
  9. A friend had teach me that the Weapon Triangule helps (he is actually kind of fond of the games were the WT isn't that strong, because it makes people think more outside the box); but you need to see the whole picture to know which character is the best to deal with a situation. The stat difference, the movement, the skills they use, you can't win every battle just using the WTA in your advantage.
  10. Well... most of them are... unappealing for the gacha public xD. Why the bow has 15 MT? XD
  11. Yeah, the only characters that doesn't seem affected for their in-game appearance are Berkut, Celica, Alm, Genny and Faye; every other SoV Character in Heroes is a lot less popular than it should be otherwise; specially extreme in cases like Tobin.
  12. They tried to make her good at everything... Ended up mediocre at everything.
  13. The only actually questionable choice here is Lucina (because Marf is a thing); but yeah, I agree, there aren't memes xD
  14. Mathilda (and perphans Tobin too) is probably the character most affected for being underwhelming in Heroes... I guess she will have a better time in a meta everytime turning more and more to the dragon's favor... (with the opposite case being with Celica and Delthea, where recent exposition and great gameplay values actually benefited the characters... And Faye is popular in Japan alongside the already mentioned girls xD.) A lot of the top contenders are characters that people are desperate to see in the game (specially Kliff and Rinea). I'm actually surprised Alm managed to be in the Top 4 Male Overall... I mean, being a balanced character without strenghts other that HP would make him very unappeling.
  15. Yeah, while the world Otaku is ocasionally used as a degorative term, isn't exactly means madness or lack of social qualities... Ah.. BTW... Being a hikikomori and an otaku at the same time is common?
  16. The 6th-8th spots are very close anyway, so I don't feel bad about the small falling (I mean, Nino, Loki and Veronica got some meme bandwagoning that I think it would be predicted thanks to their unexpectedly high mid-term position, in fact, the only one that was above Micaiah since the beginning actually got to the Top 5 overall xD). Yeah, the results are decent I'm okayish with them... if the next FE doesn't released this year, Micaiah would have a chance in the Top 2 after the leaving of Celica and Veronica... People would band wagon pretty much any character that is against Camilla for the Top 2 spot hahaha... The next year unless something happens the competition will be Camilla vs Azura vs Micaiah vs Eirika vs the possible reappareance of Loki vs maybe Nino and/or Tharja.
  17. It would makes sense... I wonder if the new Fire Emblem will be released properly before the CYL3... I mean, that would affect the results a lot. The Top 2 for the next year outside of Marth looks like a complete wild card... I mean, people are purporsly band wagoning characters just to avoid Camilla's victory XD Some times I feel bad that my drawing skills are poor and I can't make proper advertising to Micaiah.
  18. Hector was still in the competition... The next time Eliwood will have proper Blazing Support.
  19. Well... Veronica's victory was probably the biggest twist in FEH's Story ever... damn... This is incredible. I'll still vote for Micaiah for the next CYL, I won't stop unless she wins (in that case I would start to give votes to other my favorite characters like Sophia xD)
  20. It's a bit curious how Micaiah is treated compared with Ike in similar situations. At least the Lucia's rescue was something that Ike expected and was ready for the assault... also, Ike's it's combat ready since 2 years ago... In the other hand Micaiah only would do 1v1 versus the generic soldiers in the beginning because she lacks proper experience... I mean... even Ike gets owned because of lack of experience in PoR.
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